Source code for ck.kernel

# Collective Knowledge (CK)
# See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details
# See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details
# Author and developer: Grigori Fursin

# I have prototyped the CK kernel as a monolithic architecture 
# without object oriented programming and with global variables 
# and a minimal set of common portable functions 
# only because we originally planned to quickly reimplement this kernel
# and all CK modules in a low-level language like C to speed up operations 
# and provide connectors from other languages like Java, C++ and go
# (see my xOpenME library with some CK functions used in Android).
# Another reason was to make it easiers to use CK for researchers
# without strong engineering background and for practitioners 
# with just a few simple CK functions and a human readable JSON I/O. 

# However, since CK is most commonly used as a Python library,
# I believe that we should eventually rewrite it in a pythonic way 
# and with object oriented programming while keeping backward compatibility.
# I call this project the CK2 and plan to work on it 
# when I have more time and funding.

__version__ = "1.17.0"  # We use 3 digits for the main (released) version and 4th digit for development revision
                        # Do not use characters (to detect outdated version)!

# Import packages that are global for the whole kernel
import sys
import json
import os
import imp   # Needed to load CK Python modules from CK repositories

initialized=False      # True if initialized
allow_print=True       # Needed to suppress all output (useful for CK-based web services)
con_encoding=''        # Use non-default console encoding

# This cfg configuration dictionary will be overloaded at run-time
# with meta.json from the CK entry default:kernel:default 
#   (from the "default" CK repository that resides in the CK distro)
# and then from the local:kernel:default 
#    (from a local CK repository that is created during the first CK installation)

      "name":"Collective Knowledge",
      "desc":"exposing ad-hoc experimental setups to extensible repository and big data predictive analytics",
      "cmd":"ck <action> $#module_uoa#$ (cid1/uid1) (cid2/uid2) (cid3/uid3) key_i=value_i ... @file.json",

      "wiki_data_web":"",           # Collective Knowledge Base (ckb)
      "private_wiki_data_web":"",   # Collective Knowledge Base (ckb)

      "help_examples":"  Example of obtaining, compiling and running a shared benchmark on Linux with GCC:\n    $ ck pull repo:ctuning-programs\n    $ ck compile program:cbench-automotive-susan --speed\n    $ ck run program:cbench-automotive-susan\n\n  Example of an interactive CK-powered article:\n\n",
      "help_web":"  Documentation:\n",



#      "default_license":"See CK LICENSE.txt for licensing details",
#      "default_copyright":"See CK COPYRIGHT.txt for copyright details",
#      "default_developer":"cTuning foundation",
#      "default_developer_email":"",
#      "default_developer_webpage":"",


      "error":"CK error: ",
      "json_sep":"*** ### --- CK JSON SEPARATOR --- ### ***",



      "user_home_dir_ext":"CK", # if no path to repos is defined, use user home dir with this extension



      "subdir_ck_ext":".cm", # keep compatibility with Collective Mind V1.x

      "special_directories":[".cm", ".svn", ".git"], # special directories that should be ignored when copying/moving entries

      "ignore_directories_when_archive_repo":[".svn", ".git"], 

      "file_meta_old":"data.json", # keep compatibility with Collective Mind V1.x

      "file_alias_a": "alias-a-", 
      "file_alias_u": "alias-u-",

      "install_ck_as_lib":"python install",




      "detached_console":{"win":{"cmd":"start $#cmd#$", "use_create_new_console_flag":"yes"},
                          "linux":{"cmd":"xterm -hold -e \"$#cmd#$\""}},



      # TODO: remove "http://"?

#      "download_missing_components":"yes",




      "external_editor":{"win":"wordpad $#filename#$",
                         "linux":"vim $#filename#$"},

                         "env_separator": ";" 
               "win":  {
                         "env_separator": "&&"

      "forbid_global_delete": "no", 
      "forbid_global_writing": "no", 
      "forbid_writing_modules": "no", 
      "forbid_writing_to_default_repo": "no", 
      "forbid_writing_to_local_repo": "no", 
      "allow_writing_only_to_allowed": "no", 

      "allow_run_only_from_allowed_repos": "no",

      "use_indexing": "no",

      "internal_keys": [

                            "clone":"git clone $#url#$ $#path#$",
                            "pull":"git pull",
                            "push":"git push",
                            "add":"git add $#files#$",
                            "rm":"git rm -rf $#files#$",
                            "commit":"git commit *",
                            "version":"git --version",
                            "checkout":"git checkout $#id#$"

                 "uid":{"desc":"generate UID", "for_web": "yes"},
                 "version":{"desc":"print CK version", "for_web": "yes"},
                 "python_version":{"desc":"print python version used by CK", "for_web": "no"},
                 "status":{"desc":"check CK version status", "for_web": "yes"},
                 "copy_path_to_clipboard":{"desc":"copy current path to clipboard", "for_web": "no"},

                 "wiki":{"desc":"<CID> open discussion wiki page for a given entry"},           # Collective Knowledge Base (ckb)
                 "pwiki":{"desc":"<CID> open private discussion wiki page for a given entry"}, 

                 "help":{"desc":"<CID> print help about data (module) entry"},
                 "short_help":{"desc":"<CID> print short help about CK"},
                 "webhelp":{"desc":"<CID> open browser with online help (description) for a given CK entry"}, 
                 "webapi":{"desc":"<CID> open browser with online API for a given module"}, 
                 "guide":{"desc":"open CK wiki with user/developer guides"}, 
                 "info":{"desc":"<CID> print help about module"},

                 "browser":{"desc":"start CK web service and open browser"},

                 "add":{"desc":"<CID> add entry", "for_web":"yes"},
                 "update":{"desc":"<CID> update entry", "for_web":"yes"},
                 "load":{"desc":"<CID> load meta description of entry", "for_web": "yes"},
                 "edit":{"desc":"<CID> edit entry description using external editor", "for_web":"no"},

                 "zip":{"desc":"<CID> zip entries", "for_web":"no"},

                 "find":{"desc":"<CID> find path to entry"},
                 "cd":{"desc":"<CID> print 'cd {path to entry}'"},
                 "cdc":{"desc":"<CID> print 'cd {path to entry} and copy to clipboard, if supported"},
                 "path":{"desc":"<CID> detect CID in the current directory"},
                 "cid":{"desc":"<CID> get CID of the current entry"},

                 "rm":{"desc":"<CID> delete entry", "for_web":"yes"},
                 "remove":{"desc":"see 'rm'", "for_web":"yes"},
                 "delete":{"desc":"see 'rm'", "for_web":"yes"},

                 "ren":{"desc":"<CID> <new name) (data_uid) (remove_alias) rename entry", "for_web":"yes"},
                 "rename":{"desc":"see 'ren' function", "for_web":"yes"},

                 "cp":{"desc":"<CID> <CID1> copy entry", "for_web":"yes"},
                 "copy":{"desc":"see 'cp'", "for_web":"yes"},

                 "mv":{"desc":"<CID> <CID1> move entry", "for_web":"yes"},
                 "move":{"desc":"see 'mv'", "for_web":"yes"},

                 "list_files":{"desc":" list files recursively in a given entry", "for_web": "yes"},
                 "delete_file":{"desc":"<file> delete file from a given entry", "for_web":"yes"},

                 "list":{"desc":"<CID> list entries", "for_web": "yes"},
                 "ls":{"desc":"see 'list'", "for_web": "yes"},

                 "search":{"desc":"<CID> search entries", "for_web": "yes"},

                 "pull":{"desc":"<CID> (filename) or (empty to get the whole entry as archive) pull file from entry"},
                 "push":{"desc":"<CID> (filename) push file to entry"},

                 "add_action":{"desc":"add action (function) to existing module"},
                 "remove_action":{"desc":"remove action (function) from existing module"},
                 "list_actions":{"desc":"list actions (functions) in existing module", "for_web":"yes"},

                 "add_index":{"desc":"<CID> add index"},
                 "delete_index":{"desc":"<CID> remove index"},

                 "convert_cm_to_ck":{"desc":"<CID> convert old CM entries to CK entries"},

                 "create_entry":{"desc":"<directory> create an entry for a given directory name"},

                 "get_api":{"desc":"--func=<func> print API of a function in a given module"},

                 "download":{"desc":"<CID> attempt to download entry from remote host (experimental)", "for_web": "yes"},

                 "print_input":{"desc":"prints input"},



      "common_actions":["webhelp", "webapi", "help", "info", "print_input",
                        "path", "find", "cid", "cd", "cdc",
                        "rm", "remove", "delete",
                        "ren", "rename",
                        "cp", "copy",
                        "mv", "move",

      "env_root":"",               # Path to CK installation









paths_repos=[]        # First path to local repo (if exist), than global

cache_repo_init=False # True, if initialized
paths_repos_all=[]    # Path to all repos
cache_repo_uoa={}     # Disambiguate repo UOA to repo UID
cache_repo_info={}    # Cache repo info with path and type

type_long=None        # In Python 3 -> int, in Python 2 -> long
string_io=None        # StringIO, which is imported differently in Python 2 and 3

log_ck_entries=False  # If true, log CK entries to record all dependencies

# Save the CK state
# TARGET: end users

[docs]def save_state(): """Save CK state Target audience: end users FGG: note that in the future we want to implement CK kernel as a Python class where we will not need such save/restore state ... Args: None Returns: (dict): current CK state """ import copy import os r={} r['cfg']=copy.deepcopy(cfg) r['paths_repos']=copy.deepcopy(paths_repos) r['cache_repo_init']=cache_repo_init r['paths_repos_all']=copy.deepcopy(paths_repos_all) r['cache_repo_uoa']=copy.deepcopy(cache_repo_uoa) r['cache_repo_info']=copy.deepcopy(cache_repo_info) r['os.environ']=copy.deepcopy(os.environ) return r
############################################################################## # Restore CK state # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def restore_state(r): """Restore CK state Target audience: end users Args: r (dict): saved CK state Returns: (dict): output from the "init" function """ global initialized, cfg, paths_repos, cache_repo_init, paths_repos_all, cache_repo_uoa, cache_repo_info import copy import os cfg=r['cfg'] paths_repos=r['paths_repos'] cache_repo_init=r['cache_repo_init'] paths_repos_all=r['paths_repos_all'] cache_repo_uoa=r['cache_repo_uoa'] cache_repo_info=r['cache_repo_info'] os.environ=r['os.environ'] initialized=False return init({})
############################################################################## # Reinitialize CK # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def reinit(): """Reinitialize CK Target audience: end users Args: None Returns: (dict): output from the "init" function """ global initialized, paths_repos, cache_repo_init, paths_repos_all, cache_repo_uoa, cache_repo_info initialized=False paths_repos=[] cache_repo_init=False paths_repos_all=[] cache_repo_uoa={} cache_repo_info={} return init({})
############################################################################## # Universal print of unicode string in utf8 that supports Python 2.x and 3.x # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def out(s): """Universal print of a unicode string in UTF-8 or other format Target audience: end users Supports: Python 2.x and 3.x Args: s (str): unicode string to print Returns: None """ if allow_print: if con_encoding=='': x=sys.stdin.encoding if x==None: b=s.encode() else: b=s.encode(x, 'ignore') else: b=s.encode(con_encoding, 'ignore') if sys.version_info[0]>2: try: # We encountered issues on ipython with Anaconda # and hence made this work around sys.stdout.buffer.write(b) sys.stdout.buffer.write(b'\n') except Exception as e: print(s) pass else: print(b) sys.stdout.flush() return None
############################################################################## # Universal debug print of a dictionary (removing unprintable parts) # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def debug_out(i): """Universal debug print of a dictionary while removing unprintable parts Target audience: end users Args: i (dict): dictionary to print Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): 0 """ import copy import json ii={} # Check main unprintable keys for k in i: try: s=json.dumps(i[k]) except Exception as e: pass else: ii[k]=i[k] # Dump out(json.dumps(ii, indent=2)) return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Universal print of unicode error string in utf8 that supports Python 2.x and 3.x to stderr # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def eout(s): """Universal print of a unicode error string in the UTF-8 or other format to stderr Target audience: end users Supports: Python 2.x and 3.x Args: s (str): unicode string to print Returns: None """ if allow_print: if con_encoding=='': x=sys.stdin.encoding if x==None: b=s.encode() else: b=s.encode(x, 'ignore') else: b=s.encode(con_encoding, 'ignore') if sys.version_info[0]>2: try: # We encountered issues on ipython with Anaconda # and hence made this work around sys.stderr.buffer.write(b) sys.stderr.buffer.write(b'\n') except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write(s) pass else: sys.stderr.write(b) sys.stderr.flush() return None
############################################################################## # Universal error print and exit # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def err(r): """Print error to stderr and exit with a given return code Target audience: end users Used in Bash and Python scripts to exit on error Example: import ck.kernel as ck r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':'tmp', 'data_uoa':'some tmp entry'}) if r['return']>0: ck.err(r) Args: r (dict): output dictionary of any standard CK function: - return (int): return code - (error) (str): error string if return>0 Returns: None - exits script! """ import sys rc=r['return'] re=r['error'] out('Error: '+re) sys.exit(rc)
############################################################################## # Universal error print for Jupyter Notebook with raise KeyboardInterrupt # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def jerr(r): """Print error message for CK functions in the Jupyter Notebook and raise KeyboardInterrupt Target audience: end users Used in Jupyter Notebook Example: import ck.kernel as ck r=ck.access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':'tmp', 'data_uoa':'some tmp entry'}) if r['return']>0: ck.jerr(r) Args: r (dict): output dictionary of any standard CK function: - return (int): return code - (error) (str): error string if return>0 Returns: None - exits script with KeyboardInterrupt! """ rc=r['return'] re=r['error'] out('Error: '+re) raise KeyboardInterrupt
############################################################################## # Support function for safe float (useful for sorting function) # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def safe_float(i,d): """Support function for safe float (useful for sorting function) Target audience: end users Args: i (any): variable with any type d (float): default value Returns: (float): returns i if it can be converted to float or d otherwise """ r=d try: r=float(i) except Exception as e: pass return r
############################################################################## # Support function to lower values in a list # # TARGET: internal
[docs]def lower_list(lst): """Support function to convert all strings into lower case in a list Target audience: internal Args: lst (list): list of strings Returns: (list): list of lowercased strings """ nlst=[] for v in lst: nlst.append(v.lower()) return nlst
############################################################################## # Support function for checking splitting entry number # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def get_split_dir_number(repo_dict, module_uid, module_uoa): """Support function for checking splitting entry number Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: repo_dict (dict): dictionary with CK repositories module_uid (str): requested CK module UID module_uoa (str): requested CK module UOA Returns: (int): number of sub-directories for CK entries - useful when holding millions of entries """ # Check if there is a split of directories for this module in local config # to handle numerous entries (similar to MediaWiki) found=False split_dir_number=0 # Check global split for all repositories (in cfg) or for a given repo for xcfg in [cfg, repo_dict]: x=xcfg.get('split_all_dirs','') if x!='': x=safe_int(x,0) if x!=0: found=True split_dir_number=x break # Check split per module if not found: for xcfg in [cfg, repo_dict]: xsplit_dirs=xcfg.get('split_dirs',{}) found=False for m in [module_uid, module_uoa]: x=safe_int(xsplit_dirs.get(m,0),0) if x!=0: split_dir_number=x found=True break if found: break return split_dir_number
############################################################################## # Support function to split entry name (if needed) # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def split_name(name, number): """Support function to split entry name (if needed) Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: name (str): CK entry name number (int): Split number (do not split if 0) Returns: ( name1 (str): first part of splitted name name2 (str): second part of splitted name ) """ sd1=name sd2='' if number!='': number=int(number) if number!=0: if len(name)>number: sd1=name[:number] sd2=name[number:] else: sd1='_' sd2=name return (sd1,sd2)
############################################################################## # Support function for checking whether to index data or not ... # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def index_module(module_uoa, repo_uoa): """Support function for checking whether to index data using ElasticSearch or not ... Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Useful to skip some sensitive data from global indexing. Args: module_uoa (str): CK module UID or alias repo_uoa (str): CK repo UID or alias Returns: (bool): True if needs to index """ ret=True # First check if index the whole repo ir=cfg.get('index_repos',[]) if len(ir)>0 and repo_uoa!='': if repo_uoa in ir: return ret im=cfg.get('index_modules',[]) # Next check if index module (if im is empty index all) if len(im)>0: ret=False if module_uoa in im: ret=True return ret
############################################################################## # Support function for safe int (useful for sorting function) # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def safe_int(i,d): """Support function for safe int (useful for sorting function) Target audience: end users Args: i (any): variable with any type d (int): default value Returns: (int): returns i if it can be converted to int, or d otherwise """ r=d try: r=int(i) except Exception as e: pass return r
############################################################################## # Support function to get value from list without error if out of bounds # (useful for various sorting) # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def safe_get_val_from_list(lst, index, default_value): """Support function to get value from list without error if out of bounds Target audience: end users Useful for sorting functions. Args: lst (list): list of values index (int): index in a list default_value (any): if index inside list, return lst[index] or default value otherwise Returns: (int): returns i if it can be converted to int, or d otherwise """ v=default_value if index<len(lst): v=lst[index] return v
############################################################################## # Support function for safeily kill a given process # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def system_with_timeout_kill(proc): """Support function to safely terminate a given process Target audience: end users Args: proc (obj): process object Returns: None """ # First via psutil (works better on Windows but may not be installed) loaded=True try: import psutil except ImportError: loaded=False pass if loaded: # pragma: no cover try: p=psutil.Process(pid) pc=p.get_children(recursive=True) for px in pc: px.kill() p.kill() except Exception as e: loaded=False pass # Try traditional way if not loaded: try: proc.terminate() except Exception as e: pass return
############################################################################## # Substituting os.system with possibility for time out # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def system_with_timeout(i): """os.system with time out Target audience: end users Args: cmd (str): command line (timeout) (float): timeout in seconds (granularity 0.01 sec) - may cause some overheads ... Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 return_code (int): return code from the os.system call """ import subprocess import time cmd=i['cmd'] rc=0 to=i.get('timeout','') p=subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) if to != '': xto=float(to) t0=time.time() t=0 tx=float(i['timeout']) while p.poll() == None and t<xto: time.sleep(0.1) t=time.time()-t0 if t>=xto and p.poll()==None: system_with_timeout_kill(p) return {'return':8, 'error':'process timed out and had been terminated'} else: p.wait() rc=p.returncode return {'return':0, 'return_code':rc}
############################################################################## # Run command and get stdout # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def run_and_get_stdout(i): """Run command and log stdout and stdout Target audience: end users Args: cmd (list): list of command line arguments, starting with the command itself (shell) (str): if 'yes', reuse shell environment Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 return_code (int): return code from the os.system call stdout (str): standard output of the command stderr (str): standard error of the command """ import subprocess import shlex import platform cmd=i['cmd'] if type(cmd)!=list: # Split only on non-Windows platforms (since Windows takes a string in Popen) if not platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): cmd=shlex.split(cmd) xshell=False if i.get('shell','')=='yes': xshell=True p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=xshell) output, error = p1.communicate() if sys.version_info[0]>2: try: output = output.decode(encoding='UTF-8') except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem encoding stdout ('+format(e)+')'} try: error = error.decode(encoding='UTF-8') except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem encoding stderr ('+format(e)+')'} return {'return':0, 'return_code':p1.returncode, 'stdout':output, 'stderr':error}
############################################################################## # Get value from one dict, remove it from there and move to another # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def get_from_dicts(dict1, key, default_value, dict2, extra=''): """Get value from one dict, remove it from there and move to another Target audience: end users Args: dict1 (dict): first check in this dict (and remove if there) key (str): key in the dict1 default_value (str): default value if not found dict2 (dict): then check key in this dict Returns: (any): value from the dictionary """ value=default_value if key not in dict1: if dict2!=None: value=dict2.get(extra+key, default_value) else: value=dict1[key] del(dict1[key]) if dict2!=None: dict2[extra+key]=value return value
############################################################################## # Convert iso text time to a datetime object # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def convert_iso_time(i): """Convert iso text time to a datetime object Target audience: end users Args: iso_datetime (str): date time as string in ISO standard Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 datetime_obj (obj): datetime object """ t=i['iso_datetime'] import datetime import time dto=None ok=True try: dto=datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") except Exception as e: ok=False pass if not ok: ok=True try: dto=datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") except Exception as e: ok=False pass if not ok: ok=True try: dto=datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") except Exception as e: ok=False pass if not ok: ok=True try: dto=datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H") except Exception as e: ok=False pass if not ok: ok=True try: dto=datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%d") except Exception as e: ok=False pass if not ok: ok=True try: dto=datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m") except Exception as e: ok=False pass if not ok: ok=True try: dto=datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y") except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t parse ISO date time: '+t} return {'return':0, 'datetime_obj':dto}
############################################################################## # Support function for safe convert str to int # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def convert_str_key_to_int(key): """Support function for safe convert str to int Target audience: end users Args: key (str): variable to be converted to int Returns: (int): int(key) if key can be converted to int, or 0 otherwise """ try: return int(key) except ValueError: return 0
############################################################################## # Universal input of unicode string in utf8 that supports Python 2.x and 3.x # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def inp(i): """Universal input of unicode string in UTF-8 or other format Target audience: end users Supports Python 2.x and 3.x Args: text (str): text to print before the input Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 string (str): entered string """ t=i['text'] if con_encoding=='': x=sys.stdin.encoding if x==None: b=t.encode() else: b=t.encode(x, 'ignore') else: b=t.encode(con_encoding, 'ignore') # pragma: no cover if sys.version_info[0]>2: try: b=b.decode(sys.stdin.encoding) except Exception as e: try: b=b.decode('utf8') except Exception as e: pass if sys.version_info[0]>2: s=input(b) else: x=sys.stdin.encoding if x==None: x='utf8' s=raw_input(b).decode(x).encode('utf8') return {'return':0, 'string':s}
############################################################################## # Universal selector of a dictionary key # # TARGET: end users (advanced version available in module "choice")
[docs]def select(i): """Universal selector of a dictionary key Target audience: end users Note: advanced version available in the CK module "choice" Args: dict (dict): dict with values being dicts with 'name' as string to display and 'sort' as int (for ordering) (title) (str): print title (error_if_empty) (str): if 'yes' and just Enter, return error (skip_sort) (str): if 'yes', do not sort dictionary keys Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 string (str): selected dictionary key """ s='' title=i.get('title','') if title!='': out(title) out('') d=i['dict'] if i.get('skip_sort','')!='yes': kd=sorted(d, key=lambda v: d[v].get('sort',0)) else: kd=d j=0 ks={} for k in kd: q=d[k] sj=str(j) ks[sj]=k qn=q.get('name','') out(sj+') '+qn) j+=1 out('') rx=inp({'text':'Make your selection (or press Enter for 0): '}) if rx['return']>0: return rx sx=rx['string'].strip() if sx=='': if i.get('error_if_empty','')=='yes': return {'return':1, 'error':'selection is empty'} s=kd[0] else: if sx not in ks: return {'return':1, 'error':'selection is not recognized'} s=ks[sx] return {'return':0, 'string':s}
############################################################################## # Universal CK entry UOA selector # # TARGET: end users (advanced version available in module "choice")
[docs]def select_uoa(i): """Universal CK entry UOA selector Target audience: end users Note: advanced version available in the CK module "choice" Args: choices (list): list from the search function (skip_enter) (str): if 'yes', do not select 0 when a user presses Enter (skip_sort) (str): if 'yes', do not sort list Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 choice (str): CK entry UOA """ se=i.get('skip_enter','') lst=i.get('choices',[]) if i.get('skip_sort','')!='yes': klst=sorted(lst, key=lambda v: v['data_uoa']) else: klst=lst zz={} iz=0 for z1 in klst: z=z1['data_uid'] zu=z1['data_uoa'] zs=str(iz) zz[zs]=z out(zs+') '+zu+' ('+z+')') iz+=1 out('') y='Select UOA' if se!='yes': y+=' (or press Enter for 0)' y+=': ' rx=inp({'text':y}) x=rx['string'].strip() if x=='' and se!='yes': x='0' if x not in zz: return {'return':1, 'error':'number is not recognized'} dduoa=zz[x] return {'return':0, 'choice':dduoa}
############################################################################## # Split string by comma into a list of stripped values # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def convert_str_tags_to_list(i): """Split string by comma into a list of stripped strings Target audience: end users Used to process and strip tags Args: i (list or string): list or string to be splitted and stripped Returns: (list): list of stripped strings """ r=[] if type(i)==list: r=i else: ii=i.split(',') for q in ii: q=q.strip() if q!='': r.append(q) return r
############################################################################## # Check is writing to a given repo with a given module is allowed # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def check_writing(i): """Check is writing to a given repo with a given module is allowed Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (module_uoa) (str): module UOA (module_uid) (str): module UID (repo_uoa) (str): repo UOA (repo_uid) (str): repo UID (repo_dict) (dict): repo meta description with potential read/write permissions (delete) (str): if 'yes', check if global delete operation is allowed Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 (repo_dict) (dict): repo meta description if available """ dl=i.get('delete','') if dl=='yes' and cfg.get('forbid_global_delete','')=='yes': return {'return':1, 'error':'delete/rename operations are forbidden'} if cfg.get('forbid_global_writing','')=='yes': return {'return':1, 'error':'global writing is forbidden'} if len(i)==0: return {'return':0} # Check only global writing if cfg.get('forbid_writing_modules','')=='yes': muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') muid=i.get('module_uid','') if muoa==cfg['module_name'] or (muid!='' and muid in cfg['module_uids']): return {'return':1, 'error':'writing/changing modules is forbidden'} ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') ruid=i.get('repo_uid','') if cfg.get('forbid_writing_to_default_repo','')=='yes': if ruoa==cfg['repo_name_default'] or ruid==cfg['repo_uid_default']: return {'return':1, 'error':'writing to default repo is forbidden'} if cfg.get('forbid_writing_to_local_repo','')=='yes': if ruoa==cfg['repo_name_local'] or ruid==cfg['repo_uid_local']: return {'return':1, 'error':'writing to local repo is forbidden'} rr={'return':0} # Load info about repo rd={} if ruoa!='': if 'repo_dict' in i: rd=i['repo_dict'] else: rx=load_repo_info_from_cache({'repo_uoa':ruoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx rd=rx.get('dict',{}) rr['repo_dict']=rd if cfg.get('allow_writing_only_to_allowed','')=='yes': if rd.get('allow_writing','')!='yes': return {'return':1, 'error':'writing to this repo is forbidden'} if rd.get('forbid_deleting','')=='yes' and dl=='yes': return {'return':1, 'error':'deleting in this repo is forbidden'} return rr
############################################################################## # Get CK version # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def get_version(i): """Get CK version Target audience: end users Args: None Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 version (list): list of sub-versions starting from major version number version_str (str): version string """ import copy s='' x=copy.deepcopy(cfg['version']) for q in x: if s!='': s+='.' s+=str(q) return {'return':0, 'version':x, 'version_str':s}
############################################################################## # Generate temporary files # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def gen_tmp_file(i): """Generate temporary files Target audience: end users Args: (suffix) (str): temp file suffix (prefix) (str): temp file prefix (remove_dir) (str): if 'yes', remove dir Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 file_name (str): temp file name """ xs=i.get('suffix','') xp=i.get('prefix','') s=i.get('string','') import tempfile fd, fn=tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=xs, prefix=xp) os.close(fd) os.remove(fn) if i.get('remove_dir','')=='yes': fn=os.path.basename(fn) return {'return':0, 'file_name':fn}
############################################################################## # Get host platform name (currently win or linux) and OS bits # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def get_os_ck(i): """Get host platform name (currently win or linux) and OS bits Target audience: end users Args: (bits) (int): force OS bits Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 platform (str): 'win' or 'linux' bits (str): OS bits in string (32 or 64) python_bits (str): Python installation bits (32 or 64) """ import os import platform import struct pbits=str(8 * struct.calcsize("P")) plat='linux' if platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): # pragma: no cover plat='win' obits=i.get('bits','') if obits=='': obits='32' if plat=='win': # Trying to get fast way to detect bits if os.environ.get('ProgramW6432','')!='' or os.environ.get('ProgramFiles(x86)','')!='': # pragma: no cover obits='64' else: # On Linux use first getconf LONG_BIT and if doesn't work use python bits obits=pbits r=gen_tmp_file({}) if r['return']>0: return r fn=r['file_name'] cmd='getconf LONG_BIT > '+fn rx=os.system(cmd) if rx==0: r=load_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'delete_after_read':'yes'}) if r['return']==0: s=r['string'].strip() if len(s)>0 and len(s)<4: obits=s return {'return':0, 'platform':plat, 'bits':obits, 'python_bits':pbits}
############################################################################## # Generate CK UID # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def gen_uid(i): """Generate valid CK UID Target audience: end users Args: None Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 data_uid (str): UID in string format (16 lowercase characters 0..9,a..f) """ import uuid import random uid=str(uuid.uuid4().hex) if len(uid)!=32: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem generating UID : len='+str(len(uid))+' !=32'} # pragma: no cover random.seed x=random.randrange(0,16) return {'return':0, 'data_uid':uid[x:x+16]}
############################################################################## # Check if a string is a valid CK UID # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def is_uid(s): """Check if a string is a valid CK UID Target audience: end users Args: s (str): string Returns: (bool): True if a string is a valid CK UID """ import re if len(s)!=16: return False pattern = r'[^\.a-f0-9]' if, s.lower()): return False return True
############################################################################## # Check if string is correct CK UOA # (i.e. does not have special characters including *, ?) # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def is_uoa(s): """Check if string is correct CK UOA, i.e. it does not have special characters including *, ? Target audience: end users Args: s (str): string Returns: (bool): True if a string is a valid CK UID or alias """ if s.find(cfg['detect_cur_cid'])>=0 or s.find(cfg['detect_cur_cid1'])>=0: return False if s.find('*')>=0: return False if s.find('?')>=0: return False return True
############################################################################## # Prepare provenance for a given CK entry (CK used, author, date, etc) # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def prepare_special_info_about_entry(i): """Prepare provenance for a given CK entry (CK used, author, date, etc) Target audience: end users Args: i (dict): empty dict Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict (dict): dictionary with provenance information """ # Add control info d={'engine':'CK', 'version':cfg['version']} if cfg.get('default_developer','')!='': d['author']=cfg['default_developer'] if cfg.get('default_developer_email','')!='': d['author_email']=cfg['default_developer_email'] if cfg.get('default_developer_webpage','')!='': d['author_webpage']=cfg['default_developer_webpage'] if cfg.get('default_license','')!='': d['license']=cfg['default_license'] if cfg.get('default_copyright','')!='': d['copyright']=cfg['default_copyright'] r=get_current_date_time({}) d['iso_datetime']=r['iso_datetime'] return {'return':0, 'dict': d}
[docs]def load_json_file(i): """Load json from file into dict Target audience: end users Args: json_file (str): name of a json file Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict (dict or list): dict or list from the json file """ import ck.files return ck.files.load_json_file(i)
[docs]def save_json_to_file(i): """Save dict to a json file Target audience: end users Args: json_file (str): filename to save dictionary dict (dict): dict to save (sort_keys) (str): if 'yes', sort keys (safe) (str): if 'yes', ignore non-JSON values (only for Debugging - changes original dict!) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ import ck.files return ck.files.save_json_to_file(i)
[docs]def load_yaml_file(i): """Load YAML file to dict Target audience: end users Args: yaml_file (str): name of a YAML file Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict (dict): dict from a YAML file """ import ck.files return ck.files.load_yaml_file(i)
[docs]def save_yaml_to_file(i): """Save dict to a YAML file Target audience: end users Args: yaml_file (str): name of a YAML file dict (dict): dict to save Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ import ck.files return ck.files.save_yaml_to_file(i)
[docs]def load_text_file(i): """Load a text file to a string or list Target audience: end users Args: text_file (str): name of a text file (keep_as_bin) (str): if 'yes', return only bin (encoding) (str): by default 'utf8', however sometimes we use utf16 (split_to_list) (str): if 'yes', split to list (convert_to_dict) (str): if 'yes', split to list and convert to dict (str_split) (str): if !='', use as separator of keys/values when converting to dict (remove_quotes) (str): if 'yes', remove quotes from values when converting to dict (delete_after_read) (str): if 'yes', delete file after read (useful when reading tmp files) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 bin (byte): loaded text file as byte array (string) (str): loaded text as string with removed \r (lst) (list): if split_to_list=='yes', split text to list (dict) (dict): if convert_to_dict=='yes', return as dict """ import ck.files return ck.files.load_text_file(i)
[docs]def save_text_file(i): """Save string to a text file with all \r removed Target audience: end users Args: text_file (str): name of a text file string (str): string to write to a file (all \r will be removed) (append) (str): if 'yes', append to a file Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ import ck.files return ck.files.save_text_file(i)
############################################################################## # Substitute string in a file # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def substitute_str_in_file(i): """Substitute string in a file Target audience: end users Args: filename (str): filename string1 (str): string to be replaced string2 (str): replacement string Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ fn=i['filename'] s1=i['string1'] s2=i['string2'] # Load text file (unicode) r=load_text_file({'text_file':fn}) if r['return']>0: return r # Replace x=r['string'] x=x.replace(s1,s2) # Save text file (unicode) r=save_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'string':x}) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Deprecated
[docs]def dumps_json(i): """Dump dictionary (json) to a string Target audience: end users Args: dict (dict) : dictionary to convert to a string (skip_indent) (str): if 'yes', skip indent (sort_keys) (str): if 'yes', sort keys Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 string (str): JSON string """ import ck.strings return ck.strings.dump_json(i)
[docs]def dump_json(i): """Dump dictionary (json) to a string Target audience: end users Args: dict (dict) : dictionary to convert to a string (skip_indent) (str): if 'yes', skip indent (sort_keys) (str): if 'yes', sort keys Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 string (str): JSON string """ import ck.strings return ck.strings.dump_json(i)
[docs]def copy_to_clipboard(i): # pragma: no cover """Copy string to clipboard if supported by OS (requires Tk or pyperclip) Target audience: end users Args: string (str): string to copy Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ import ck.strings return ck.strings.copy_to_clipboard(i)
[docs]def convert_json_str_to_dict(i): """Convert string in a special format to dict (JSON) Target audience: end users Args: str (str): string (use ' instead of ", i.e. {'a':'b'} to avoid issues in CMD in Windows and Linux!) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict (dict): dict from json file """ import ck.strings return ck.strings.convert_json_str_to_dict(i)
############################################################################## # Merge intelligently dict1 with dict2 key by key in contrast with dict1.update(dict2) # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def merge_dicts(i): """Merge intelligently dict1 with dict2 key by key in contrast with dict1.update(dict2) Target audience: end users It can merge sub-dictionaries and lists instead of substituting them Args: dict1 (dict): merge this dict with dict2 (will be directly modified!) dict2 (dict): dict to be merged Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict1 (dict): dict1 passed through the function """ a=i['dict1'] b=i['dict2'] for k in b: v=b[k] if type(v) is dict: if k not in a: a.update({k:b[k]}) elif type(a[k])==dict: merge_dicts({'dict1':a[k], 'dict2':b[k]}) else: a[k]=b[k] elif type(v) is list: a[k]=[] for y in v: a[k].append(y) else: a[k]=b[k] return {'return':0, 'dict1':a}
############################################################################## # Convert file to a string for web-based upload # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def convert_file_to_upload_string(i): """Convert file to a string for web-based upload Target audience: end users Args: filename (str): file name to convert Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 file_content_base64 (str): string that can be transmitted through Internet """ import base64 fn=i['filename'] if not os.path.isfile(fn): return {'return':1, 'error':'file '+fn+' not found'} s=b'' try: f=open(fn, 'rb') while True: x =; if not x: break s+=x f.close() except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'error reading file ('+format(e)+')'} s=base64.urlsafe_b64encode(s).decode('utf8') return {'return':0, 'file_content_base64': s}
############################################################################## # Convert upload string to file # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def convert_upload_string_to_file(i): """Convert upload string to file Target audience: end users Args: file_content_base64 (str): string transmitted through Internet (filename) (str): file name to write (if empty, generate tmp file) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 filename (str): filename with full path filename_ext (str): filename extension """ import base64 x=i['file_content_base64'] fc=base64.urlsafe_b64decode(str(x)) # convert from unicode to str since base64 works on strings # should be safe in Python 2.x and 3.x fn=i.get('filename','') if fn=='': rx=gen_tmp_file({'prefix':'tmp-'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx px=rx['file_name'] else: px=fn fn1, fne = os.path.splitext(px) if os.path.isfile(px): return {'return':1, 'error':'file already exists in the current directory'} try: fx=open(px, 'wb') fx.write(fc) fx.close() except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem writing file='+px+' ('+format(e)+')'} return {'return':0, 'filename':px, 'filename_ext': fne}
############################################################################## # Input JSON from console (double enter to finish) # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def input_json(i): """Input JSON from console (double enter to finish) Target audience: end users Args: text (str): text to print Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 string (str): entered string dict (str): dictionary from JSON string """ t=i['text'] out(t) s='' while True: r=inp({'text':''}) if r['return']>0: return r ss=r['string'].strip() if ss=='': break s+=ss s=s.strip() if s=='': s='{}' # empty json else: if not s.startswith('{'): s='{'+s if not s.endswith('}'): s+='}' r=convert_json_str_to_dict({'str':s, 'skip_quote_replacement':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r d=r['dict'] return {'return':0, 'string': s, 'dict':d}
############################################################################## # Convert CK list to CK dict with unicode in UTF-8 (unification of interfaces) # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def convert_ck_list_to_dict(i): """Convert CK list to CK dict with unicode in UTF-8 (unification of interfaces) Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (list): list from the 'action' function in this kernel Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 ck_dict (dict): action (str): CK action cid (str): CK module UOA or CID (x means that it may not be really CID and has to be processed specially cids (list): a list of multple CIDs from CMD (commands like copy, move, etc) [cid1, cid2, cid3, ...] key1 (str): value1 from --key1=value1 or -key1=value1 or key1=value key2 (str): ... key10 (str): ... keys (str): keys/values from file specified by "file_json"; if file extension is .tmp, it will be deleted after read! keys (str): keys/values from cmd_json unparsed (str): unparsed command line after -- """ obj={} obj['cids']=[] l=len(i) if l>0: obj['action']=i[0] module_uoa_or_cid='' # Parsing cx=True # Start first processing CIDs and then turn it off when something else is encountered if l>1: for x in range(1, len(i)): p=i[x].rstrip() ##################################### if p=='--': cx=False p2=i[x+1:] obj['unparsed']=p2 break ##################################### elif p.startswith('--'): cx=False p=p[2:] p1=p p2='yes' q=p.find("=") if q>0: p1=p[0:q] if len(p)>q: p2=p[q+1:] obj[p1]=p2 ##################################### elif p.startswith('-'): cx=False p=p[1:] p1=p p2='yes' q=p.find("=") if q>0: p1=p[0:q] if len(p)>q: p2=p[q+1:] obj[p1]=p2 ##################################### elif p.startswith("@@@"): cx=False jd=p[3:] if len(jd)<3: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t parse command line option '+p} y=convert_json_str_to_dict({'str':jd}) if y['return']>0: return y merge_dicts({'dict1':obj, 'dict2':y['dict']}) ##################################### elif p.startswith("@@"): cx=False key=p[2:] x='Add JSON to input' if key!='': x+=' for key "'+key+'"' x+=' (double Enter to stop):\n' rx=input_json({'text':x}) if rx['return']>0: return rx dy=rx['dict'] dx=obj if key!='': if key not in obj: obj[key]={} dx=obj[key] merge_dicts({'dict1':dx, 'dict2':dy}) ##################################### elif p.startswith("@"): cx=False name=p[1:] if len(name)<2: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t parse command line option '+p} if name.endswith('.yaml'): y=load_yaml_file({'yaml_file':name}) else: y=load_json_file({'json_file':name}) if y['return']>0: return y if name.endswith('.tmp'): os.remove(name) merge_dicts({'dict1':obj, 'dict2':y['dict']}) ##################################### elif p.find('=')>=0: cx=False p1=p p2='' q=p.find("=") if q>0: p1=p[0:q] if len(p)>q: p2=p[q+1:] obj[p1]=p2 ##################################### else: # If no module_uoa_or_cid -> set it if module_uoa_or_cid=='': module_uoa_or_cid=p else: # Otherwise add to CIDs obj['cids'].append(p) if module_uoa_or_cid!='': obj['cid']=module_uoa_or_cid return {'return':0, 'ck_dict':obj}
############################################################################## # Inititalize CK (current instance - has a global state!) # # TARGET: internal use
[docs]def init(i): # pragma: no cover """Inititalize CK (current instance - has a global state!) Target audience: internal use Args: (dict): empty dict Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ global cfg, work, initialized, paths_repos, type_long, string_io, log_ck_entries if initialized: return {'return':0} # Add this path to syspath to be able to call other modules this_kernel_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) sys.path.insert(0, this_kernel_dir) # Split version cfg['version']=__version__.split('.') # Default URL. FIXME: should be formed from wfe_host and wfe_port when they are known. # cfg['wfe_url_prefix'] = 'http://%s:%s/web?' % (cfg['default_host'], cfg['default_port']) # Check long/int types try: x=long except Exception as e: type_long=int else: type_long=long # Import StringIO if sys.version_info[0]>2: import io string_io=io.StringIO else: from StringIO import StringIO string_io=StringIO # Check where are repos (to keep compatibility with past CK < V1.5) p='' searched_places=[] import inspect pxx=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) px=os.path.dirname(pxx) py=os.path.join(pxx, cfg['subdir_default_repo']) searched_places.append(py) if os.path.isdir(py): p=py if p=='': from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib px=get_python_lib() py=os.path.join(px, cfg['kernel_dir'], cfg['subdir_default_repo']) searched_places.append(py) if os.path.isdir(py): p=py if p=='': import site for px in site.getsitepackages(): py=os.path.join(px, cfg['kernel_dir'],cfg['subdir_default_repo']) searched_places.append(py) if os.path.isdir(py): p=py break # Check CK_ROOT environment variable s=os.environ.get(cfg['env_key_root'],'').strip() if s!='': work['env_root']=os.path.realpath(s) for px in cfg['kernel_dirs']: searched_places.append(py) py=os.path.join(work['env_root'], px, cfg['subdir_default_repo']) if os.path.isdir(py): p=py break elif px!='': work['env_root']=px # Get home user directory from os.path import expanduser home=expanduser("~") # Check default repo x=os.environ.get(cfg['env_key_default_repo'],'').strip() if x!='' and os.path.isdir(x): work['dir_default_repo']=x else: if p=='': # Attempt to find in userspace (since V1.11.2.1) x=os.path.join(home, '.ck', __version__, cfg['subdir_default_repo']) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(x, cfg['repo_file'])): p=x if p=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'Unusual CK installation detected since we can\'t find the CK package path with the default repo (searched in '+str(searched_places)+'). It often happens when you install CK under root while other tools (which use CK) under user and vice versa. Please reinstall other tools that use CK in the same way as CK (root or user). If the problem persists, please report to the author ('} work['dir_default_repo']=p work['dir_default_repo_path']=os.path.join(work['dir_default_repo'], cfg['module_repo_name'], cfg['repo_name_default']) work['dir_default_kernel']=os.path.join(work['dir_default_repo'], cfg['subdir_kernel']) work['dir_default_cfg']=os.path.join(work['dir_default_kernel'], cfg['subdir_kernel_default'], cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_meta']) work['dir_work_repo']=work['dir_default_repo'] work['dir_work_repo_path']=work['dir_default_repo_path'] work['dir_work_kernel']=work['dir_default_kernel'] work['dir_work_cfg']=work['dir_default_cfg'] if os.path.isfile(work['dir_default_cfg']): r=load_json_file({'json_file':work['dir_default_cfg']}) if r['return']>0: return r cfg1=r['dict'] # Update cfg r=merge_dicts({'dict1':cfg, 'dict2':cfg1}) if r['return']>0: return r work['repo_name_work']=cfg['repo_name_default'] work['repo_uid_work']=cfg['repo_uid_default'] # Check external repos rps=os.environ.get(cfg['env_key_repos'],'').strip() if rps=='': # In the original version, if path to repos was not defined, I was using CK path, # however, when installed as root, it will fail # rps=os.path.join(work['env_root'],cfg['subdir_default_repos']) # hence I changed to <user home dir>/CK rps=os.path.join(home, cfg['user_home_dir_ext']) if not os.path.isdir(rps): os.makedirs(rps) work['dir_repos']=rps # Check CK_LOCAL_REPO environment variable - if doesn't exist, create in user space s=os.environ.get(cfg['env_key_local_repo'],'').strip() if s=='': # Set up local default repository s=os.path.join(rps, cfg['repo_name_local']) if not os.path.isdir(s): os.makedirs(s) # Create description rq=save_json_to_file({'json_file':os.path.join(s,cfg['repo_file']), 'dict':{'data_alias':cfg['repo_name_local'], 'data_uoa':cfg['repo_name_local'], 'data_name':cfg['repo_name_local'], 'data_uid':cfg['repo_uid_local']}, 'sort_keys':'yes'}) if rq['return']>0: return rq if s!='': work['local_kernel_uoa']=cfg['subdir_kernel_default'] x=os.environ.get(cfg['env_key_local_kernel_uoa'],'').strip() if x!='': work['local_kernel_uoa']=x work['dir_local_repo']=os.path.realpath(s) work['dir_local_repo_path']=os.path.join(work['dir_local_repo'], cfg['module_repo_name'], cfg['repo_name_local']) work['dir_local_kernel']=os.path.join(work['dir_local_repo'], cfg['subdir_kernel']) work['dir_local_cfg']=os.path.join(work['dir_local_kernel'], work['local_kernel_uoa'], cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_meta']) # Update work repo! work['dir_work_repo']=work['dir_local_repo'] work['dir_work_repo_path']=work['dir_local_repo_path'] work['dir_work_kernel']=work['dir_local_kernel'] work['dir_work_cfg']=work['dir_local_cfg'] work['repo_name_work']=cfg['repo_name_local'] work['repo_uid_work']=cfg['repo_uid_local'] paths_repos.append({'path':work['dir_local_repo'], 'repo_uoa':cfg['repo_name_local'], 'repo_uid':cfg['repo_uid_local'], 'repo_alias':cfg['repo_name_local']}) paths_repos.append({'path':work['dir_default_repo'], 'repo_uoa':cfg['repo_name_default'], 'repo_uid':cfg['repo_uid_default'], 'repo_alias':cfg['repo_name_default']}) # Prepare repo cache work['dir_cache_repo_uoa']=os.path.join(work['dir_work_repo'],cfg['file_cache_repo_uoa']) work['dir_cache_repo_info']=os.path.join(work['dir_work_repo'],cfg['file_cache_repo_info']) # Check if first time and then copy local cache files (with remote-ck) if not os.path.isfile(work['dir_cache_repo_uoa']) and not os.path.isfile(work['dir_cache_repo_info']): rx=load_text_file({'text_file':os.path.join(work['dir_default_repo'],cfg['file_cache_repo_uoa'])}) if rx['return']>0: return rx x1=rx['string'] rx=load_text_file({'text_file':os.path.join(work['dir_default_repo'],cfg['file_cache_repo_info'])}) if rx['return']>0: return rx x2=rx['string'] rx=save_text_file({'text_file':work['dir_cache_repo_info'], 'string':x2}) if rx['return']>0: return rx rx=save_text_file({'text_file':work['dir_cache_repo_uoa'], 'string':x1}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Check if local configuration exists, and if not, create it if not os.path.isfile(work['dir_local_cfg']): # Create empty local configuration rx=add({'repo_uoa':cfg['repo_name_local'], 'module_uoa':cfg['subdir_kernel'], 'data_uoa':work['local_kernel_uoa']}) if rx['return']>0: return {'return':rx['return'], 'error':'can\'t create local configuration entry'} # Read kernel configuration (if exists) if os.path.isfile(work['dir_work_cfg']): r=load_json_file({'json_file':work['dir_work_cfg']}) if r['return']>0: return r cfg1=r['dict'] # Update cfg r=merge_dicts({'dict1':cfg, 'dict2':cfg1}) if r['return']>0: return r # Check if need to log CK entries if cfg.get('log_ck_entries','')!='': log_ck_entries=True initialized=True return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # List all files recursively in a given directory # # TARGET: all users
[docs]def list_all_files(i): """List all files recursively in a given directory Target audience: all users Args: path (str): top level path (file_name) (str): search for a specific file name (pattern) (str): return only files with this pattern (path_ext) (str): path extension (needed for recursion) (limit) (str): limit number of files (if directories with a large number of files) (number) (int): current number of files (all) (str): if 'yes' do not ignore special directories (like .cm) (ignore_names) (list): list of names to ignore (ignore_symb_dirs) (str): if 'yes', ignore symbolically linked dirs (to avoid recursion such as in LLVM) (add_path) (str) - if 'yes', add full path to the final list of files Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 list (dict): dictionary of all files: {"file_with_full_path":{"size":.., "path":..} sizes (dict): sizes of all files (the same order as above "list") number (int): (internal) total number of files in a current directory (needed for recursion) """ number=0 if i.get('number','')!='': number=int(i['number']) inames=i.get('ignore_names',[]) fname=i.get('file_name','') limit=-1 if i.get('limit','')!='': limit=int(i['limit']) a={} iall=i.get('all','') pe='' if i.get('path_ext','')!='': pe=i['path_ext'] po=i.get('path','') if sys.version_info[0]<3: po=unicode(po) pattern=i.get('pattern','') if pattern!='': import fnmatch xisd=i.get('ignore_symb_dirs','') isd=False if xisd=='yes': isd=True ap=i.get('add_path','') try: dirList=os.listdir(po) except Exception as e: None else: for fn in dirList: p=os.path.join(po, fn) if iall=='yes' or fn not in cfg['special_directories']: if len(inames)==0 or fn not in inames: if os.path.isdir(p): if not isd or os.path.realpath(p)==p: r=list_all_files({'path':p, 'all':iall, 'path_ext':os.path.join(pe, fn), 'number':str(number), 'ignore_names':inames, 'pattern':pattern, 'file_name':fname, 'ignore_symb_dirs':xisd, 'add_path':ap, 'limit': limit}) if r['return']>0: return r a.update(r['list']) else: add=True if fname!='' and fname!=fn: add=False if pattern!='' and not fnmatch.fnmatch(fn, pattern): add=False if add: pg=os.path.join(pe, fn) if os.path.isfile(p): a[pg]={'size':os.stat(p).st_size} if ap=='yes': a[pg]['path']=po number=len(a) if limit!=-1 and number>=limit: break return {'return':0, 'list':a, 'number':str(number)}
############################################################################## # Download entry from remote host (experimental) # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def download(i): """Download CK entry from remote host (experimental) Target audience: end users Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA (data_uoa) (str): CK data UOA (version) (str): version (the latest one if skipped) (new_repo_uoa) (str): target CK repo UOA, "local" by default (skip_module_check) (str): if 'yes', do not check if module for a given component exists (all) (str): if 'yes', download dependencies (force) (str): if 'yes, force download even if components already exists (tags) (str): download components using tags separated by comma (usually soft/package) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') smc=i.get('skip_module_check','') force=i.get('force','') al=i.get('all','') tags=i.get('tags','') version=i.get('version','') spaces=i.get('spaces','') cids_in_queue=i.get('cids_in_queue',[]) # if cfg.get('download_missing_components','')=='yes' and al=='': al='yes' # Check components to skip if muoa in ['repo', 'befd7892b0d469e9', 'env', '9b9b3208ac44b891', 'kernel', 'b1e99f6461424276', 'cfg', 'b34231a3467566f8']: return {'return':0} if muoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'module UOA is not defined'} if duoa=='': duoa='*' # return {'return':1, 'error':'data UOA is not defined'} nruoa=i.get('new_repo_uoa','') if nruoa=='': nruoa='local' # Check if writing to new repo is allowed r=find_path_to_repo({'repo_uoa':nruoa}) if r['return']>0: return r nruoa=r['repo_uoa'] nruid=r['repo_uid'] nrd=r['dict'] npath=r['path'] ii={'repo_uoa':nruoa, 'repo_uid':nruid, 'repo_dict':nrd} r=check_writing(ii) if r['return']>0: return r rz={'return':0} if o=='con': # out('') x='' if tags!='':x=' ('+tags+')' out(' WARNING: downloading missing CK component "'+muoa+':'+duoa+'"'+x+' from the portal ...') ii={ 'action':'download', 'dict':{ 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'version':version, 'tags':tags } } import{'url':cfg['cknowledge_api'], 'dict':ii}) if r['return']>0: return r d=r['dict'] if d['return']>0: if d['return']!=16: return {'return':d['return'], 'error':d['error']} out(' Warning: component not found') return {'return':0} nlst=d.get('components',[]) # Check if module:module there (bootstrapping) lst1=[] lst=[] path_to_module='' for q in nlst: nmuoa=q['module_uoa'] nmuid=q['module_uid'] nduoa=q['data_uoa'] nduid=q['data_uid'] if nmuoa=='module' and nduoa=='module': out(' Bootstrapping '+nmuoa+':'+nduoa+' ...') # TBD: Check split dirs in local repo... iii={'path':npath, 'data_uoa':'module', 'data_uid':nduid} rz=find_path_to_entry(iii) if rz['return']>0 and rz['return']!=16: return rz elif rz['return']==16: rz=create_entry(iii) if rz['return']>0: return rz npath2=rz['path'] iii={'path':npath2, 'data_uoa':'module', 'data_uid':nduid} rz=find_path_to_entry(iii) if rz['return']>0 and rz['return']!=16: return rz elif rz['return']==16: rz=create_entry(iii) if rz['return']>0: return rz path_to_module=rz['path'] lst.append(q) else: lst1.append(q) lst+=lst1 # Recording downloaded components for q in lst: # Get UOA nmuoa=q['module_uoa'] nmuid=q['module_uid'] nduoa=q['data_uoa'] nduid=q['data_uid'] file_url=q['file_url'] file_md5=q['file_md5'] dependencies=q.get('dependencies',[]) out(spaces+' Downloading and extracting '+nmuoa+':'+nduoa+' ...') if nmuoa+':'+nduoa in cids_in_queue: out(spaces+' Skipped') continue cids_in_queue.append(nmuoa+':'+nduoa) # Check that module:module exists if nmuoa=='module' and nduoa=='module' and path_to_module!='': new_path=path_to_module else: if smc!='yes': save_state=cfg.get('download_missing_components','') cfg['download_missing_components']='no' rz=access({'action':'find', 'repo_uoa':nruoa, 'module_uoa':'module', 'data_uoa':nmuoa, 'common_func':'yes'}) cfg['download_missing_components']=save_state if rz['return']>0 and rz['return']!=16: return rz if rz['return']==16: rz=download({'new_repo_uoa':nruoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':'module', 'data_uoa':nmuoa, 'force':force, 'all':al, 'cids_in_queue':cids_in_queue, 'skip_module_check':smc}) if rz['return']>0: return rz # Check if entry already exists new_path='' save_state=cfg.get('download_missing_components','') cfg['download_missing_components']='no' r=access({'action':'find', 'common_func':'yes', 'repo_uoa':nruoa, 'module_uoa':nmuoa, 'data_uoa':nduoa}) cfg['download_missing_components']=save_state if r['return']==0: if force!='yes' and cfg.get('download_missing_components','')!='yes': return {'return':8, 'error':' Already exists locally'} else: if r['return']!=16: return r # Adding dummy module r=add({ 'module_uoa':nmuoa, 'module_uid':nmuoa, 'data_uoa':nduoa, 'data_uid':nduid, 'repo_uoa':nruoa, 'common_func':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: if cfg.get('download_missing_components','')=='yes': out(' Skipping ...') continue return r new_path=r['path'] # Prepare pack ppz=os.path.join(new_path, '') if os.path.isfile(ppz): os.remove(ppz) # Download file # Import modules compatible with Python 2.x and 3.x import urllib try: from urllib.request import urlretrieve except: from urllib import urlretrieve # Connect try: urlretrieve(file_url, ppz) except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'download failed ('+format(e)+')'} statinfo = os.stat(ppz) file_size=statinfo.st_size # MD5 of the pack rx=load_text_file({'text_file':ppz, 'keep_as_bin':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx bpack=rx['bin'] import hashlib md5=hashlib.md5(bpack).hexdigest() if md5!=file_md5: return {'return':1, 'error':'MD5 of the newly created pack ('+md5+') did not match the one from the portal ('+file_md5+')'} # Unzipping archive import zipfile new_f=open(ppz, 'rb') new_z=zipfile.ZipFile(new_f) for new_d in new_z.namelist(): if new_d!='.' and new_d!='..' and not new_d.startswith('\\'): new_pp=os.path.join(new_path,new_d) if new_d.endswith('/'): if not os.path.exists(new_pp): os.makedirs(new_pp) else: new_ppd=os.path.dirname(new_pp) if not os.path.exists(new_ppd): os.makedirs(new_ppd) # extract file new_fo=open(new_pp, 'wb') new_fo.write( new_fo.close() new_f.close() # Remove pack file os.remove(ppz) # Check deps if al=='yes': if len(dependencies)>0: out(spaces+' Checking dependencies ...') for dep in dependencies: muoa=dep.get('module_uid','') duoa=dep.get('data_uid','') tags=dep.get('tags',[]) xtags='' if len(tags)>0: xtags=','.join(tags) muoa='package' duoa='' if muoa+':'+duoa in cids_in_queue: continue cids_in_queue.append(muoa+':'+duoa+':'+xtags) cid=muoa+':'+duoa rx=download({'new_repo_uoa':nruoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'all':al, 'force':force, 'tags':xtags, 'cids_in_queue':cids_in_queue, 'spaces':spaces+' '}) if rx['return']>0 and rx['return']!=8 and rx['return']!=16: return rx if rx['return']==16: if xtags=='': return rx rx=download({'new_repo_uoa':nruoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':'soft', 'data_uoa':'', 'force':force, 'all':al, 'tags':xtags, 'cids_in_queue':cids_in_queue, 'spaces':spaces+' '}) if rx['return']>0 and rx['return']!=8: return rx return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Reload cache with meta-descriptions of all CK repos # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def reload_repo_cache(i): """Reload cache with meta-descriptions of all CK repos Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (force) (str): if 'yes', force recaching Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ global cache_repo_uoa, cache_repo_info, paths_repos_all, cache_repo_init if i.get('force','')=='yes': # pragma: no cover cache_repo_init=False paths_repos_all=[] if not cache_repo_init: # Load repo UOA -> UID disambiguator r=load_json_file({'json_file':work['dir_cache_repo_uoa']}) if r['return']!=16 and r['return']>0: return r cache_repo_uoa=r.get('dict',{}) # Load cached repo info r=load_json_file({'json_file':work['dir_cache_repo_info']}) if r['return']!=16 and r['return']>0: return r cache_repo_info=r.get('dict',{}) # Prepare all paths for q in cache_repo_info: qq=cache_repo_info[q] dd=qq['dict'] p=dd.get('path','') if p!='': paths_repos_all.append({'path':os.path.normpath(p), 'dict': dd, # Added in version to support dir split per repo 'repo_uoa':qq['data_uoa'], 'repo_uid':qq['data_uid'], 'repo_alias':qq['data_alias']}) cache_repo_init=True return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Save cache with meta-descriptions of all CK repos # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def save_repo_cache(i): """Save cache with meta-descriptions of all CK repos Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (dict): empty dict Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ r=save_json_to_file({'json_file':work['dir_cache_repo_uoa'], 'dict':cache_repo_uoa}) if r['return']>0: return r r=save_json_to_file({'json_file':work['dir_cache_repo_info'], 'dict':cache_repo_info}) if r['return']>0: return r return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Load repo meta description from cache # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def load_repo_info_from_cache(i): """Load repo meta description from cache Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: repo_uoa (str): CK repo UOA Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 repo_uoa (str): CK repo UOA repo_uid (str): CK repo UID repo_alias (str): CK repo alias all other keys from repo dict """ ruoa=i['repo_uoa'] ruid=ruoa if cfg.get('force_lower','')=='yes': ruoa=ruoa.lower() ruid=ruid.lower() if ruoa==cfg['repo_name_default'] or ruoa==cfg['repo_uid_default']: d={} d["path_to_repo_desc"]=work['dir_default_repo_path'] d["data_uid"]=cfg['repo_uid_default'] d["data_alias"]=cfg['repo_name_default'] d["data_uoa"]=cfg['repo_name_default'] d["dict"]={"default":"yes"} elif ruoa==cfg['repo_name_local'] or ruoa==cfg['repo_uid_local']: d={} d["path_to_repo_desc"]=work['dir_local_repo_path'] d["data_uid"]=cfg['repo_uid_local'] d["data_alias"]=cfg['repo_name_local'] d["data_uoa"]=cfg['repo_name_local'] d["dict"]={"default":"yes"} else: r=reload_repo_cache({}) # Ignore errors if r['return']>0: return r if not is_uid(ruoa): ruid=cache_repo_uoa.get(ruoa,'') if ruid=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'repository "'+ruoa+'" was not found in the cache. Check if repository exists or try "ck recache repo"'} d=cache_repo_info.get(ruid,{}) if len(d)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'repository was not found in the cache'} r={'return':0} r.update(d) return r
############################################################################## # Find CK repo info by path # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def find_repo_by_path(i): """Find CK repo info by path Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: path (str) - path to a potential CK repo Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 repo_uoa (str): CK repo UOA repo_uid (str): CK repo UID repo_alias (str): CK repo alias """ p=i['path'] if p!='': p=os.path.normpath(p) dd={} found=False if p==work['dir_default_repo']: uoa=cfg['repo_name_default'] uid=cfg['repo_uid_default'] alias=uoa found=True elif p==work['dir_local_repo']: uoa=cfg['repo_name_local'] uid=cfg['repo_uid_local'] alias=uoa found=True else: r=reload_repo_cache({}) # Ignore errors if r['return']>0: return r for q in cache_repo_info: qq=cache_repo_info[q] dd=qq['dict'] if p==dd.get('path',''): uoa=qq['data_uoa'] uid=qq['data_uid'] alias=uid if not is_uid(uoa): alias=uoa found=True break if not found: return {'return':16, 'error': 'repository not found in this path'} return {'return':0, 'repo_uoa': uoa, 'repo_uid': uid, 'repo_alias':alias, 'repo_dict':dd}
############################################################################## # Find path for a given CK repo # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def find_path_to_repo(i): """Find path for a given CK repo Target audience: end users Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA. If empty, get the path to the default repo (inside CK framework) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict (dict): CK repo meta description from the cache path (str): path to this repo repo_uoa (str): CK repo UOA repo_uid (str): CK repo UID repo_alias (str): CK repo alias """ a=i.get('repo_uoa','') if cfg.get('force_lower','')=='yes': a=a.lower() ai=a pr='' if a!='': if a==cfg['repo_name_default'] or a==cfg['repo_uid_default']: pr=work['dir_default_repo'] uoa=cfg['repo_name_default'] uid=cfg['repo_uid_default'] alias=uoa dt={} elif a==cfg['repo_name_local'] or a==cfg['repo_uid_local']: pr=work['dir_local_repo'] uoa=cfg['repo_name_local'] uid=cfg['repo_uid_local'] alias=uoa dt={} else: # Reload cache if not initialized r=reload_repo_cache({}) # Ignore errors if r['return']>0: return r if not is_uid(a): ai=cache_repo_uoa.get(a,'') if ai=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'repository "'+a+'" was not found in cache'} cri=cache_repo_info.get(ai, {}) if len(cri)==0: return {'return':1, 'error':'repository "'+ai+'" was not found in cache'} dt=cri.get('dict',{}) pr=dt.get('path','') uoa=cri['data_uoa'] uid=cri['data_uid'] alias=cri['data_alias'] else: # Get current repo path pr=work['dir_work_repo'] uoa=work['repo_name_work'] uid=work['repo_uid_work'] alias=uoa dt={} return {'return':0, 'path':pr, 'repo_uoa':uoa, 'repo_uid':uid, 'repo_alias':alias, 'dict':dt}
############################################################################## # Find path to CK sub-directory # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def find_path_to_data(i): """Find path to CK sub-directory Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers First search in the default repo, then in the local repo, and then in all installed repos Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK data UOA Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 path (str): path to CK entry (CK data) path_module (str): path to CK module entry (part of the CK entry) path_repo (str): path to the CK repository with this entry repo_uoa (str): CK repo UOA repo_uid (str): CK repo UID repo_alias (str): CK repo alias module_uoa (str): CK module UOA module_uid (str): CK module UID module_alias (str): CK module alias uoa (str): CK sub-directory UOA uid (str): CK sub-directory UID alias (str): CK sub-directory alias """ muoa=i['module_uoa'] muid='?' duoa=i['data_uoa'] duid='?' ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') ruid='' ralias='' if ruoa!='': r=find_path_to_repo({'repo_uoa':ruoa}) if r['return']>0: return r ps=[r] qmax=1 else: ps=paths_repos qmax=2 # Search found=False pr='' pm='' pd='' for q in range(0,qmax): if found: break if q==1: # Check / reload all repos r=reload_repo_cache({}) # Ignore errors if r['return']>0: return r ps=paths_repos_all for prx in ps: pr=prx['path'] ruoa=prx['repo_uoa'] ruid=prx['repo_uid'] ralias=prx['repo_alias'] r=find_path_to_entry({'path':pr, 'data_uoa':muoa}) if r['return']>0 and r['return']!=16: return r elif r['return']==0: muoa=r['data_uoa'] muid=r['data_uid'] malias=r['data_alias'] pm=r['path'] # Check if there is a split of directories for this module in local config # to handle numerous entries (similar to MediaWiki) split_dirs=get_split_dir_number(prx.get('dict',{}), muid, muoa) iii={'path':pm, 'data_uoa':duoa} if split_dirs!=0: iii['split_dirs']=split_dirs r1=find_path_to_entry(iii) if r1['return']>0 and r1['return']!=16: return r1 elif r1['return']==0: found=True pd=r1['path'] duoa=r1['data_uoa'] duid=r1['data_uid'] dalias=r1['data_alias'] break if found: break if not found: s='' # if ruoa!='': s+=ruoa+':' s+=muoa+':'+duoa+'" (' if ruoa!='': # if ruid!='':s+=ruid+':' # else: s+='?:' s+='?:' s+=muid+':'+duid+')' if muoa=='module' or muoa=='032630d041b4fd8a': if cfg.get('check_missing_modules','')=='yes': ii={ 'action':'download', 'dict':{ 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa } } import{'url':cfg['cknowledge_api'], 'dict':ii}) if r['return']>0: return r d=r['dict'] component_url='' dc=d.get('components',[]) if len(dc)==1: component_url=dc[0].get('file_url','') if component_url!='': j=component_url.find('/?') if j>=0: component_url=component_url[:j] s+='. However, it was found at '+component_url+' ' return {'return':16, 'error':'can\'t find path to CK entry "'+s} # # Get info about repo # if ruid=='': # r=find_repo_by_path({'path':pr}) # if r['return']>0: return r # ruoa=r['repo_uoa'] # ruid=r['repo_uid'] # ralias=r['repo_alias'] # qmax=1 # Check logging of repo:module:uoa to be able to rebuild CK dependencies if log_ck_entries: lce=cfg.get('log_ck_entries','') if lce!='': rl=save_text_file({'text_file':lce, 'string':'"action":"find", "repo_uoa":"'+ ruoa+'", "repo_uid":"'+ ruid+'", "module_uoa":"'+ muoa+'", "module_uid":"'+ muid+'", "data_uoa":"'+ duoa+'", "data_uid":"'+ duid+'"\n', 'append':'yes'}) if rl['return']>0: return rl return {'return':0, 'path':pd, 'path_module':pm, 'path_repo':pr, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'repo_uid':ruid, 'repo_alias':ralias, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'module_uid':muid, 'module_alias':malias, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'data_uid':duid, 'data_alias':dalias}
############################################################################## # Find path to CK entry (CK data) while checking both UID and alias # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def find_path_to_entry(i): """Find path to CK entry (CK data) while checking both UID and alias. Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: path (str): path to a data entry data_uoa (str): CK entry UOA (CK data) (split_dirs) (int/str): number of first characters to split directory into subdirectories to be able to handle many entries (similar to Mediawiki) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 path (str): path to CK entry data_uid (str): CK entry UID data_alias (str): CK entry alias data_uoa (str): CK entry alias of UID, if alias is empty """ p=i['path'] duoa=i['data_uoa'] if cfg.get('force_lower','')=='yes': duoa=duoa.lower() if duoa=='': # pragma: no cover raise Exception('data_uoa is empty') split_dirs=safe_int(i.get('split_dirs',0),0) # Check split pp=p # Disambiguate UOA alias='' if is_uid(duoa): # If UID uid=duoa # Check if alias exists p1=os.path.join(pp, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_alias_u'] + uid) found_alias=False if os.path.isfile(p1): try: f=open(p1) alias=f.readline().strip() f.close() found_alias=True except Exception as e: None # If alias exists, check directory with alias if found_alias: sd1,sd2=split_name(alias, split_dirs) if sd2!='': # otherwise name is smaller than the split number p=os.path.join(p,sd1) p2=os.path.join(p, alias) return {'return':0, 'path':p2, 'data_uid':uid, 'data_alias':alias, 'data_uoa':alias} sd1,sd2=split_name(uid, split_dirs) if sd2!='': # otherwise name is smaller than the split number p=os.path.join(p,sd1) p2=os.path.join(p, uid) if os.path.isdir(p2): return {'return':0, 'path':p2, 'data_uid':uid, 'data_alias':'', 'data_uoa':uid} return {'return':-1} sd1,sd2=split_name(duoa, split_dirs) if sd2!='': # otherwise name is smaller than the split number p=os.path.join(p,sd1) # If alias alias=duoa p1=os.path.join(p, alias) if sys.version_info[0]<3: try: p1=p1.encode('utf8') except Exception as e: pass if os.path.isdir(p1): # Check uid for this alias p2=os.path.join(pp, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_alias_a'] + alias) try: f=open(p2) uid=f.readline().strip() f.close() except Exception as e: return {'return':10, 'error':'inconsistent entry: alias "'+alias+'" exists, but not the UID in file '+p2, 'path':p1, 'data_alias':alias} return {'return':0, 'path':p1, 'data_uid':uid, 'data_alias':alias, 'data_uoa':alias} return {'return':16, 'error':'can\'t find path to CK entry'}
############################################################################## # Load CK meta description from a path # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def load_meta_from_path(i): """Load CK meta description from a path Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: path (str): path to a data entry (skip_updates) (str): if 'yes', do not load updates (skip_desc) (str): if 'yes', do not load descriptions to be able to handle many entries (similar to Mediawiki) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict (dict): dict with CK meta description path (str): path to json file with meta description (info) (dict): dict with CK info (provenance) if exists (path_info) (str): path to json file with info (updates) (dict): dict with updates if exists (path_updates) (str): path to json file with updates (path_desc) (str): path to json file with API description """ p=i['path'] slu=i.get('skip_updates','') sld=i.get('skip_desc','') p1=os.path.join(p, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_meta']) if not os.path.isfile(p1): p1=os.path.join(p, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_meta_old']) # For compatibility with cM if not os.path.isfile(p1): p1='' if p1!='': rx={'return':0} r=load_json_file({'json_file':p1}) if r['return']>0: return r rx['path']=p1 rx['dict']=r['dict'] # Check info file p2=os.path.join(p, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_info']) if os.path.isfile(p2): r=load_json_file({'json_file':p2}) if r['return']>0: return r rx['path_info']=p2 rx['info']=r['dict'] # Check updates file if slu!='yes': p3=os.path.join(p, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_updates']) if os.path.isfile(p3): r=load_json_file({'json_file':p3}) if r['return']>0: return r rx['path_updates']=p3 rx['updates']=r['dict'] # Check desc file if sld!='yes': p4=os.path.join(p, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_desc']) if os.path.isfile(p4): r=load_json_file({'json_file':p4}) if r['return']>0: return r rx['path_desc']=p4 rx['desc']=r['dict'] return rx else: return {'return':1, 'error':'meta description is not found in path '+p}
############################################################################## # Load (CK) python module # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def load_module_from_path(i): """Load (CK) python module Target audience: end users Args: path (str): path to a Python module module_code_name (str): Python module name (cfg) (dict): CK module configuration if exists (skip_init) (str): if 'yes', skip init of the CK module (data_uoa) (str): CK module UOA (useful when printing errors) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 code (obj): Python code object path (str): full path to the module cuid (str): automatically generated unique ID for the module in the internal cache of modules """ p=i['path'] n=i['module_code_name'] xcfg=i.get('cfg',None) # Find module try: x=imp.find_module(n, [p]) except ImportError as e: # pragma: no cover return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t find module code (path='+p+', name='+n+', err='+format(e)+')'} ff=x[0] full_path=x[1] # Check if code has been already loaded if full_path in work['cached_module_by_path'] and work['cached_module_by_path_last_modification'][full_path]==os.path.getmtime(full_path): ff.close() # Code already loaded return work['cached_module_by_path'][full_path] # Check if has dependency on specific CK kernel version if xcfg!=None: kd=xcfg.get('min_kernel_dep','') if kd!='': rx=check_version({'version':kd}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ok=rx['ok'] version_str=rx['current_version'] if ok!='yes': return {'return':1, 'error':'module "'+i.get('data_uoa','')+'" requires minimal CK kernel version '+kd+' while your version is '+version_str} # Generate uid for the run-time extension of the loaded module # otherwise modules with the same extension ( for example) # will be reloaded ... r=gen_uid({}) if r['return']>0: return r ruid='rt-'+r['data_uid'] try: c=imp.load_module(ruid, ff, full_path, x[2]) except ImportError as e: # pragma: no cover return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t load module code (path='+p+', name='+n+', err='+format(e)+')'} x[0].close() # Initialize module with this CK instance[__name__] if xcfg!=None: c.cfg=xcfg # Initialize module if i.get('skip_init','')!='yes': # Check if init function exists if getattr(c, 'init')!=None: r=c.init(i) if r['return']>0: return r r={'return':0, 'code':c, 'path':full_path, 'cuid':ruid} # Cache code together with its time of change work['cached_module_by_path'][full_path]=r work['cached_module_by_path_last_modification'][full_path]=os.path.getmtime(full_path) return r
############################################################################## # Perform remote action via CK web service # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def perform_remote_action(i): """Perform remote action via CK web service Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: See "perform_action" function Returns: See "perform_action" function """ # Import modules compatible with Python 2.x and 3.x import urllib try: import urllib.request as urllib2 except: import urllib2 # pragma: no cover try: from urllib.parse import urlencode except: from urllib import urlencode # pragma: no cover rr={'return':0} # Get action act=i.get('action','') # Check output o=i.get('out','') if o=='con': # out('Initiating remote access ...') # out('') i['out']='con' i['quiet']='yes' if act=='pull': i['out']='json' else: i['out']='json' # # Clean up input # if o!='json_file': # rr['out']='json' # Decided to return json to show that it's remote ... if 'cid' in i: del(i['cid']) # already processed # Get URL url=i.get('remote_server_url','') # Process i if 'remote_server_url' in i: del(i['remote_server_url']) # Pre process if push file ... if act=='push': # Check file fn=i.get('filename','') if fn=='': x=i.get('cids',[]) if len(x)>0: fn=x[0] if fn=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'filename is empty'} if not os.path.isfile(fn): return {'return':1, 'error':'file '+fn+' not found'} rx=convert_file_to_upload_string({'filename':fn}) if rx['return']>0: return rx i['file_content_base64']=rx['file_content_base64'] # Leave only filename without path i['filename']=os.path.basename(fn) # Prepare post variables r=dumps_json({'dict':i, 'skip_indent':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r s=r['string'].encode('utf8') post=urlencode({'ck_json':s}) if sys.version_info[0]>2: post=post.encode('utf8') # Check if skip SSL certificate ctx=None add_ctx=False if i.get('remote_skip_certificate_validation','')=='yes': del(i['remote_skip_certificate_validation']) import ssl ctx = ssl.create_default_context() ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE add_ctx=True # If auth auth=None add_auth=False au=i.get('remote_server_user','') if au!='': del(i['remote_server_user']) ap=i.get('remote_server_pass','') if ap!='': del(i['remote_server_pass']) auth = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() auth.add_password(None, url, au, ap) add_auth=True # Prepare handler (TBD: maybe there is another, more elegant way?) if add_auth and add_ctx: urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(auth), urllib2.HTTPSHandler(context=ctx))) elif add_auth: urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(auth))) elif add_ctx: urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPSHandler(context=ctx))) # Prepare request request = urllib2.Request(url, post) # Connect try: f=urllib2.urlopen(request) except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'Access to remote CK repository failed ('+format(e)+')'} # Read from Internet try: f.close() except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'Failed reading stream from remote CK web service ('+format(e)+')'} # Check output try: s=s.decode('utf8') except Exception as e: pass if o=='con' and act!='pull': out(s.rstrip()) else: # Try to convert output to dictionary r=convert_json_str_to_dict({'str':s, 'skip_quote_replacement':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t parse output from remote CK server ('+r['error']+'):\n'+s[:256]+'\n\n...)'} d=r['dict'] if 'return' in d: d['return']=int(d['return']) # Fix for some strange behavior when 'return' is not integer - should check why ... if d.get('return',0)>0: return d # Post process if pull file ... if act=='pull': if o!='json' and o!='json_file': # Convert encoded file to real file ... x=d.get('file_content_base64','') fn=d.get('filename','') if fn=='': fn=cfg['default_archive_name'] r=convert_upload_string_to_file({'file_content_base64':x, 'filename':fn}) if r['return']>0: return r if 'file_content_base64' in d: del(d['file_content_base64']) rr.update(d) # Restore original output i['out']=o return rr
############################################################################## # Perform an automation action via CK kernel or from the kernel # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def perform_action(i): """Perform an automation action via CK kernel or from the kernel Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (): all parameters from the "access" function (web) (str): if 'yes', called from the web (common_func) (str): if 'yes', ignore search for modules and call common func from the CK kernel or (kernel) (str): the same as above (local) (str): if 'yes', run locally even if remote repo ... Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 (out) (str): if action changes output, log it Output from a given action } """ # Check action action=i.get('action','') if action=='': action='short_help' elif action=='-?' or action=='-h' or action=='--help': action='help' # Check web wb=i.get('web','') # Substitute # in CIDs cid=i.get('cid','') cids=i.get('cids',[]) xout=i.get('out','') ruoa='' ruid='' repo_module_uoa=i.get('repo_module_uoa','') need_subst=False rc={} # If CID from current directory if cid.startswith(cfg['detect_cur_cid']) or cid.startswith(cfg['detect_cur_cid1']): need_subst=True else: for c in cids: if c.startswith(cfg['detect_cur_cid']) or c.startswith(cfg['detect_cur_cid1']): need_subst=True break # If need to substitute #, attempt to detect current CID if need_subst: rc=detect_cid_in_current_path({}) if rc['return']>0: return rc # Process cid (module or CID) module_uoa=cid if cid.find(':')>=0 or cid.startswith(cfg['detect_cur_cid']) or cid.startswith(cfg['detect_cur_cid1']): # Means that CID r=parse_cid({'cid':cid, 'cur_cid':rc}) if r['return']>0: return r module_uoa=r.get('module_uoa','') duoa=r.get('data_uoa','') if duoa!='': i['data_uoa']=duoa ruoa=r.get('repo_uoa','') if ruoa!='': i['repo_uoa']=ruoa # If module_uoa exists in input, set module_uoa if i.get('module_uoa','')!='': module_uoa=i['module_uoa'] i['module_uoa']=module_uoa # Check if repo exists and possibly remote! remote=False local=i.get('local','') rs=i.get('remote_server_url','') if rs=='': ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') if ruoa!='' and ruoa.find('*')<0 and ruoa.find('?')<0: rq=load_repo_info_from_cache({'repo_uoa':ruoa}) if rq['return']>0: return rq dd=rq.get('dict',{}) if dd.get('remote','')=='yes' and local!='yes': rs=dd.get('url','') if rs=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'URL of remote repository is not defined'} i['remote_server_url']=rs if dd.get('remote_user','')!='': i['remote_server_user']=dd['remote_user'] # It is completely unsave - just for proof of concept ... if dd.get('remote_password','')!='': i['remote_server_pass']=dd['remote_password'] if dd.get('remote_skip_certificate_validation','')!='': i['remote_skip_certificate_validation']=dd['remote_skip_certificate_validation'] if dd.get('remote_repo_uoa','')!='': i['repo_uoa']=dd['remote_repo_uoa'] else: del (i['repo_uoa']) if i.get('remote_repo_uoa','')!='': i['repo_uoa']=i['remote_repo_uoa'] del(i['remote_repo_uoa']) if rs!='' and local!='yes': return perform_remote_action(i) # Process and parse cids -> xcids xcids=[] for c in cids: r=parse_cid({'cid':c, 'cur_cid':rc, 'ignore_error':'yes'}) # here we ignore errors, since can be a file name, etc if r['return']>0: return r xcids.append(r) i['xcids']=xcids # Check if common function cf=i.get('common_func','') if cf=='': cf=i.get('common','') # making it easier to call it from the command line # Check if no module_uoa, not common function, then try to get module from current module_detected_from_dir=False if not need_subst and cf!='yes' and module_uoa=='' and action not in cfg['common_actions']: rc=detect_cid_in_current_path({}) if rc['return']==0: module_uoa=rc.get('module_uoa','') module_detected_from_dir=True display_module_uoa = module_uoa default_action_name = None loaded_module = None ## If a specific module_uoa was given (not a wildcard) : # if cf!='yes' and module_uoa!='' and module_uoa.find('*')<0 and module_uoa.find('?')<0: # Find module and load meta description rx=load({'repo_uoa':repo_module_uoa, 'module_uoa':cfg['module_name'], 'data_uoa':module_uoa}) if rx['return']>0: if cfg.get('download_missing_components','')!='yes' and action!='download': return rx # Check if search in remote server ... restarted=False if rx['return']==16: xout2='' if xout=='con': xout2=xout # Try to download missing action/module ry=download({'module_uoa':cfg['module_name'], 'data_uoa':module_uoa, 'out':xout2}) if ry['return']>0: return ry # Attempt to load module again rx=load({'module_uoa':cfg['module_name'], 'data_uoa':module_uoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx restarted=True xout='' if xout=='con': out('') if not restarted: return rx xmodule_uoa=rx['data_uoa'] xmodule_uid=rx['data_uid'] display_module_uoa = '"{}"'.format(xmodule_uoa) if xmodule_uoa!=xmodule_uid: display_module_uoa += ' ({})'.format(xmodule_uid) # Check if allowed to run only from specific repos if cfg.get('allow_run_only_from_allowed_repos','')=='yes':# and cf!='yes': ruid=rx['repo_uid'] if ruid not in cfg.get('repo_uids_to_allow_run',[]): return {'return':1, 'error':'executing commands is not allowed from this repository "'+ruid+'"'} u=rx['dict'] p=rx['path'] # Check logging of repo:module:uoa to be able to rebuild CK dependencies if log_ck_entries: lce=cfg.get('log_ck_entries','') if lce!='': rl=save_text_file({'text_file':lce, 'string':'"action":"'+action+'", "repo_uoa":"'+ i.get('repo_uoa','')+'", "repo_module_uoa":"'+ repo_module_uoa+'", "module_uoa":"'+ xmodule_uoa+'", "module_uid":"'+ xmodule_uid+'", "data_uoa":"'+ i.get('data_uoa','')+'"\n', 'append':'yes'}) if rl['return']>0: return rl declared_action = action in u.get('actions',{}) default_action_name = u.get('default_action_name','') intercept_kernel = i.get('{}.intercept_kernel'.format(module_uoa),'') if declared_action or default_action_name: # Load module mcn=u.get('module_name',cfg['module_code_name']) if i.get('module_version','')!='': mcnv=i['module_version'].strip() if mcnv=='0': mcnv='' else: mcnv=u.get('module_version','') if mcnv!='': mcn+='.'+mcnv r=load_module_from_path({'path':p, 'module_code_name':mcn, 'cfg':u, 'data_uoa':rx['data_uoa']}) if r['return']>0: return r loaded_module=r['code']['self_module_uid']=rx['data_uid']['self_module_uoa']=rx['data_uoa']['self_module_alias']=rx['data_alias']['path']=p action1=u.get('actions_redirect',{}).get(action,'') if action1=='': action1=action if i.get('help','')=='yes' or i.get('api','')=='yes': return get_api({'path':p, 'func':action1, 'out':xout}) if wb=='yes' and (xout=='con' or xout=='web') and u.get('actions',{}).get(action,{}).get('for_web','')!='yes': return {'return':1, 'error':'this action is not supported in remote/web mode'} if declared_action: a=getattr(loaded_module, action1) return a(i) elif default_action_name and intercept_kernel: a=getattr(loaded_module, default_action_name) return a(i) # otherwise fall through and try a "special" kernel method first # Check if action == special keyword (add, delete, list, etc) if (module_uoa!='' and action in cfg['common_actions']) or \ ((module_uoa=='' or module_detected_from_dir) and action in cfg['actions']): # Check function redirect - needed if action # is the same as internal python keywords such as list action1=cfg['actions_redirect'].get(action,'') if action1=='': action1=action if i.get('help','')=='yes' or i.get('api','')=='yes': return get_api({'path':'', 'func':action1, 'out':xout}) if wb=='yes' and (xout=='con' or xout=='web') and cfg.get('actions',{}).get(action,{}).get('for_web','')!='yes': return {'return':1, 'error':'this action is not supported in remote/web mode '} a=getattr(sys.modules[__name__], action1) return a(i) if default_action_name: a=getattr(loaded_module, default_action_name) return a(i) # Prepare error if module_uoa=='': er='in kernel' else: er='in module '+display_module_uoa return {'return':1,'error':'action "'+action+'" not found '+er}
############################################################################## # Print API from the CK module for a given action # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def get_api(i): """Print API from the CK module for a given action Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (path) (str): path to a CK module, if comes from the access function or (module_uoa) (str): if comes from CMD (func): API function name (out): how to output this info Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 title (str): title string desc (str): original description module (str): CK module name api (str): api line (str): description string in the CK module """ p=i.get('path','') f=i.get('func','') o=i.get('out','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') t='' # last function description (if redirect to another API) t_orig='' # original function description l=0 # API line a='' # accumulated API if p=='' and muoa!='': rx=load({'module_uoa':cfg['module_name'], 'data_uoa':muoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx p=rx['path'] if p=='': p1=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(work['dir_default_repo'])) p=os.path.join(p1, cfg['file_kernel_py']) if not os.path.isfile(p): return {'return':1, 'error':'kernel not found in '+p} else: p=os.path.join(p, '') if os.path.isfile(p): rx=load_text_file({'text_file':p, 'split_to_list':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx lst=rx['lst'] k=-1 while k<len(lst)-1: k+=1 q=lst[k] if q.find('def '+f+'(')>=0 or q.find('def '+f+' (')>=0 or \ q.find('def\t'+f+'(')>=0 or q.find('def\t'+f+' (')>=0: j=k-1 if j>=0 and lst[j].strip()=='': j-=1 x='x' while j>=0 and x!='' and not x.startswith('###'): x=lst[j].strip() if x!='' and not x.startswith('###'): if x=='#': x=' ' elif x.startswith('# '): x=x[2:] t=x+'\n'+t j-=1 if t!='': l=j+2 if t_orig=='': t_orig=t # Find starting point of an API j=k+1 if j<len(lst) and lst[j].find('"""')>=0: j+=1 # Check if redirect to another function restart=False if j<len(lst): x=lst[j].strip() if x.lower().startswith("see"): z1=x.find('"') if z1>0: z2=x.find('"',z1+1) if z2>0: f=x[z1+1:z2] # new function name k=-1 restart=True # restart search for new function if not restart: x='' while x.find('"""')<0 and j<len(lst): x=lst[j] if x.find('"""')<0: a+=x+'\n' j+=1 if t=='' and a=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'function not found'} dd=t_orig.strip() if o=='con': out('Description: '+dd) out('') out('Module: '+p) out('') out('Line: '+str(l)) out('') out('API:') out(a) elif o=='web': out('<B>Function:</B> '+t+'<BR>') out('<BR>') out('<B>Module:</B> '+p+'<BR>') out('<BR>') out('<B>API:</B><BR>') out('<pre>') out(a) out('</pre><BR>') return {'return':0, 'title':t, 'desc':dd, 'module':p, 'api':a, 'line':l}
############################################################################## # Convert CID to a dict and add missing parts in CID from the current path # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def parse_cid(i): """Convert CID to a dict and add missing parts in CID from the current path Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: cid (str): in format (REPO_UOA:)MODULE_UOA:DATA_UOA (cur_cid) (str): output from the "detect_cid_in_current_path" function (ignore_error) (str): if 'yes', ignore wrong format Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 data_uoa (str): CK data UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA """ r={'return':0} c=i['cid'].strip() ie=i.get('ignore_error','') cc=i.get('cur_cid', {}) a0=cc.get('repo_uoa','') m0=cc.get('module_uoa','') d0=cc.get('data_uoa','') if c.startswith(cfg['detect_cur_cid']) or c.startswith(cfg['detect_cur_cid1']): c=c[1:] x=c.split(':') if len(x)<2 and m0=='': if ie!='yes': return {'return':1, 'error':'unknown CID format'} else: return r if c=='': r['repo_uoa']=a0 r['module_uoa']=m0 r['data_uoa']=d0 elif len(x)==1: if a0!='': r['repo_uoa']=a0 r['module_uoa']=m0 r['data_uoa']=x[0] elif len(x)==2: if a0!='': r['repo_uoa']=a0 r['module_uoa']=x[0] r['data_uoa']=x[1] elif len(x)==3: r['repo_uoa']=x[0] r['module_uoa']=x[1] r['data_uoa']=x[2] else: if ie!='yes': return {'return':1, 'error':'unknown CID format'} return r
############################################################################## # Create a CK entry with UID or alias in the given path # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def create_entry(i): """Create a CK entry with UID or alias in the given path Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: path (str): path where to create an entry (split_dirs) (int): number of first characters to split directory into subdirectories to be able to handle many entries (similar to Mediawiki) (data_uoa) (str): CK entry UOA (data_uid) (str): if data_uoa is an alias, we can force data UID (force) (str): if 'yes', force to create CK entry even if related directory already exists (allow_multiple_aliases) (str); if 'yes', allow multiple aliases for the same UID (needed for to publish renamed components with the same UID) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 path (str): path to the created CK entry data_uid (str): UID of the created CK entry data_alias (str): alias of the created CK entry data_uoa (str): alias or UID (if alias=="") of the created CK entry """ p0=i.get('path','') d=i.get('data_uoa','') di=i.get('data_uid','') ama=(i.get('allow_multiple_aliases','')=='yes') # Experimental functionality for split_dirs=safe_int(i.get('split_dirs',0),0) xforce=i.get('force','') if xforce=='yes': force=True else: force=False # If no uoa, generate UID alias='' uid='' if d=='': if di=='': r=gen_uid({}) if r['return']>0: return r uid=r['data_uid'] else: uid=di # Check if already exists iii={'path':p0, 'data_uoa':uid} if split_dirs!=0: iii['split_dirs']=split_dirs r=find_path_to_entry(iii) if r['return']>0 and r['return']!=16: return r elif r['return']==0: r['return']=16 return r alias='' else: # Check if already exists if not force: # Check if already exists iii={'path':p0, 'data_uoa':d} if split_dirs!=0: iii['split_dirs']=split_dirs r=find_path_to_entry(iii) if r['return']>0 and r['return']!=16: return r elif r['return']==0: r['return']=16 return r if is_uid(d): uid=d alias='' else: alias=d if di!='': uid=i['data_uid'] else: r=gen_uid({}) if r['return']>0: return r uid=r['data_uid'] # Check dir name dir_name=(alias,uid) [alias==''] # Check split p00=p0 sd1,sd2=split_name(dir_name, split_dirs) if sd2!='': # otherwise name is smaller than the split number p00=os.path.join(p0,sd1) # Create first split if doesn't exist if not os.path.isdir(p00): os.mkdir(p00) # Finalize path to entry p=os.path.join(p00, dir_name) # Check alias disambiguation if alias!='': p1=os.path.join(p0, cfg['subdir_ck_ext']) if not os.path.isdir(p1): # Create .cm directory try: # pragma: no cover os.mkdir(p1) except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':format(e)} # Check if alias->uid exist p3=os.path.join(p1, cfg['file_alias_a'] + alias) if os.path.isfile(p3): # pragma: no cover try: fx=open(p3) uid1=fx.readline().strip() fx.close() except Exception as e: None if uid1!=uid: return {'return':1, 'error':'different alias->uid disambiguator already exists in '+p3} # Check if uid->alias exist xalias=alias p2=os.path.join(p1, cfg['file_alias_u'] + uid) if os.path.isfile(p2): # pragma: no cover alias1='' alias1s=[] try: fx=open(p2) alias1s=alias1.split('\n') fx.close() except Exception as e: None if alias not in alias1s: if ama: xalias=alias+'\n'+alias1 else: return {'return':1, 'error':'different uid->alias disambiguator already exists in '+p2} ru=save_text_file({'text_file':p3, 'string':uid+'\n'}) if ru['return']>0: return ru ru=save_text_file({'text_file':p2, 'string':xalias+'\n'}) if ru['return']>0: return ru # Create directory if not os.path.exists(p): try: os.mkdir(p) except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':format(e)} uoa=uid if alias!='': uoa=alias return {'return':0, 'path':p, 'data_uid':uid, 'data_alias':alias, 'data_uoa':uoa}
############################################################################## # Delete the CK entry alias from a given path # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def delete_alias(i): """Delete the CK entry alias from a given path Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: path (str): path to the CK entry data_uid (str): CK entry UID (data_alias) (str): CK entry alias (repo_dict) (str): meta description of a given CK repository to check if there is an automatic sync with a Git repository (share) (str): if 'yes', try to delete using the Git client Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ rd=i.get('repo_dict',{}) rshared=rd.get('shared','') rsync=rd.get('sync','') if i.get('share','')=='yes': rshared='git' p=i['path'] alias=i.get('data_alias','') uid='' if alias!='' and os.path.isdir(p): p0=os.path.join(p, cfg['subdir_ck_ext']) p9=cfg['file_alias_a'] + alias p1=os.path.join(p0, p9) if rshared!='': ppp=os.getcwd() os.chdir(p0) if os.path.isfile(p1): try: f=open(p1) uid=f.readline().strip() f.close() except Exception as e: None if rshared!='': ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['rm'].replace('$#files#$', p9) rx=os.system(ss) if os.path.isfile(p1): os.remove(p1) if uid=='': uid=i['data_uid'] if uid!='': p9=cfg['file_alias_u'] + uid p1=os.path.join(p0, p9) if os.path.isfile(p1): # Check if multiple aliases delete=True alias1='' alias1s=[] try: fx=open(p1) alias1s=alias1.split('\n') fx.close() except Exception as e: None if len(alias1s)>1: delete=False alias1s.remove(alias) xalias='\n'.join(alias1s) # Update alias disambiguator ru=save_text_file({'text_file':p1, 'string':xalias}) if ru['return']>0: return ru if delete: if rshared!='': ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['rm'].replace('$#files#$', p9) rx=os.system(ss) if os.path.isfile(p1): os.remove(p1) if rshared!='': os.chdir(ppp) return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Delete a given directory with all sub-directories (must be very careful) # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def delete_directory(i): """Delete a given directory with all sub-directories (must be very careful) Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: path (str): path to delete Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ import shutil p=i['path'] if os.path.isdir(p): shutil.rmtree(p, onerror=rm_read_only) return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Convert dictionary into CK flat format # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def flatten_dict(i): """ Any list item is converted to @number=value Any dict item is converted to #key=value # is always added at the beginning Input: { dict - python dictionary (prefix) - prefix (for recursion) (prune_keys) - list of keys to prune (can have wildcards) } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 dict - flattened dictionary } """ prefix='#' if i.get('prefix','')!='': prefix=str(i['prefix']) a=i['dict'] aa={} pk=i.get('prune_keys','') if pk=='': pk=[] flatten_dict_internal(a, aa, prefix, pk) return {'return':0, 'dict': aa}
############################################################################## # Convert dictionary into the CK flat format # # TARGET: internal use for recursion
[docs]def flatten_dict_internal(a, aa, prefix, pk): """Convert dictionary into the CK flat format Target audience: internal use for recursion Args: a (any): aa (dict): target dict prefix (str): key prefix pk: aggregated key? Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict (dict): pass dict a from the input """ # Start flattening if type(a) is dict or type(a) is list: i=0 for x in a: if type(a) is dict: v=a[x] prefix1=prefix+'#'+str(x) else: prefix1=prefix+'@'+str(i) v=x if type(v) is dict or type(v) is list: flatten_dict_internal(v, aa, prefix1, pk) else: if flatten_dict_internal_check_key(prefix1, pk): aa[prefix1]=v i+=1 else: if flatten_dict_internal_check_key(prefix, pk): aa[prefix]=a return {'return':0, 'dict': a}
############################################################################## # Convert dictionary into the CK flat format # # TARGET: internal use
[docs]def flatten_dict_internal_check_key(prefix, pk): """Convert dictionary into the CK flat format Target audience: internal use Args: prefix (str): key prefix pk: aggregated key? Returns: (bool): key must be added if True """ import fnmatch add=False if len(pk)==0: add=True else: for c in pk: if '*' in c or '?' in c: if fnmatch.fnmatch(prefix,c): add=True break else: if prefix==c: add=True break return add
############################################################################## # Get a value from a dict by the CK flat key # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def get_by_flat_key(i): """Get a value from a dict by the CK flat key Target audience: end users Args: dict (dict): dictionary key (str): CK flat key Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 value (any): value or None, if key doesn't exist """ # Check vars v=None a=i['dict'] k=i['key'] # Remove leading # if exists if len(k)>0 and k[0:1]=='#': k=k[1:] k1='' kt='' # type '#' or '@' x=0 finish=False while not finish: y=k[x] x+=1 if y=='#' or y=='@': if kt=='#': if k1 not in a: break a=a[k1] elif kt=='@': if len(a)<=type_long(k1): break a=a[type_long(k1)] k1='' kt=y else: k1+=y if x>=len(k): break if k1!='' and kt!='': if kt=='#': if k1 in a: v=a[k1] else: if len(a)>type_long(k1): v=a[type_long(k1)] return {'return':0, 'value': v}
############################################################################## # Set a value in a dictionary using the CK flat key # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def set_by_flat_key(i): """Set a value in a dictionary using the CK flat key Target audience: end users Args: dict (dict): dictionary key (str): CK flat key value (any): value to set Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict (dict): modified dict """ a=i['dict'] k=i['key'] v=i['value'] # Remove leading # if there if len(k)>0 and k[0:1]=='#': k=k[1:] k1='' kt='' # type '#' or '@' x=0 finish=False while not finish: y=k[x] x+=1 if y=='#' or y=='@': if kt=='#': if k1 not in a: if y=='#': a[k1]={} else: a[k1]=[] a=a[k1] elif kt=='@': if len(a)<=type_long(k1): for q in range(len(a)-1,type_long(k1)): if y=='#': a.append({}) else: a.append([]) a=a[type_long(k1)] k1='' kt=y else: k1+=y if x>=len(k): break if k1!='' and kt!='': if kt=='#': a[k1]=v else: if len(a)<=type_long(k1): for q in range(len(a)-1,type_long(k1)): if y=='#': a.append({}) else: a.append([]) a[type_long(k1)]=v return {'return':0, 'dict': i['dict']}
############################################################################## # Restore CK flattened dict # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def restore_flattened_dict(i): """Restore flattened dict Target audience: end users Args: dict (dict): CK flattened dictionary Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict (dict): restored dict """ # Check vars a={} # default b=i['dict'] first=True for x in b: if first: first=False y=x[1:2] if y=='@': a=[] else: a={} set_by_flat_key({'dict':a, 'key':x, 'value':b[x]}) return {'return':0, 'dict': a}
############################################################################## # Set a lock in a given path (to handle parallel writes to CK entries) # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def set_lock(i): """Set a lock in a given path (to handle parallel writes to CK entries) Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: path (str): path to be locked (get_lock) (str): if 'yes', lock this entry (lock_retries) (int): number of retries to aquire lock (default=11) (lock_retry_delay) (float): delay in seconds before trying to aquire lock again (default=3) (lock_expire_time) (float): number of seconds before lock expires (default=30) (unlock_uid) (str): UID of the lock to release it Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 (lock_uid) (str): lock UID, if locked successfully """ p=i['path'] gl=i.get('get_lock','') uuid=i.get('unlock_uid','') exp=float(i.get('lock_expire_time','30')) rr={'return':0} if gl=='yes' or uuid!='': pl=os.path.join(p, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_for_lock']) luid='' if os.path.isfile(pl): import time # Read lock file try: f=open(pl) luid=f.readline().strip() exp=float(f.readline().strip()) if exp<0: exp=1 f.close() except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem reading lock file'} # Check if lock has expired if gl=='yes' and uuid=='': # Retry if locked retry=int(i.get('lock_retries','11')) retryd=float(i.get('lock_retry_delay','3')) dt=os.path.getmtime(pl)+exp-time.time() if dt>0: while retry>0 and os.path.isfile(pl) and dt>0: retry-=1 time.sleep(retryd) if os.path.isfile(pl): dt=os.path.getmtime(pl)+exp-time.time() if retry==0 and dt>0 and os.path.isfile(pl): return {'return':32, 'error':'entry is still locked'} luid='' if os.path.isfile(pl): os.remove(pl) # Release lock if requested (and if not locked by another UID) if luid!='' and uuid!='': if luid!=uuid: return {'return':32, 'error': 'entry is locked with another UID'} luid='' os.remove(pl) # Finish acquiring lock if gl=='yes': # (Re)acquire lock if uuid=='': r=gen_uid({}) if r['return']>0: return r luid=r['data_uid'] else: luid=uuid # Write lock file try: f=open(pl,'w') f.write(luid+'\n') f.write(str(exp)+'\n') f.close() except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem writing lock file'} rr['lock_uid']=luid return rr
############################################################################## # Check if a given path is locked. Unlock if requested. # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def check_lock(i): """Check if a given path is locked. Unlock if requested. Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: path (str): path to be checked/unlocked (unlock_uid) (str): UID of the lock to release it Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ p=i['path'] uuid=i.get('unlock_uid','') pl=os.path.join(p, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_for_lock']) luid='' if os.path.isfile(pl): import time # Read lock file try: f=open(pl) luid=f.readline().strip() exp=float(f.readline().strip()) if exp<0: exp=1 f.close() except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem reading lock file'} # Check if lock has expired dt=os.path.getmtime(pl)+exp-time.time() if dt<0: # Expired if uuid=='' or uuid==luid: os.remove(pl) else: return {'return':32, 'error':'entry lock UID is not matching'} else: if uuid=='': return {'return':32, 'error':'entry is locked'} elif uuid!=luid: return {'return':32, 'error':'entry is locked with different UID'} elif uuid!='': return {'return':32, 'error':'lock was removed or expired'} return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Get current date and time # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def get_current_date_time(i): """Get current date and time Target audience: end users Args: (dict): empty dict Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 array (dict); dict with date and time - date_year (str) - date_month (str) - date_day (str) - time_hour (str) - time_minute (str) - time_second (str) iso_datetime (str): date and time in ISO format """ import datetime a={} now=now1.timetuple() a['date_year']=now[0] a['date_month']=now[1] a['date_day']=now[2] a['time_hour']=now[3] a['time_minute']=now[4] a['time_second']=now[5] return {'return':0, 'array':a, 'iso_datetime':now1.isoformat()}
############################################################################## ########################################################### # Detect CID in the current directory # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def detect_cid_in_current_path(i): """Detect CID in the current directory Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (path) (str): path, or current directory if path=="" Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 repo_uoa (str): CK repo UOA repo_uid (str): CK repo UID repo_alias (str): CK repo alias (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA (module_uid) (str): CK module UID (module_alias) (str): CK module alias (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA (data_uid) (str): CK entry (data) UID (data_alias) (str): CK entry (data) alias """ p=i.get('path','') if p=='': p=os.getcwd() p=os.path.normpath(p) dirs=[] p1='' pr='*' found=False while pr!='': p1=os.path.join(p, cfg['repo_file']) if os.path.isfile(p1): found=True break p2=os.path.split(p) p=p2[0] pr=p2[1] dirs.append(pr) if not found: return {'return':16, 'error':'repository is not detected in the current path'} # Find info about repo (prepared as return dict) r=find_repo_by_path({'path':p}) if r['return']>0: return r repo_dict=r.get('repo_dict',{}) # Check info about module ld=len(dirs) if ld>0: m=dirs[ld-1] split_dirs=0 rx=find_path_to_entry({'path':p, 'data_uoa':m}) if rx['return']>0 and rx['return']!=16: return rx elif rx['return']==0: r['module_uoa']=rx['data_uoa'] r['module_uid']=rx['data_uid'] r['module_alias']=rx['data_alias'] muid=rx['data_uid'] muoa=rx['data_uoa'] # Check if there is a split of directories for this module in local config # to handle numerous entries (similar to MediaWiki) split_dirs=get_split_dir_number(repo_dict, muid, muoa) # Check info about data if ld>1: d=dirs[ld-2] iii={} if split_dirs!=0: d=dirs[ld-3] iii['split_dirs']=split_dirs iii['path']=os.path.join(p,m) iii['data_uoa']=d rx=find_path_to_entry(iii) if rx['return']>0 and rx['return']!=16: return rx elif rx['return']==0: r['data_uoa']=rx['data_uoa'] r['data_uid']=rx['data_uid'] r['data_alias']=rx['data_alias'] return r
# ************************************************************************** # Actions, visible outside through module '*' such as [ck uid] or [ck uid *] # ************************************************************************** ############################################################ # Action: generate CK UID # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def uid(i): """CK action: generate CK UID Target audience: end users Args: (dict): empty dict Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 data_uid (str): UID in string format (16 lowercase characters 0..9,a..f) """ o=i.get('out','') r=gen_uid({}) if r['return']>0: return r if o=='con': out(r['data_uid']) return r
############################################################ # Action: print CK version # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def version(i): """CK action: print CK version Target audience: end users Args: (dict): empty dict Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 version (list): list of sub-versions starting from major version number version_str (str): version string """ o=i.get('out','') r=get_version({}) if r['return']>0: return r version_str=r['version_str'] if o=='con': out('V'+version_str) return r
############################################################ # Action: print python version used by CK # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def python_version(i): """CK action: print python version used by CK Target audience: end users Args: (dict): empty dict Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 version (str): sys.version version_info (str): sys.version_info """ import sys o=i.get('out','') v1=sys.version v2=sys.version_info if o=='con': out(v1) return {'return':0, 'version':v1, 'version_info':v2}
############################################################ # Action: check CK server status # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def status(i): """CK action: check CK server status Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (dict): empty dict Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 outdated (str): if 'yes', newer version exists """ outdated='' o=i.get('out','') try: import urllib.request as urllib2 except: import urllib2 try: from urllib.parse import urlencode except: from urllib import urlencode page='' try: res=urllib2.urlopen(cfg['status_url']) except urllib2.HTTPError as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'Problem accessing server ('+format(e)+')'} except urllib2.URLError as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'Problem accessing server ('+format(e)+')'} # Support for Python 3 if sys.version_info[0]>2: try: page=page.decode('utf-8') except Exception as e: pass if page!='': s1='version=\'' i1=page.find(s1) if i1>0: i2=page.find('\'',i1+9) if i2>0: lversion_str=page[i1+len(s1):i2].strip() rx=check_version({'version':lversion_str}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ok=rx['ok'] version_str=rx['current_version'] if ok!='yes': outdated='yes' if o=='con': out('Your version is outdated: V'+version_str) out('New available version : V'+lversion_str) u=cfg.get('ck_web','') if u!='': out('') out('If you install CK via pip, upgrade it as follows (prefix with "sudo" on Linux):') out(' $ pip install ck --upgrade') out('') out('If you use GitHub version, update CK kernel (and all other repositories) as follows:') out(' $ ck pull all --kernel') out('') out('Visit '+u+' for more details!') if o=='con': if outdated!='yes': out('Your version is up-to-date: V'+version_str) elif outdated=='': out('Problem checking version ...') return {'return':0, 'outdated':outdated}
############################################################ # Compare a given version with the CK version # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def check_version(i): """Compare a given version with the CK version Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: version (str): your version Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 ok (str): if 'yes', your CK kernel version is outdated current_version (str): your CK kernel version """ ok='yes' r=get_version({}) if r['return']>0: return r version=r['version'] version_str=r['version_str'] lversion_str=i['version'].replace('dev','.1') # for compatibility with older versions lversion=lversion_str.split('.') # Comparing for q in range(0, len(version)): if len(lversion)<=q: break v=version[q] lv=lversion[q] # try int first, then try string try: lv=int(lv) v=int(v) except Exception as e: pass if lv>v: ok='no' break if lv<v: break return {'return':0, 'ok':ok, 'current_version':version_str}
############################################################ # Convert info about CK entry to CID # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def convert_entry_to_cid(i): """Convert info about CK entry to CID Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA (repo_uid) (str): CK repo UID (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA (module_uid) (str): CK module UID (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA (data_uid) (str): CK entry (data) UID Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 cuoa (str); module_uoa:data_uoa (substituted with ? if can't find) cid (str): module_uid:data_uid (substituted with ? if can't find) xcuoa (str): repo_uoa:module_uoa:data_uoa (substituted with ? if can't find) xcid (str): repo_uid:module_uid:data_uid (substituted with ? if can't find) """ xcuoa='' xcid='' if i.get('module_uoa','')!='': cuoa=i['module_uoa'] else: cuoa='?' if i.get('module_uid','')!='': cid=i['module_uid'] else: cid='?' cuoa+=':' cid+=':' if i.get('data_uoa','')!='': cuoa+=i['data_uoa'] else: cuoa+='?' if i.get('data_uid','')!='': cid+=i['data_uid'] else: cid+='?' if i.get('repo_uoa','')!='': xcuoa=i['repo_uoa']+':'+cuoa else: xcuoa='?:'+cuoa if i.get('repo_uid','')!='': xcid=i['repo_uid']+':'+cid else: xcid='?:'+cid r={'return':0} r['cuoa']=cuoa r['cid']=cid r['xcuoa']=xcuoa r['xcid']=xcid return r
# ************************************************************************** # Common actions (if not found in other modules, call these functions here) # ************************************************************************** ############################################################ # Open web browser with the help page for a given CK entry # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def webhelp(i): """Open web browser with the help page for a given CK entry Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (dict): from the "access" function Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ a=i.get('repo_uoa','') m=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') url=cfg['wiki_data_web'] if m!='': if duoa=='': duoa=m m=cfg['module_name'] r=find_path_to_data({'repo_uoa':a, 'module_uoa':m, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r p=r['path'] muoa=r.get('module_uoa','') duoa=r.get('data_uoa','') rx=convert_entry_to_cid(r) if rx['return']>0: return rx cuoa=rx['cuoa'] cid=rx['cid'] xcuoa=rx['xcuoa'] xcid=rx['xcid'] # Prepare URL url+=muoa+':'+duoa #cid.replace(':','/') out('Opening web page '+url+' ...') import webbrowser return {'return':0}
############################################################ # Special function: open webbrowser with discussion wiki page for collaborative R&D # URL is taken from default kernel configuration cfg['wiki_data_web'] # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def wiki(i): """Open web browser with the discussion wiki page for a given CK entry Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers URL is taken from default kernel configuration cfg['wiki_data_web'] Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') url=cfg['wiki_data_web'] if muoa=='' or duoa=='': # Try to detect CID in current path rx=detect_cid_in_current_path({}) if rx['return']==0: muoa=rx.get('module_uoa','') duoa=rx.get('data_uoa','') if muoa=='' or duoa=='': return guide({}) #{'return':1, 'error':'entry is not defined'} r=find_path_to_data({'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r rx=convert_entry_to_cid(r) if rx['return']>0: return rx cuoa=rx['cuoa'] cid=rx['cid'] xcuoa=rx['xcuoa'] xcid=rx['xcid'] # Prepare URL url+=cid.replace(':','_') out('Opening web page '+url+' ...') import webbrowser return {'return':0}
############################################################ # Special function: open web browser with the private discussion wiki page for a given CK entry # URL is taken from default kernel configuration cfg['private_wiki_data_web'] # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def pwiki(i): """Open web browser with the private discussion wiki page for a given CK entry Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers URL is taken from default kernel configuration cfg['private_wiki_data_web'] Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') url=cfg['private_wiki_data_web'] if muoa=='' or duoa=='': # Try to detect CID in current path rx=detect_cid_in_current_path({}) if rx['return']==0: muoa=rx.get('module_uoa','') duoa=rx.get('data_uoa','') if muoa=='' or duoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'entry is not defined'} r=find_path_to_data({'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r rx=convert_entry_to_cid(r) if rx['return']>0: return rx cuoa=rx['cuoa'] cid=rx['cid'] xcuoa=rx['xcuoa'] xcid=rx['xcid'] # Prepare URL url+=cid.replace(':','_') out('Opening web page '+url+' ...') import webbrowser return {'return':0}
############################################################ # Special function: open webbrowser with API, if exists # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def webapi(i): """Open web browser with the API page if exists Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (dict): from the "access" function(repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') url=cfg['api_web'] if muoa=='': muoa=duoa if muoa=='': url+='ck_'+cfg['subdir_kernel']+'_api/html/kernel_8py.html' else: duoa=muoa muoa=cfg['module_name'] r=load({'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r muoa=r['data_uoa'] url+=muoa+'/#api' out('Opening web page '+url+' ...') import webbrowser return {'return':0}
############################################################ # Special function: open webbrowser with API, if exists # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def browser(i): """Open web browser with the API if exists Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (template) (str): use this web template (CK wfe module) (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA (extra_url) (str): Extra URL Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ # Check if ck-web is installed r=find({'module_uoa':'module', 'data_uoa':'wfe'}) if r['return']>0: if r['return']!=16: return r out('Seems like ck-web repository is not installed (can\'t find wfe module)!') out('Please, install it via "ck pull repo:ck-web" and try again!') return {'return':0} t=i.get('template','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') cid='' if duoa!='' or muoa!='' or ruoa!='': if ruoa!='': cid=ruoa+':' if muoa!='': cid+=muoa+':' if duoa!='': cid+=duoa # Starting web service and asking to open page return access({'action':'start', 'module_uoa':'web', 'browser':'yes', 'template':t, 'cid':cid, 'extra_url':i.get('extra_url','')})
############################################################ # Special function: open webbrowser with user/developer guide wiki # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def guide(i): """Open web browser with the user/developer guide wiki Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (dict): empty dict Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ url=cfg['ck_web_wiki'] out('Opening web page '+url+' ...') import webbrowser return {'return':0}
######################################################### # Common action: print help for a given module # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def help(i): """CK action: print help for a given module Target audience: end users Args: (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 help (str): string with the help text """ o=i.get('out','') m=i.get('module_uoa','') if m=='': m='<module_uoa>' h= 'Usage: '+cfg['cmd'].replace('$#module_uoa#$', m)+'\n' if m=='<module_uoa>': h+='\n' h+=' Common actions for all CK modules (unless overloaded):\n' for q in sorted(cfg['common_actions']): s=q desc=cfg['actions'][q].get('desc','') if desc!='': s+=' - '+desc h+=' * '+s+'\n' h+='\n' h+=' CK kernel actions:\n' for q in sorted(cfg['actions']): if q not in cfg['common_actions']: s=q desc=cfg['actions'][q].get('desc','') if desc!='': s+=' - '+desc h+=' * '+s+'\n' else: h+='\n' h+=' Available actions:\n\n' # Attempt to load r=list_actions({'module_uoa':m}) if r['return']>0: return r actions=r['actions'] if len(actions)==0: h+=' Not described yet ...\n' else: for q in sorted(actions.keys()): s=q desc=actions[q].get('desc','') if desc!='': s+=' - '+desc h+=' * '+s+'\n' h+='\n' h+=' Common actions for this module from the CK kernel:\n' h+=' $ ck help\n' if m=='<module_uoa>': h+='\n' h+=cfg['help_examples'] h+='\n' h+=cfg['help_web'] if o=='con': out(h) return {'return':0, 'help':h}
######################################################### # Common action: print short CK help # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def short_help(i): """Print short CK help Target audience: end users Args: (dict): empty dict Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 help (str): string with the help text """ import sys o=i.get('out','') r=version({}) if r['return']>0: return r h='CK version: '+r['version_str']+'\n' r=python_version({}) if r['return']>0: return r x=sys.executable if x!=None and x!='': h+='\nPython executable used by CK: '+x+'\n' h+='\nPython version used by CK: '+r['version'].replace('\n','\n ')+'\n' h+='\nPath to the default repo: '+work['dir_default_repo']+'\n' h+= 'Path to the local repo: '+work['dir_local_repo']+'\n' h+= 'Path to CK repositories: '+work['dir_repos']+'\n' h+='\n'+cfg['help_web'].replace('\n','').strip()+'\n' #.replace(' ','')+'\n' h+='CK Google group:\n' h+='CK Slack channel:\n' h+='Stable CK components:' if o=='con': out(h) return {'return':0, 'help':h}
######################################################### # Print input dictionary to screen for debugging # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers ######################################################### # Common action: print CK info about a given CK entry # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def info(i): """CK action: print CK info about a given CK entry Target audience: end users Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Keys from the "load" function """ o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if muoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'module UOA is not defined'} module_info=False if duoa=='': module_info=True duoa=muoa muoa=cfg['module_name'] ii={'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa} if ruoa!='': ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa r=load(ii) if r['return']>0: return r if o=='con': if module_info: p=r['path'] dd=r['dict'] developer=dd.get('developer','') license=dd.get('license','') desc=dd.get('desc','') # Get user-friendly CID rx=convert_entry_to_cid(r) if rx['return']>0: return rx cuoa=rx['cuoa'] cid=rx['cid'] xcuoa=rx['xcuoa'] xcid=rx['xcid'] out('*** CID ***') out(cuoa+' ('+cid+')') out('') out('*** Path ***') out(p) if desc!='': out('') out('*** Description ***') out(desc) if developer!='': out('') out('*** Developer ***') out(developer) if license!='': out('') out('*** License ***') out(license) else: p=r['path'] duid=r['data_uid'] dalias=r['data_alias'] muid=r['module_uid'] malias=r['module_alias'] out('Path = '+p) out('') out('Data alias = '+dalias) out('Data UID = '+duid) out('') out('Module alias = '+malias) out('Module UID = '+muid) return r
############################################################ # Common action: get CID from the current path # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def path(i): """CK action: get CID from the current path Target audience: end users Args: (dict): empty dict Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Keys from the "detect_cid_in_current_path" function """ o=i.get('out','') r=detect_cid_in_current_path(i) if r['return']>0: return r rx=convert_entry_to_cid(r) if rx['return']>0: return rx cuoa=rx['cuoa'] cid=rx['cid'] xcuoa=rx['xcuoa'] xcid=rx['xcid'] # If console, print CIDs if o=='con': out(cuoa) out(cid) out(xcuoa) out(xcid) return r
############################################################ # Common action: get CID from the current path or from the input # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def cid(i): """CK action: get CID from the current path or from the input Target audience: end users Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA If above is empty, detect CID in the current path ! Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA """ o=i.get('out','') # Check which CID to detect ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if ruoa=='' and muoa=='' and duoa=='': r=detect_cid_in_current_path(i) else: r=find({'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r rx=convert_entry_to_cid(r) if rx['return']>0: return rx cid=rx['cid'] # If console, print CIDs if o=='con': out(cid) # Try to copy to Clipboard if supported by OS rx=copy_to_clipboard({'string':cid}) # Ignore error return r
############################################################ # Copy current path to clipboard (productivity function) # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def copy_path_to_clipboard(i): """Copy current path to clipboard (productivity function) Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (add_quotes) (str): if 'yes', add quotes Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ import os p=os.getcwd() if i.get('add_quotes','')=='yes': p='"'+p+'"' rx=copy_to_clipboard({'string':p}) # Ignore error return {'return':0}
######################################################### # Common action: load meta description from the CK entry # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def load(i): """CK action: load meta description from the CK entry Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA (get_lock) (str): if 'yes', lock this entry (lock_retries) (int): number of retries to aquire lock (default=5) (lock_retry_delay) (float): delay in seconds before trying to aquire lock again (default=10) (lock_expire_time) (float): number of seconds before lock expires (default=30) (skip_updates) (str): if 'yes', do not load updates (skip_desc) (str): if 'yes', do not load descriptions (load_extra_json_files) (str): list of files to load from the entry (unlock_uid) (str): UID of the lock to release it (min) (str): show minimum when output to console (i.e. meta and desc) (create_if_not_found) (str): if 'yes', create, if entry is not found - useful to create and lock entries Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict (dict): CK entry meta description (info) (dict): CK entry info (updates) (dict): CK entry updates (desc) (dict): CK entry description path (str): path to the CK entry path_module (str): path to the CK module entry for this CK entry path_repo (str): path to the CK repository for this CK entry repo_uoa (str): CK repo UOA repo_uid (str): CK repo UID repo_alias (str): CK repo alias module_uoa (str): CK module UOA module_uid (str): CK module UID module_alias (str): CK module alias data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA data_uid (str): CK entry (data) UID data_alias (str): CK entry (data) alias data_name (str): CK entry user friendly name (extra_json_files) (dict): merged dict from JSON files specified by 'load_extra_json_files' key (lock_uid) (str): unlock UID, if locked successfully """ o=i.get('out','') a=i.get('repo_uoa','') m=i.get('module_uoa','') d=i.get('data_uoa','') if d=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'data UOA is not defined'} r=find_path_to_data({'repo_uoa':a, 'module_uoa':m, 'data_uoa':d}) if r['return']>0: if r['return']==16 and i.get('create_if_not_found','')=='yes': r=add({'repo_uoa':a, 'module_uoa':m, 'data_uoa':d}) if r['return']>0: return r r=find_path_to_data({'repo_uoa':a, 'module_uoa':m, 'data_uoa':d}) if r['return']>0: return r else: return r p=r['path'] slu=i.get('skip_updates','') sld=i.get('skip_desc','') # Set/check lock i['path']=p rx=set_lock(i) if rx['return']>0: return rx luid=rx.get('lock_uid','') # Load meta description r1=load_meta_from_path({'path':p, 'skip_updates':slu, 'skip_desc':sld}) if r1['return']>0: return r1 r.update(r1) r['path']=p r['data_name']=r1.get('info',{}).get('data_name','') if luid!='': r['lock_uid']=luid # If load extra files lejf=i.get('load_extra_json_files',[]) if len(lejf)>0: ejf={} for ff in lejf: rx=load_json_file({'json_file':os.path.join(p,ff)}) if rx['return']>0: return rx ejf[ff]=rx['dict'] r['extra_json_files']=ejf # If console mode, print json if o=='con': dd=r if i.get('min','')=='yes': dd={ 'desc':r.get('desc',{}), 'dict':r.get('dict',{}) } rr=dumps_json({'dict':dd, 'sort_keys':'yes'}) if rr['return']==0: out(rr['string']) return r
######################################################### # Common action: find CK entry via the 'load' function # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def find(i): """CK action: find CK entry via the 'load' function Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Output from the 'load' function number_of_entries (int): total number of found entries """ o=i.get('out','') rr=find2(i) if rr['return']>0: if rr['return']==16 and cfg.get('download_missing_components','')=='yes': import copy muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') # out('') # out(' WARNING: checking missing components "'+muoa+':'+duoa+'" at the CK portal ...') ii=copy.deepcopy(i) ii['repo_uoa']=cfg['default_exchange_repo_uoa'] ii['out']='con' # Try to download ry=download(ii) if ry['return']>0: return ry # Restart local find rr=find2(i) return rr
######################################################### # original find (internal function)
[docs]def find2(i): o=i.get('out','') i['out']='' # Check wildcards lst=[] a=i.get('repo_uoa','') m=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if m=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'module UOA is not defined'} if duoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'data UOA is not defined'} if a.find('*')>=0 or a.find('?')>=0 or m.find('*')>=0 or m.find('?')>=0 or duoa.find('*')>=0 or duoa.find('?')>=0: r=list_data({'repo_uoa':a, 'module_uoa':m, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r lst=r['lst'] r={'return':0} if len(lst)>0: r.update(lst[0]) else: return {'return':16, 'error':'entry was not found'} else: # Find path to data r=find_path_to_data(i) if r['return']>0: return r p=r['path'] ruoa=r.get('repo_uoa','') ruid=r.get('repo_uid','') muoa=r.get('module_uoa','') muid=r.get('module_uid','') duid=r.get('data_uid','') duoa=r.get('data_alias','') if duoa=='': duoa=duid lst.append({'path':p, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'repo_uid':ruid, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'module_uid':muid, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'data_uid': duid}) if o=='con': pf='' for q in lst: p=q['path'] out(p) if pf=='': pf=p i['out']=o r['number_of_entries']=len(lst) return r
######################################################### # Common action: print 'cd {path to CID}' # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def cd(i): """CK action: print 'cd {path to CID}' Target audience: end users Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA or cid (str): CK CID Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Output from the 'load' function string (str): prepared string 'cd {path to entry}' """ o=i.get('out','') i['out']='' r=find(i) i['out']=o if r['return']>0: return r noe=r.get('number_of_entries','') if noe=='': noe=0 if noe>1 and o=='con': out('CK warning: '+str(noe)+' entries found! Selecting the first one ...') out('') p=r.get('path','') if p!='': rx=get_os_ck({}) if rx['return']>0: return rx plat=rx['platform'] s='cd ' if plat=='win': s+='/D ' if p.find(' ')>0: p='"'+p+'"' s+=p out(s) r['string']=s import platform import subprocess out('') out('Warning: you are in a new shell with a reused environment. Enter "exit" to return to the original one!') if platform.system().lower().startswith('win'): # pragma: no cover p = subprocess.Popen(["cmd", "/k", s], shell = True, env=os.environ) p.wait() else: rx=gen_tmp_file({}) if rx['return']>0: return rx fn=rx['file_name'] rx=save_text_file({'text_file':fn, 'string':s}) if rx['return']>0: return rx os.system("bash --rcfile "+fn) return r
######################################################### # Common action: print 'cd {path to CID}' and copy to clipboard # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def cdc(i): # pragma: no cover """CK action: print 'cd {path to CID}' and copy to clipboard Target audience: end users Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA or cid (str): CK CID Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Output from the 'load' function """ r=cd(i) if r['return']>0: return r s=r.get('string','') if s!='': rx=copy_to_clipboard({'string':s}) if rx['return']>0: return rx return r
############################################################################## # Common action: create CK entry with a given meta-description in a CK repository # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def add(i): """CK action: create CK entry with a given meta-description in a CK repository Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA (data_uid) (str): CK entry (data) UID (if UOA is an alias) (data_name) (str): User-friendly name of this entry (dict) (dict): meta description for this entry (will be recorded to meta.json) (update) (str): if == 'yes' and CK entry exists, update it (substitute) (str): if 'yes' and update=='yes' substitute dictionaries, otherwise merge! (dict_from_cid) (str): if !="", merge dict to meta description from this CID (analog of copy) (dict_from_repo_uoa) (str): merge dict from this CK repo UOA (dict_from_module_uoa) (str): merge dict from this CK module UOA (dict_from_data_uoa) (str): merge dict from this CK entry UOA (desc) (dict): under development - defining SPECs for meta description in the CK flat format (extra_json_files) (dict): dict with extra json files to save to this CK entry (keys in this dictionary are filenames) (tags) (str): list or comma separated list of tags to add to entry (info) (dict): entry info to record - normally, should not use it! (extra_info) (dict): enforce extra info such as - author - author_email - author_webpage - license - copyright If not specified then take it from the CK kernel (prefix 'default_') (updates) (dict): entry updates info to record - normally, should not use it! (ignore_update) (str): if 'yes', do not add info about update (ask) (str): if 'yes', ask questions, otherwise silent (unlock_uid) (str): unlock UID if was previously locked (sort_keys) (str): by default, 'yes' (share) (str): if 'yes', try to add via GIT (skip_indexing) (str): if 'yes', skip indexing even if it is globally on (allow_multiple_aliases) (str): if 'yes', allow multiple aliases for the same UID (needed for to publish renamed components with the same UID) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Output from the 'create_entry' function """ o=i.get('out','') t='added' ra=i.get('repo_uoa','') m=i.get('module_uoa','') d=i.get('data_uoa','') di=i.get('data_uid','') dn=i.get('data_name','') ama=(i.get('allow_multiple_aliases','')=='yes') # Experimental functionality for if cfg.get('allowed_entry_names','')!='': import re anames=cfg.get('allowed_entry_names','') if not re.match(anames, ra) or \ not re.match(anames, m) or \ not re.match(anames, d) or \ not re.match(anames, di): return {'return':1, 'error':'found disallowed characters in names (allowed: "'+anames+'")'} if cfg.get('force_lower','')=='yes': ra=ra.lower() m=m.lower() d=d.lower() di=di.lower() uuid=i.get('unlock_uid','') up=i.get('update','') ask=i.get('ask','') # Get repo path r=find_path_to_repo({'repo_uoa':ra}) if r['return']>0: return r pr=r['path'] ruoa=r['repo_uoa'] ruid=r['repo_uid'] ralias=r['repo_alias'] rd=r['dict'] rshared=rd.get('shared','') rsync=rd.get('sync','') if i.get('share','')=='yes': rsync='yes' # Check if writing is allowed ii={'module_uoa':m, 'repo_uoa':r['repo_uoa'], 'repo_uid':r['repo_uid'], 'repo_dict':rd} r=check_writing(ii) if r['return']>0: return r # Load info about module r=load({'module_uoa':cfg['module_name'], 'data_uoa':m}) if r['return']>0: return r elif r['return']==16: return {'return':8, 'error':'can\'t find path to module "'+m+'"'} muoa=r['data_uoa'] muid=r['data_uid'] malias=r['data_alias'] pm=r['path'] uid=r['data_uid'] alias=r['data_alias'] if alias=='': alias=uid module_desc=r['dict'] # Check if there is a split of directories for this module in local config # to handle numerous entries (similar to MediaWiki) split_dirs=get_split_dir_number(rd, muid, muoa) # Ask additional questions if o=='con' and ask=='yes': # Asking for alias if d=='' or is_uid(d): r=inp({'text':'Enter an alias (or Enter to skip it): '}) d=r['string'] # Asking for user-friendly name if dn=='' and up!='yes': r=inp({'text':'Enter a user-friendly name of this entry (or Enter to reuse alias): '}) dn=r['string'] # Load dictionary from other entry if needed dfcid=i.get('dict_from_cid','') dfruoa=i.get('dict_from_repo_uoa','') dfmuoa=i.get('dict_from_module_uoa','') dfduoa=i.get('dict_from_data_uoa','') if dfcid!='': r=parse_cid({'cid':dfcid}) if r['return']>0: return r dfruoa=r.get('repo_uoa','') dfmuoa=r.get('module_uoa','') dfduoa=r.get('data_uoa','') if d!='' and not is_uoa(d): return {'return':1, 'error':'alias has disallowed characters'} if dfduoa!='': if dfmuoa=='': dfmuoa=m ii={'module_uoa':dfmuoa, 'data_uoa':dfduoa} if dfruoa!='': ii['repo_uoa']=dfruoa r=load(ii) if r['return']>0: return r df=r.get('dict',{}) # Create first level entry (module) r=create_entry({'path':pr, 'data_uoa':alias, 'data_uid':uid}) if r['return']>0 and r['return']!=16: return r p1=r['path'] # Create second level entry (data) i1={'path':p1} if split_dirs!=0: i1['split_dirs']=split_dirs pdd='' if di!='': i1['data_uid']=di if d!='': i1['data_uoa']=d if ama: i1['allow_multiple_aliases']='yes' rr=create_entry(i1) if rr['return']>0 and rr['return']!=16: return rr duid=rr['data_uid'] pdd=rr['data_uoa'] dalias=rr['data_alias'] # Preparing meta-description a={} info={} updates={} desc={} p2=rr['path'] p3=os.path.join(p2, cfg['subdir_ck_ext']) p4=os.path.join(p3, cfg['file_meta']) p4i=os.path.join(p3, cfg['file_info']) p4u=os.path.join(p3, cfg['file_updates']) p4d=os.path.join(p3, cfg['file_desc']) # If last entry exists if rr['return']==16: if up=='yes': t='updated' # Check if locked rl=check_lock({'path':p2, 'unlock_uid':uuid}) if rl['return']>0: if rl['return']==32: rl['data_uoa']=pdd rl['data_uid']=duid return rl # Entry exists, load configuration if update r2=load_meta_from_path({'path':p2}) if r2['return']>0: return r2 a=r2['dict'] info=r2.get('info',{}) updates=r2.get('updates',{}) desc=r2.get('desc',{}) if dn=='': dn=info.get('data_name','') else: return {'return':16,'error':'entry already exists in path ('+p2+')'} else: # Create configuration directory if not os.path.isdir(p3): try: os.mkdir(p3) except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':format(e)} if dn=='' and not is_uid(d): dn=d if dfduoa!='': r=merge_dicts({'dict1':a, 'dict2':df}) if r['return']>0: return r # If dict, info and updates are in input, try to merge ... cma=i.get('dict',{}) cmad=i.get('desc',{}) if i.get('substitute','')=='yes': a=cma desc=cmad else: r=merge_dicts({'dict1':a, 'dict2':cma}) if r['return']>0: return r r=merge_dicts({'dict1':desc, 'dict2':cmad}) if r['return']>0: return r # Check tags xtags=a.get('tags',[]) tags=i.get('tags','') if tags=='': tags=[] elif type(tags)!=list: tags=tags.split(',') for l in range(0,len(tags)): ll=tags[l].strip() if ll not in xtags: xtags.append(ll) if len(xtags)>0: a['tags']=xtags # Process info cminfo=i.get('info',{}) if len(cminfo)!=0: info=cminfo # r=merge_dicts({'dict1':info, 'dict2':cminfo}) # if r['return']>0: return r cmupdates=i.get('updates',{}) if len(cmupdates)!=0: updates=cmupdates # r=merge_dicts({'dict1':updates, 'dict2':cmupdates}) # if r['return']>0: return r # If name exists, add info['backup_module_uoa']=muoa info['backup_module_uid']=muid info['backup_data_uid']=duid if dn!='': info['data_name']=dn # Add control info ri=prepare_special_info_about_entry({}) if ri['return']>0: return ri x=ri['dict'] # Check if pre-set control params such as author, copyright, license ei=i.get('extra_info',{}) if len(ei)!=0: x.update(ei) y=info.get('control',{}) if i.get('ignore_update','')!='yes': if len(y)==0: info['control']=x else: y=updates.get('control',[]) y.append(x) updates['control']=y sk=i.get('sort_keys','') if sk=='': sk='yes' if len(updates)>0: # Record updates rx=save_json_to_file({'json_file':p4u, 'dict':updates, 'sort_keys':sk}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Record meta description rx=save_json_to_file({'json_file':p4, 'dict':a, 'sort_keys':sk}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Record info rx=save_json_to_file({'json_file':p4i, 'dict':info, 'sort_keys':sk}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Record desc rx=save_json_to_file({'json_file':p4d, 'dict':desc, 'sort_keys':sk}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Record extra files if there ejf=i.get('extra_json_files',{}) if len(ejf)>0: for ff in ejf: dff=ejf[ff] rz=save_json_to_file({'json_file':os.path.join(p2,ff), 'dict':dff, 'sort_keys':sk}) if rz['return']>0: return rz if o=='con': out('Entry '+d+' ('+duid+', '+p2+') '+t+' successfully!') # Check if needs to be synced if rshared!='' and rsync=='yes': ppp=os.getcwd() os.chdir(pr) if os.path.isdir(cfg['subdir_ck_ext']): ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['add'].replace('$#path#$', pr).replace('$#files#$', cfg['subdir_ck_ext']) rx=os.system(ss) os.chdir(p1) if os.path.isdir(cfg['subdir_ck_ext']): ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['add'].replace('$#path#$', pr).replace('$#files#$', cfg['subdir_ck_ext']) rx=os.system(ss) ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['add'].replace('$#path#$', pr).replace('$#files#$', pdd) rx=os.system(ss) os.chdir(ppp) # Prepare output rr={'return':0, 'dict': a, 'info': info, 'updates': updates, 'path':p2, 'path_module': pm, 'path_repo': pr, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'repo_uid':ruid, 'repo_alias':ralias, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'module_uid':muid, 'module_alias':malias, 'data_uoa':pdd, 'data_uid':duid, 'data_alias':dalias, 'data_name':dn} # Check if need to add index if i.get('skip_indexing','')!='yes' and cfg.get('use_indexing','')=='yes': muid=rr['module_uid'] if index_module(muid,ruid): duid=rr['data_uid'] path='/'+muid+'/'+duid+'/1' ri=access_index_server({'request':'DELETE', 'path':path}) if ri['return']>0: return ri ri=access_index_server({'request':'PUT', 'path':path, 'dict':rr}) if ri['return']>0: return ri # Remove lock after update if needed if uuid!='': pl=os.path.join(p2, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_for_lock']) if os.path.isfile(pl): os.remove(pl) rr['return']=0 return rr
############################################################################## # Common action: update CK entry meta-description # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def update(i): """CK action: update CK entry meta-description Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA (data_uid) (str): CK entry (data) UID (if UOA is an alias) (data_name) (str): User-friendly name of this entry (dict) (dict): meta description for this entry (will be recorded to meta.json) (substitute) (str): if 'yes' and update=='yes' substitute dictionaries, otherwise merge! (dict_from_cid) (str): if !="", merge dict to meta description from this CID (analog of copy) (dict_from_repo_uoa) (str): merge dict from this CK repo UOA (dict_from_module_uoa) (str): merge dict from this CK module UOA (dict_from_data_uoa) (str): merge dict from this CK entry UOA (desc) (dict): under development - defining SPECs for meta description in the CK flat format (extra_json_files) (dict): dict with extra json files to save to this CK entry (keys in this dictionary are filenames) (tags) (str): list or comma separated list of tags to add to entry (info) (dict): entry info to record - normally, should not use it! (extra_info) (dict): enforce extra info such as - author - author_email - author_webpage - license - copyright If not specified then take it from the CK kernel (prefix 'default_') (updates) (dict): entry updates info to record - normally, should not use it! (ignore_update) (str): if 'yes', do not add info about update (ask) (str): if 'yes', ask questions, otherwise silent (unlock_uid) (str): unlock UID if was previously locked (sort_keys) (str): by default, 'yes' (share) (str): if 'yes', try to add via GIT (skip_indexing) (str): if 'yes', skip indexing even if it is globally on (allow_multiple_aliases) (str): if 'yes', allow multiple aliases for the same UID (needed for to publish renamed components with the same UID) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Output from the "add" function (the last "add" in case of wildcards) """ # Check if global writing is allowed r=check_writing({}) if r['return']>0: return r # Try to load entry, if doesn't exist, add entry dd={} o=i.get('out','') i['out']='' # Check wildcards lst=[] a=i.get('repo_uoa','') m=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if duoa=='': duoa='*' single_not_found=False # If no wild cards and entry not found, then add if a.find('*')>=0 or a.find('?')>=0 or m.find('*')>=0 or m.find('?')>=0 or duoa.find('*')>=0 or duoa.find('?')>=0: r=list_data({'repo_uoa':a, 'module_uoa':m, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r lst=r['lst'] else: # Find path to data r=find_path_to_data(i) if r['return']>0: single_not_found=True else: p=r['path'] ruoa=r.get('repo_uoa','') ruid=r.get('repo_uid','') muoa=r.get('module_uoa','') muid=r.get('module_uid','') duid=r.get('data_uid','') duoa=r.get('data_alias','') if duoa=='': duoa=duid lst.append({'path':p, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'repo_uid':ruid, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'module_uid':muid, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'data_uid': duid}) # Update entries i['out']=o r={'return':0} if single_not_found: r=add(i) else: i['update']='yes' for q in lst: ii={} ii.update(i) ii.update(q) r=add(ii) if r['return']>0: return r return r
############################################################################## # Common action: edit data meta-description through external editor # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def edit(i): # pragma: no cover """CK action: edit data meta-description through external editor Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): repo UOA module_uoa (str): module UOA data_uoa (str): data UOA (ignore_update) (str): (default==yes) if 'yes', do not add info about update (sort_keys) (str): (default==yes) if 'yes', sort keys (edit_desc) (str): if 'yes', edit description rather than meta (useful for compiler descriptions) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') iu=i.get('ignore_update','') if iu=='': iu='yes' ed=i.get('edit_desc','') sk=i.get('sort_keys','') if sk=='': sk='yes' ii={'action':'load', 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'common_func':'yes'} r=access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r desc=r.get('desc',{}) meta=r['dict'] # Record to tmp file import tempfile fd, fn=tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tmp', prefix='ck-') # suffix is important - CK will delete such file! os.close(fd) os.remove(fn) if ed=='yes': dd=desc else: dd=meta r=save_json_to_file({'json_file':fn, 'dict':dd, 'sort_keys':sk}) if r['return']>0: return r # Get OS r=get_os_ck({}) if r['return']>0: return r plat=r['platform'] x=cfg['external_editor'][plat].replace('$#filename#$', fn) os.system(x) # Load file r=load_json_file({'json_file':fn}) if r['return']>0: return r if ed=='yes': desc=r['dict'] else: meta=r['dict'] # Update entry to finish sync/indexing ii={'action':'update', 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'common_func':'yes', 'ignore_update':iu, 'dict':meta, 'desc':desc, 'substitute':'yes', 'sort_keys':sk, 'out':o} r=access(ii) # Delete tmp file if os.path.isfile(fn): os.remove(fn) return r
############################################################################## # Common action: delete CK entry or CK entries # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def rm(i): """CK action: delete CK entry or CK entries Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA (force) (str): if 'yes', force deleting without questions or (f) (str): to be compatible with rm -f (share) (str): if 'yes', try to remove via GIT (tags) (str): use these tags in format tags=x,y,z to prune rm or (search_string) (str); prune entries with expression *? Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ a=i.get('repo_uoa','') # Check if global writing is allowed r=check_writing({'repo_uoa':a, 'delete':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r o=i.get('out','') m=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if duoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'data UOA is not defined'} lst=[] tags=i.get('tags','') ss=i.get('search_string','') # Check wildcards if a.find('*')>=0 or a.find('?')>=0 or m.find('*')>=0 or m.find('?')>=0 or duoa.find('*')>=0 or duoa.find('?')>=0: if tags=='' and ss=='': r=list_data({'repo_uoa':a, 'module_uoa':m, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r else: r=search({'repo_uoa':a, 'module_uoa':m, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'tags':tags, 'search_string':ss}) if r['return']>0: return r lst=r['lst'] else: # Find path to data r=find_path_to_data({'repo_uoa':a, 'module_uoa':m, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r p=r['path'] ruoa=r.get('repo_uoa','') ruid=r.get('repo_uid','') muoa=r.get('module_uoa','') muid=r.get('module_uid','') duid=r.get('data_uid','') duoa=r.get('data_alias','') if duoa=='': duoa=duid uu={'path':p, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'repo_uid':ruid, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'module_uid':muid, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'data_uid': duid} lst.append(uu) force=i.get('force','') if force=='': force=i.get('f','') first=True for ll in lst: p=ll['path'] pm=os.path.split(p)[0] muid=ll['module_uid'] muoa=ll['module_uoa'] duid=ll['data_uid'] duoa=ll['data_uoa'] if duoa!=duid: dalias=duoa else: dalias='' # Get user-friendly CID x=muoa+':'+duoa if o=='con': # Try to check if has data name (useful for env) p2=os.path.join(p, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'], cfg['file_info']) if os.path.isfile(p2): r2=load_json_file({'json_file':p2}) if r2['return']==0: x2=r2['dict'].get('data_name','') if x2!='' and x2!=None: x='"'+x2+'"\n '+x xcuoa=x+' ('+muid+':'+duid+')' # Check repo/module writing ii={'module_uoa':m, 'repo_uoa':ll['repo_uoa'], 'repo_uid':ll['repo_uid']} r=check_writing(ii) if r['return']>0: return r rd=r.get('repo_dict',{}) rshared=rd.get('shared','') rsync=rd.get('sync','') # Check if there is a split of directories for this module in local config # to handle numerous entries (similar to MediaWiki) split_dirs=get_split_dir_number(rd, muid, muoa) if split_dirs!=0: pm=os.path.split(pm)[0] shr=i.get('share','') if shr=='yes': rshared='git' rsync='yes' # If interactive to_delete=True if o=='con' and force!='yes': r=inp({'text':'Are you sure to delete CK entry '+xcuoa+' ? (y/N): '}) c=r['string'].lower() if c!='y' and c!='yes': to_delete=False # If deleting if to_delete: # First remove alias if exists if dalias!='': # Delete alias r=delete_alias({'path':pm, 'data_alias':dalias, 'data_uid':duid, 'repo_dict':rd, 'share':shr}) if r['return']>0: return r if rshared!='': pp=os.path.split(p) pp0=pp[0] pp1=pp[1] ppp=os.getcwd() os.chdir(pp0) ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['rm'].replace('$#files#$', pp1) rx=os.system(ss) # Delete directory r={'return':0} if os.path.isdir(p): r=delete_directory({'path':p}) if rshared!='': os.chdir(ppp) if r['return']>0: return r # Check if need to delete index if cfg.get('use_indexing','')=='yes' and index_module(muid,ll['repo_uid']): path='/'+muid+'/'+duid+'/1' ri=access_index_server({'request':'DELETE', 'path':path}) if ri['return']>0: return ri if o=='con': out(' Entry '+xcuoa+' was successfully deleted!') return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Common action: delete CK entry or CK entries # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def remove(i): """CK action: delete CK entry or CK entries Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: See "rm" function Returns: See "rm" function """ return rm(i)
############################################################################## # Common action: delete CK entry or CK entries # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def delete(i): """CK action: delete CK entry or CK entries Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: See "rm" function Returns: See "rm" function """ return rm(i)
############################################################################## # Common action: rename CK entry # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def ren(i): """CK action: rename CK entry Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA new_data_uoa (str): new CK entry (data) alias or new_data_uid (str): new CK entryt (data) UID (leave empty to keep the old one) or xcids (list): take new CK entry UOA from xcids[0]['data_uoa'] (new_uid) (str): if 'yes', generate new UID (remove_alias) (str): if 'yes', remove alias (add_uid_to_alias) (str): if 'yes', add UID to alias (share) (str): if 'yes', try to remove the old entry via GIT and add the new one Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ # Check if global writing is allowed r=check_writing({'delete':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if muoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'module UOA is not defined'} if duoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'data UOA is not defined'} # Attempt to load original entry meta ii={'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa} if ruoa!='': ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa r=load(ii) if r['return']>0: return r rdd=r muid=r['module_uid'] pr=r['path_repo'] ddi=r['info'] duoa=r['data_uoa'] duid=r['data_uid'] dalias=r['data_alias'] change_data_name=(ddi.get('data_name','')==dalias) p=r['path'] pm=r['path_module'] p1=os.path.join(pm, cfg['subdir_ck_ext']) pn=p # Check if writing is allowed ruid=r['repo_uid'] ii={'module_uoa':muoa, 'module_uid':muid, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'repo_uid':ruid} r=check_writing(ii) if r['return']>0: return r rd=r.get('repo_dict',{}) rshared=rd.get('shared','') rsync=rd.get('sync','') shr=i.get('share','') if shr=='yes': rshared='git' rsync='yes' # Check if index -> delete old index if cfg.get('use_indexing','')=='yes' and index_module(muid,ruid): path='/'+muid+'/'+duid+'/1' ri=access_index_server({'request':'DELETE', 'path':path}) if ri['return']>0: return ri # Check new data UOA nduoa=i.get('new_data_uoa','') nduid=i.get('new_data_uid','') if nduid=='' and i.get('new_uid','')=='yes': rx=gen_uid({}) if rx['return']>0: return rx nduid=rx['data_uid'] xcids=i.get('xcids',[]) if len(xcids)>0: xcid=xcids[0] nduoa=xcid.get('data_uoa','') if i.get('remove_alias','')=='yes': nduoa=duid if nduoa=='': nduoa=duoa if cfg.get('allowed_entry_names','')!='': import re anames=cfg.get('allowed_entry_names','') if not re.match(anames, nduoa) or \ not re.match(anames, nduid): return {'return':1, 'error':'found disallowed characters in names (allowed: "'+anames+'")'} if cfg.get('force_lower','')=='yes': nduoa=nduoa.lower() nduid=nduid.lower() if nduid!=duid: # Check that new UID doesn't exist p2=os.path.join(p1, cfg['file_alias_u'] + nduid) if os.path.isfile(p2): return {'return':1, 'error':'new UID already exists'} # Check if adding UID to alias if i.get('add_uid_to_alias','')=='yes': x=nduid if x=='': x=duid nduoa+='-'+x if nduoa!=duoa: if not is_uoa(nduoa): return {'return':1, 'error':'alias has disallowed characters'} # Need to rename directory if os.path.isdir(nduoa): return {'return':1, 'error': 'new alias already exists'} # Check if there is a split of directories for this module in local config # to handle numerous entries (similar to MediaWiki) split_dirs=get_split_dir_number(rd, muid, muoa) if split_dirs!=0: sd1,sd2=split_name(nduoa, split_dirs) pm1=pm if sd2!='': # otherwise name is smaller than the split number pm1=os.path.join(pm, sd1) if not os.path.isdir(pm1): os.mkdir(pm1) pn=os.path.join(pm1, nduoa) else: pn=os.path.join(pm, nduoa) if rshared!='' and rsync=='yes': import shutil shutil.copytree(p,pn) ppp=os.getcwd() pp=os.path.split(pn) pp0=pp[0] pp1=pp[1] os.chdir(pp0) ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['add'].replace('$#files#$', pp1) rx=os.system(ss) pp=os.path.split(p) pp0=pp[0] pp1=pp[1] ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['rm'].replace('$#files#$', pp1) rx=os.system(ss) os.chdir(ppp) if os.path.isdir(p): shutil.rmtree(p, onerror=rm_read_only) else: os.rename(p, pn) if nduid!='' or change_data_name: # Change backup_data_uid in info file ppi=os.path.join(pn,cfg['subdir_ck_ext'],cfg['file_info']) if nduid!='': ddi['backup_data_uid']=nduid if change_data_name: ddi['data_name']=nduoa rx=save_json_to_file({'json_file':ppi, 'dict':ddi, 'sort_keys':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx if nduid=='': nduid=duid # Remove old alias disambiguator if not is_uid(duoa): r=delete_alias({'path':pm, 'data_uid':duid, 'data_alias':duoa, 'share':shr}) if r['return']>0: return r # Add new disambiguator, if needed if not is_uid(nduoa): if not os.path.isdir(p1): # Create .cm directory try: os.mkdir(p1) except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':format(e)} # Write UOA disambiguator p3=os.path.join(p1, cfg['file_alias_a'] + nduoa) ru=save_text_file({'text_file':p3, 'string':nduid+'\n'}) if ru['return']>0: return ru # Write UID disambiguator p2=os.path.join(p1, cfg['file_alias_u'] + nduid) ru=save_text_file({'text_file':p2, 'string':nduoa+'\n'}) if ru['return']>0: return ru if rshared!='' and rsync=='yes': ppp=os.getcwd() pp=os.path.split(p1) pp0=pp[0] pp1=pp[1] os.chdir(pp0) ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['add'].replace('$#files#$', pp1) rx=os.system(ss) os.chdir(ppp) # Check if index and add new if cfg.get('use_indexing','')=='yes' and index_module(muid,ruid): # Need to reload to get new dictionary with updated aliases/UIDs rdd=load({'repo_uoa':ruid, 'module_uoa':muid, 'data_uoa':nduid}) if rdd['return']>0: return rdd if is_uid(nduoa): nduid=nduoa path='/'+muid+'/'+nduid+'/1' ri=access_index_server({'request':'DELETE', 'path':path}) if ri['return']>0: return ri ri=access_index_server({'request':'PUT', 'path':path, 'dict':rdd}) if ri['return']>0: return ri if o=='con': out('Entry was successfully renamed!') return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Common action: rename CK entry # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def rename(i): """CK action: rename CK entry Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: See "ren" function Returns: See "ren" function """ return ren(i)
############################################################################## # Common action: copy or move CK entry # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def cp(i): """CK action: copy or move CK entry Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA xcids (list): use original name from xcids[0] and new name from xcids[1] ({'repo_uoa', 'module_uoa', 'data_uoa'}) or (new_repo_uoa) (str): new CK repo UOA (new_module_uoa) (str): new CK module UOA new_data_uoa (str): new CK data alias (new_data_uid) (str): new CK entry (data) UID (leave empty to generate the new one) (move) (str): if 'yes', remove the old entry (keep_old_uid) (str): if 'yes', keep the old UID (without_files) (str): if 'yes', do not move/copy files Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Output from the "add" function """ move=i.get('move','') # Check if global writing is allowed r=check_writing({}) if r['return']>0: return r import shutil o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if muoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'module UOA is not defined'} if duoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'data UOA is not defined'} # Attempt to load ii={'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa} if ruoa!='': ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa r=load(ii) if r['return']>0: return r rdd=r muid=r['module_uid'] duoa=r['data_uoa'] duid=r['data_uid'] p=r['path'] dd=r.get('dict',{}) di=r.get('info',{}) du=r.get('updates',{}) dx=r.get('desc',{}) if move!='yes': control=di.get('control',{}) control['version']=cfg['version'] rdt=get_current_date_time({}) control['iso_datetime']=rdt['iso_datetime'] di['control']=control # Check if writing is allowed ruid=r['repo_uid'] ii={'module_uoa':muoa, 'module_uid':r['module_uid'], 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'repo_uid':ruid} r=check_writing(ii) if r['return']>0: return r # Check new CID nruoa=i.get('new_repo_uoa','') nmuoa=i.get('new_module_uoa','') nduoa=i.get('new_data_uoa','') nduid=i.get('new_data_uid','') xcids=i.get('xcids',[]) if len(xcids)>0: xcid=xcids[0] nduoa=xcid.get('data_uoa','') if nduoa=='': nduoa=duoa x=xcid.get('module_uoa','') if x!='': nmuoa=x x=xcid.get('repo_uoa','') if x!='': nruoa=x if i.get('keep_old_uid','')=='yes': nduid=duid if nmuoa=='': nmuoa=muoa if nruoa=='': nruoa=ruoa if cfg.get('allowed_entry_names','')!='': import re anames=cfg.get('allowed_entry_names','') if not re.match(anames, nduoa) or \ not re.match(anames, nduid): return {'return':1, 'error':'found disallowed characters in names (allowed: "'+anames+'")'} if cfg.get('force_lower','')=='yes': nduoa=nduoa.lower() nduid=nduid.lower() nmuoa=nmuoa.lower() nruoa=nruoa.lower() # Adding new entry if nruoa==ruoa and nmuoa==muoa and nduid==duid: return {'return':1, 'error':'moving within the same directory - use "rename" instead'} # Check if writing is allowed to the new repo ii={'repo_uoa':nruoa} r=check_writing(ii) if r['return']>0: return r rd=r.get('repo_dict',{}) rshared=rd.get('shared','') rsync=rd.get('sync','') ii={'module_uoa':nmuoa, 'data_uoa': nduoa, 'dict':dd, 'info':di, 'updates':du, 'desc':dx, 'ignore_update':'yes'} if nduid!='': ii['data_uid']=nduid if nruoa!='': ii['repo_uoa']=nruoa r=add(ii) if r['return']>0: return r pn=r['path'] nmuid=r['module_uid'] # Recursively copying all files (except .cm) if i.get('without_files','')!='yes': rx=list_all_files({'path':p, 'all':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx for q in rx['list']: if q.startswith('.cm'): continue p1=os.path.join(p,q) pn1=os.path.join(pn,q) # Create if dir pn1d=os.path.dirname(pn1) if not os.path.isdir(pn1d): os.makedirs(pn1d) shutil.copy(p1,pn1) if rshared!='' and rsync=='yes': ppp=os.getcwd() pp=os.path.split(pn) pp0=pp[0] pp1=pp[1] os.chdir(pp0) ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['add'].replace('$#files#$', pp1) rx=os.system(ss) os.chdir(ppp) tt='copied' # If move, remove old one if move=='yes': tt='moved' ii={'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa': duoa} if ruoa!='': ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa rx=rm(ii) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Check if index and add new if cfg.get('use_indexing','')=='yes' and index_module(muid,ruid): if is_uid(nduoa): nduid=nduoa path='/'+nmuid+'/'+nduid+'/1' ri=access_index_server({'request':'DELETE', 'path':path}) if ri['return']>0: return ri if cfg.get('use_indexing','')=='yes' and index_module(muid,nruoa): ri=access_index_server({'request':'PUT', 'path':path, 'dict':rdd}) if ri['return']>0: return ri if o=='con': out('Entry '+muoa+':'+duoa+' was successfully '+tt+'!') return r
############################################################################## # Common action: copy or move CK entry # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def copy(i): """CK action: copy or move CK entry Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: See "cp" function Returns: See "cp" function """ return cp(i)
############################################################################## # Common action: move CK entry to another CK repository # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def mv(i): """CK action: move CK entry to another CK repository Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA xcids (list): use original name from xcids[0] and new name from xcids[1] ({'repo_uoa', 'module_uoa', 'data_uoa'}) or (new_repo_uoa) (str): new CK repo UOA (new_module_uoa) (str): new CK module UOA (new_data_uoa) (str): new CK data alias (new_data_uid) (str): new CK entry (data) UID (leave empty to generate the new one) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Output from the "copy" function """ # Check if global writing is allowed r=check_writing({'delete':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r # Check if wild cards ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') nduoa=i.get('new_data_uoa','') nduid=i.get('new_data_uid','') xcids=i.get('xcids',[]) if len(xcids)>0: xcid=xcids[0] nduoa=xcid.get('data_uoa','') if (duoa.find('*')>=0 or duoa.find('?')>=0) and nduoa=='' and nduid=='': r=list_data({'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r lst=r['lst'] else: lst=[{'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}] i['move']='yes' i['keep_old_uid']='yes' r={'return':0} for ll in lst: i['repo_uoa']=ll['repo_uoa'] i['module_uoa']=ll['module_uoa'] i['data_uoa']=ll['data_uoa'] r=copy(i) if r['return']>0: return r return r
############################################################################## # Common action: move CK entry to another CK repository # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def move(i): """CK action: move CK entry to another CK repository Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: See "mv" function Returns: See "mv" function """ return mv(i)
############################################################################## # delete file from the CK entry # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def delete_file(i): """Delete file from the CK entry Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA filename (str): filename to delete including relative path (force) (str): if 'yes', force deleting without questions Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ # Check if global writing is allowed r=check_writing({'delete':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') # Check file fn=i.get('filename','') if fn=='': x=i.get('cids',[]) if len(x)>0: fn=x[0] if fn=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'filename is empty'} if duoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'data UOA is not defined'} if fn=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'filename is not defined'} # Get info about entry r=load({'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r p=r['path'] ruoa=r['repo_uoa'] ruid=r['repo_uid'] # Check repo/module writing ii={'module_uoa':muoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'repo_uid':ruid} r=check_writing(ii) if r['return']>0: return r rd=r.get('repo_dict',{}) rshared=rd.get('shared','') rsync=rd.get('sync','') p1=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p, fn)) px=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'])) if p1.startswith(px): return {'return':1, 'error':'path points to the special directory with meta info'} if not p1.startswith(p): return {'return':1, 'error':'path is outside entry'} if not os.path.isfile(p1) and not os.path.isdir(p1): return {'return':1, 'error':'file or directory is not found'} p2=os.path.split(p1) px0=p2[0] px1=p2[1] if rshared!='': ppp=os.getcwd() os.chdir(px0) ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['rm'].replace('$#files#$', px1) rx=os.system(ss) if os.path.isfile(p1): os.remove(p1) if os.path.isdir(p1): import shutil shutil.rmtree(p1, onerror=rm_read_only) if rshared!='': os.chdir(ppp) return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Common action: list CK entries # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def list_data(i): """List CK entries Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA with wildcards (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA with wildcards (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA with wildcards (repo_uoa_list) (list): list of CK repos to search (module_uoa_list) (list): list of CK modules to search (data_uoa_list) (list): list of CK entries to search (filter_func) (str): name of the filter function to customize search (filter_func_addr) (obj): Python address of the filter function (add_if_date_before) (str): add only entries with date before this date (add_if_date_after) (str): add only entries with date after this date (add_if_date) (str): add only entries with this date (ignore_update) (str): if 'yes', do not add info about update (when updating in filter) (search_by_name) (str): search by name (search_dict) (dict): search if this dict is a part of the entry (ignore_case) (str): ignore string case when searching! (print_time) (str): if 'yes', print elapsed time at the end (do_not_add_to_lst) (str): if 'yes', do not add entries to lst (time_out) (float): in secs, default=30 (if -1, no timeout) (limit_size) (int): if >0, limit the number of returned entries (print_full) (str): if 'yes', show CID (repo_uoa:module_uoa:data_uoa) or (all) (str): the same as above (print_uid) (str): if 'yes', print UID in brackets (print_name) (str): if 'yes', print name (and add info to the list) or (name) (str): the same as above (add_info) (str): if 'yes', add info about entry to the list (add_meta) (str): if 'yes', add meta about entry to the list Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 lst (list): [{'repo_uoa', 'repo_uid', 'module_uoa', 'module_uid', 'data_uoa','data_uid', 'path' (,meta) (,info) ... }] elapsed_time (float): elapsed time in string (timed_out) (str): if 'yes', timed out or limited by size } """ import time start_time = time.time() xls=i.get('limit_size','') if xls=='': xls='0' ls=int(xls) ils=0 lst=[] o=i.get('out','') debug=(cfg.get('debug','').lower()=='yes' or cfg.get('debug','').lower()=='1') iu=i.get('ignore_update', '') prf=i.get('print_full','') if prf=='': prf=i.get('all','') iprf=(prf=='yes') prn=i.get('print_name','') if prn=='': prn=i.get('name','') iprn=(prn=='yes') ipru=(i.get('print_uid','')=='yes') # Add info about entry to the final list # (particularly when searching by special keywords, # such as name or date of creation iaf=(i.get('add_info','')=='yes') iam=(i.get('add_meta','')=='yes') aidb=i.get('add_if_date_before','') aida=i.get('add_if_date_after','') aid=i.get('add_if_date','') # Support ISO and human readable time aidb=aidb.strip().replace(' ','T') aida=aida.strip().replace(' ','T') aid=aid.strip().replace(' ','T') oaidb=None oaida=None oaid=None sn=i.get('search_by_name','') if aidb!='' or aida!='' or aid!='': import datetime if aidb!='': rx=convert_iso_time({'iso_datetime':aidb}) if rx['return']>0: return rx oaidb=rx['datetime_obj'] if aida!='': rx=convert_iso_time({'iso_datetime':aida}) if rx['return']>0: return rx oaida=rx['datetime_obj'] if aid!='': rx=convert_iso_time({'iso_datetime':aid}) if rx['return']>0: return rx oaid=rx['datetime_obj'] if oaidb!=None or oaida!=None or oaid!=None or sn!='': iaf=True dnatl=i.get('do_not_add_to_lst','') idnatl=False if dnatl=='yes': idnatl=True ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') muid=i.get('module_uid','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') lruoa=i.get('repo_uoa_list',[]) lmuoa=i.get('module_uoa_list',[]) lduoa=i.get('data_uoa_list',[]) # Check if need to force lower case for all entries if cfg.get('force_lower','')=='yes': ruoa=ruoa.lower() muoa=muoa.lower() muid=muid.lower() duoa=duoa.lower() lruoa=lower_list(lruoa) lmuoa=lower_list(lmuoa) lduoa=lower_list(lduoa) to=float(i.get('time_out','30')) elapsed_time=0 if duoa=='': duoa='*' if muoa=='' and muid=='': muoa='*' if ruoa=='': ruoa='*' sff=i.get('filter_func','') ff=i.get('filter_func_addr',None) if sff!='': ff=getattr(sys.modules[__name__], sff) if ff!=None: sd=i.get('search_dict',{}) ic=i.get('ignore_case','') ss=i.get('search_string','') if ic=='yes': ss=ss.lower() # Check if wild cards present (only repo or data) wr='' wm='' wd='' if ruoa.find('*')>=0 or ruoa.find('?')>=0: wr=ruoa if muoa.find('*')>=0 or muoa.find('?')>=0: wm=muoa if duoa.find('*')>=0 or duoa.find('?')>=0: wd=duoa if wr!='' or wm!='' or wd!='': import fnmatch zr={} fixed_repo=False if ruoa!='' and wr=='': # Try to load a given repository r=access({'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['repo_name'], 'data_uoa':ruoa, 'common_func':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r duid=r['data_uid'] zr[duid]=r fixed_repo=True else: # Prepare all repositories r=reload_repo_cache({}) # Ignore errors if r['return']>0: return r zr=cache_repo_info # Start iterating over repositories ir=0 iir=True zrk=list(zr.keys()) lr=len(zrk) finish=False while iir: skip=False repo_dict={} if fixed_repo: if ir>0: skip=True iir=False else: ruid=zrk[0] d=zr[ruid] dd=d.get('dict',{}) repo_dict=dd remote=dd.get('remote','') if remote=='yes': skip=True else: ruoa=d.get('data_uoa','') p=dd.get('path','') if ruid==cfg['repo_uid_default']: p=work.get('dir_default_repo','') elif ruid==cfg['repo_uid_local']: p=work.get('dir_local_repo','') elif ir==0: ruoa=cfg['repo_name_default'] ruid=cfg['repo_uid_default'] p=work.get('dir_default_repo','') elif ir==1: ruoa=cfg['repo_name_local'] ruid=cfg['repo_uid_local'] p=work.get('dir_local_repo','') if p=='': skip=True else: if ir<lr+2: ruid=zrk[ir-2] d=zr[ruid] dd=d.get('dict',{}) repo_dict=dd remote=dd.get('remote','') if remote=='yes': skip=True else: ruoa=d.get('data_uoa','') p=dd.get('path','') else: skip=True iir=False # Check if wild cards if not skip and p!='' and wr!='': if len(lruoa)>0 and (ruoa not in lruoa and ruid not in lruoa): skip=True elif wr=='*': pass elif is_uid(ruoa): skip=True # If have wildcards, but not alias elif not fnmatch.fnmatch(ruoa, wr): skip=True # Check if got proper path if not skip and p!='': # Prepare modules in the current directory xm=[] if muoa!='' and wm=='': xm.append(muoa) else: # Now iterate over modules inside a given path try: lm=os.listdir(p) except Exception as e: None else: for fn in lm: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(p,fn)) and fn not in cfg['special_directories']: xm.append(fn) # Iterate over modules for mu in xm: r=find_path_to_entry({'path':p, 'data_uoa':mu}) if r['return']==0: mp=r['path'] muid=r['data_uid'] muoa=r['data_uoa'] # Check if there is a split of directories for this module in local config # to handle numerous entries (similar to MediaWiki) split_dirs=get_split_dir_number(repo_dict, muid, muoa) mskip=False if wm!='': if len(lmuoa)>0 and (muoa not in lmuoa and muid not in lmuoa): mskip=True elif wm=='*': pass elif is_uid(muoa): mskip=True # If have wildcards, but not alias elif not fnmatch.fnmatch(muoa, wm): mskip=True if not mskip: # Prepare data in the current directory xd=[] if duoa!='' and wd=='': iii={'path':mp, 'data_uoa':duoa} if split_dirs!=0: iii['split_dirs']=split_dirs r=find_path_to_entry(iii) if r['return']==0: xd.append(duoa) else: # Now iterate over data inside a given path try: ld=os.listdir(mp) except Exception as e: None else: for fn in ld: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mp,fn)) and fn not in cfg['special_directories']: if split_dirs!=0: mp2=os.path.join(mp,fn) try: ld2=os.listdir(mp2) except Exception as e: None for fn in ld2: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mp2,fn)) and fn not in cfg['special_directories']: xd.append(fn) else: xd.append(fn) # Iterate over data if len(lduoa)>0: xd=lduoa for du in xd: iii={'path':mp, 'data_uoa':du} if split_dirs!=0: iii['split_dirs']=split_dirs r=find_path_to_entry(iii) if r['return']!=0: continue dp=r['path'] dpcfg=os.path.join(dp,cfg['subdir_ck_ext']) dpinfo=os.path.join(dp,cfg['subdir_ck_ext'],cfg['file_info']) dpmeta=os.path.join(dp,cfg['subdir_ck_ext'],cfg['file_meta']) tduid=r['data_uid'] tduoa=r['data_uoa'] if os.path.isdir(dpcfg): # Check if really CK data entry dskip=False if wd!='': if len(lduoa)>0 and (tduoa not in lduoa and tduid not in lduoa): dskip=True elif wd=='*': pass # elif is_uid(tduoa): # dskip=True # If have wildcards, but not alias elif not fnmatch.fnmatch(tduoa, wd): dskip=True if not dskip: # Iterate over data ll={'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'repo_uid':ruid, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'module_uid':muid, 'data_uoa':tduoa, 'data_uid':tduid, 'path':dp} # Need to load info? if iaf or iprn: if os.path.isfile(dpinfo): y=load_json_file({'json_file':dpinfo}) if y['return']>0: if not debug: continue return y ll['info']=y['dict'] # Need to load meta? if iam: if os.path.isfile(dpmeta): y=load_json_file({'json_file':dpmeta}) if y['return']>0: if not debug: continue return y ll['meta']=y['dict'] # Call filter fskip=False if ff!=None and ff!='': ll['out']=o ll['search_dict']=sd ll['search_string']=ss ll['ignore_case']=ic ll['ignore_update']=iu if oaidb!=None: ll['obj_date_before']=oaidb if oaida!=None: ll['obj_date_after']=oaida if oaid!=None: ll['obj_date']=oaid if sn!=None: ll['search_by_name']=sn rx=ff(ll) if rx['return']>0: if not debug: continue return rx if rx.get('skip','')=='yes': fskip=True # Append if not fskip: ils+=1 if not idnatl: lst.append(ll) if log_ck_entries: lce=cfg.get('log_ck_entries','') if lce!='': rl=save_text_file({'text_file':lce, 'string':'"action":"list", "repo_uoa":"'+ ll.get('repo_uoa','')+'", "repo_uid":"'+ ll.get('repo_uid','')+'", "module_uoa":"'+ ll.get('module_uoa','')+'", "module_uid":"'+ ll.get('module_uid','')+'", "data_uoa":"'+ ll.get('data_uoa','')+'", "data_uid":"'+ ll.get('data_uid','')+'"\n', 'append':'yes'}) if rl['return']>0: return rl if o=='con': x='' if iprf: x=ruoa+':'+muoa+':' if sys.version_info[0]<3: y=tduoa try: y=y.decode(sys.stdin.encoding) except Exception as e: try: y=y.decode('utf8') except Exception as e: pass x+=y else: x+=tduoa if ipru: x+=' ('+tduid+')' if iprn: name=ll.get('info',{}).get('data_name','') if name!='': x=name+' ('+x+')' out(x) # Check timeout elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time if to!=-1 and elapsed_time>to: finish=True break # Check size if ls>0 and ils==ls: finish=True break if finish: break if finish: break # Finish iteration over repositories ir+=1 if o=='con' and i.get('print_time','')=='yes': out('Elapsed time: '+str(elapsed_time)+' sec., number of entries: '+str(ils)) rr={'return':0, 'lst':lst, 'elapsed_time':str(elapsed_time)} if finish: rr['timed_out']='yes' return rr
############################################################################## # List data with search (internal)
[docs]def list_data2(i): o=i.get('out','') rr=list_data(i) lst=rr['lst'] if len(lst)==0 and cfg.get('download_missing_components','')=='yes': # Search on import copy oo='' if o=='con': oo=o muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') tags=i.get('download_tags','') # out('') # out(' WARNING: checking missing components "'+muoa+':'+duoa+'" at the CK portal ...') # Try to download missing action/module ry=download({'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'tags':tags, 'out':'con'}) if ry['return']>0: return ry # Restart local search rr=list_data(i) return rr
############################################################################## # Common action: search entries # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access ############################################################################## # Original search (internal)
[docs]def search2(i): o=i.get('out','') ss=i.get('search_string','') sd=i.get('search_dict',{}) ls=i.get('limit_size','5000') rr={'return':0} # Check tags tags=i.get('tags','') if tags!='': xtags=tags.split(',') xtags1=[] for q in xtags: xtags1.append(q.strip()) sd['tags']=xtags1 # Check if index if i.get('internal','')=='yes' or cfg.get('use_indexing','')!='yes' or (i.get('module_uoa','')!='' and not index_module(i['module_uoa'],i.get('repo_uoa',''))): if ss!='': i['filter_func']='search_string_filter' else: sfd=i.get('search_flat_dict',{}) if len(sfd)>0: r=restore_flattened_dict({'dict':sfd}) if r['return']>0: return r nd=r['dict'] sd.update(nd) del (i['search_flat_dict']) i['filter_func']='search_filter' i['search_dict']=sd pf=i.get('print_full','') if pf=='': pf='yes' i['print_full']=pf rr=list_data(i) else: import time start_time = time.time() b_add_meta=(i.get('add_meta','')=='yes') b_add_info=(i.get('add_info','')=='yes') # Check if using ElasticSearch via Python client eec=False if cfg.get('index_use_curl','')=='yes' or cfg.get('index_use_web','')=='yes': eec=True dss={} # Used with python ElasticSearch client ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') lruoa=i.get('repo_uoa_list',[]) lmuoa=i.get('module_uoa_list',[]) lduoa=i.get('data_uoa_list',[]) if ruoa!='': lruoa.append(ruoa) if muoa!='': lmuoa.append(muoa) if duoa!='': lduoa.append(duoa) if len(lruoa)>0: if ss!='': ss+=' AND ' ss+=' (' first=True for x in lruoa: if first: first=False else: ss+=' OR ' xx1='"' if x.find('*')>=0 or x.find('?')>=0: xx1='' ss+='(repo_uid:'+xx1+x+xx1+') OR (repo_uoa:'+xx1+x+xx1+')' ss+=')' if len(lmuoa)>0: if ss!='': ss+=' AND ' ss+='(' first=True for x in lmuoa: if first: first=False else: ss+=' OR ' xx1='"' if x.find('*')>=0 or x.find('?')>=0: xx1='' ss+='(module_uid:'+xx1+x+xx1+') OR (module_uoa:'+xx1+x+xx1+')' ss+=')' if len(lduoa)>0: if ss!='': ss+=' AND ' ss+='(' first=True for x in lduoa: if first: first=False else: ss+=' OR ' xx1='"' if x.find('*')>=0 or x.find('?')>=0: xx1='' ss+='(data_uid:'+xx1+x+xx1+') OR (data_uoa:'+xx1+x+xx1+')' ss+=')' # Check search keys first=True for u in sd: v=sd[u] if first: first=False if ss=='': ss+='(' else: ss+=' AND (' else: ss+=' AND ' if type(v)==list: first1=True for lk in v: if first1: first1=False else: ss+=' AND ' x=str(lk) xx1='"' if x.find('*')>=0 or x.find('?')>=0: xx1='' ss+=u+':'+xx1+x+xx1 else: x=str(v) xx1='"' if x.find('*')>=0 or x.find('?')>=0: xx1='' ss+=u+':'+xx1+x+xx1 # Check special parameters aidb=i.get('add_if_date_before','') aida=i.get('add_if_date_after','') aid=i.get('add_if_date','') # Support ISO and human readable time aidb=aidb.strip().replace(' ','T') aida=aida.strip().replace(' ','T') aid=aid.strip().replace(' ','T') sn=i.get('search_by_name','') if sn!='': if first: first=False if ss=='': ss+='(' else: ss+=' AND (' else: ss+=' AND ' xx1='"' if sn.find('*')>=0 or sn.find('?')>=0: xx1='' ss+='data_name:'+xx1+sn+xx1 if aidb!='' or aida!='' or aid!='': if first: first=False if ss=='': ss+='(' else: ss+=' AND (' else: ss+=' AND ' ss+='iso_datetime:' if aid!='': ss+='"'+aid+'"' else: ss+='[' if aida!='': ss+='"'+aida+'"' else: ss+='*' if aidb!='': ss+=' TO "'+aidb+'"' ss+='] ' # Finish query if not first: ss+=')' # Prepare ElasticSearch query try: import urllib.parse as ur except Exception as e: import urllib as ur path='/_search?' if ss!='': path+='q='+ur.quote_plus(ss.encode('utf-8')) if ls!='': path+='&size='+ls # dss={'query':{'filtered':{'filter':{'terms':sd}}}} dss={} if i.get('debug','')=='yes': out('Query string: '+ss) out('') ri=access_index_server({'request':'GET', 'path':path, 'dict':dss, 'original_string':ss, 'limit_size':ls, 'start_from':i.get('start_from','')}) if ri['return']>0: return ri dd=ri['dict'].get('hits',{}).get('hits',[]) lst=[] for qx in dd: q=qx.get('_source',{}) ruoa=q.get('repo_uoa','') ruid=q.get('repo_uid','') muoa=q.get('module_uoa','') muid=q.get('module_uid','') duoa=q.get('data_uoa','') duid=q.get('data_uid','') path=q.get('path','') to_add={'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'repo_uid':ruid, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'module_uid':muid, 'data_uoa':duoa, 'data_uid':duid, 'path':path} if b_add_meta: to_add['meta']=q.get('dict') if b_add_info: to_add['info']=q.get('dict') lst.append(to_add) if log_ck_entries: lce=cfg.get('log_ck_entries','') if lce!='': rl=save_text_file({'text_file':lce, 'string':'"action":"find", "repo_uoa":"'+ ruoa+'", "repo_uid":"'+ ruid+'", "module_uoa":"'+ muoa+'", "module_uid":"'+ muid+'", "data_uoa":"'+ duoa+'", "data_uid":"'+ duid+'"\n', 'append':'yes'}) if rl['return']>0: return rl if o=='con': x=ruoa+':'+muoa+':' if sys.version_info[0]<3: y=duoa try: y=y.decode(sys.stdin.encoding) except Exception as e: try: y=y.decode('utf8') except Exception as e: pass x+=y else: x+=duoa out(x) rr['lst']=lst rr['elapsed_time']=str(time.time() - start_time) if o=='con' and i.get('print_time','')=='yes': out('Elapsed time: '+rr['elapsed_time']+' sec., number of entries: '+str(len(lst))) return rr
############################################################################## # Search filter # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def search_filter(i): """Search filter Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: repo_uoa (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK entry (data) UOA path (str): path to the current entry (search_dict) (dict): check if this dict is a part of the entry meta description (ignore_case) (str): if 'yes', ignore case of letters Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 skip (str): if 'yes', skip this entry from search """ ic=i.get('ignore_case','') # Check special info info=i.get('info',{}) if len(info)!='': oaidb=i.get('obj_date_before', None) oaida=i.get('obj_date_after', None) oaid=i.get('obj_date', None) sn=i.get('search_by_name','') # Check dates if oaidb!=None or oaida!=None or oaid!=None: idt=info.get('control',{}).get('iso_datetime','') if idt!='': rx=convert_iso_time({'iso_datetime':idt}) if rx['return']>0: return rx oidt=rx['datetime_obj'] if oaidb!=None and oidt>oaidb: return {'return':0, 'skip':'yes'} if oaida!=None and oidt<oaida: return {'return':0, 'skip':'yes'} if oaid!=None and oidt!=oaid: return {'return':0, 'skip':'yes'} # Check if search by name if sn!='': ro=find_string_in_dict_or_list({'dict':{'string':info.get('data_name','')}, 'search_string':sn, 'ignore_case':ic}) if ro['return']>0: return ro if ro['found']!='yes': return {'return':0, 'skip':'yes'} # To be fast, load directly p=i['path'] skip='yes' sd=i.get('search_dict',{}) p1=os.path.join(p,cfg['subdir_ck_ext'],cfg['file_meta']) if not os.path.isfile(p1): p1=os.path.join(p,cfg['subdir_ck_ext'],cfg['file_meta_old']) if not os.path.isfile(p1): return {'return':0, 'skip':'yes'} r=load_json_file({'json_file':p1}) if r['return']>0: return r d=r['dict'] # Check directly rx=compare_dicts({'dict1':d, 'dict2':sd, 'ignore_case':ic}) if rx['return']>0: return rx equal=rx['equal'] if equal=='yes': skip='no' return {'return':0, 'skip':skip}
############################################################################## # Compare two dictionaries recursively # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def compare_dicts(i): """Compare two dictionaries recursively Target audience: end users Note that if dict1 and dict2 has lists, the results will be as follows: * dict1={"key":['a','b','c']} dict2={"key":['a','b']} EQUAL * dict1={"key":['a','b']} dict2={"key":['a','b','c']} NOT EQUAL Args: dict1 (dict): dictionary 1 dict2 (dict): dictionary 2 (ignore_case) (str): if 'yes', ignore case of letters Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 equal (str); if 'yes' then dictionaries are equal """ d1=i.get('dict1',{}) d2=i.get('dict2',{}) equal='yes' bic=False ic=i.get('ignore_case','') if ic=='yes': bic=True for q2 in d2: v2=d2[q2] if type(v2)==dict: if q2 not in d1: equal='no' break v1=d1[q2] rx=compare_dicts({'dict1':v1,'dict2':v2, 'ignore_case':ic}) if rx['return']>0: return rx equal=rx['equal'] if equal=='no': break elif type(v2)==list: # For now can check only values in list if q2 not in d1: equal='no' break v1=d1[q2] if type(v1)!=list: equal='no' break for m in v2: if m not in v1: equal='no' break if equal=='no': break else: if q2 not in d1: equal='no' break if equal=='no': break v1=d1[q2] if bic and type(v1)!=int and type(v1)!=float and type(v1)!=bool: v1=v1.lower() v2=v2.lower() if v2!=v1: equal='no' break return {'return':0, 'equal':equal}
############################################################################## # Compare two CK flat dictionaries # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def compare_flat_dicts(i): """Compare two CK flat dictionaries Target audience: end users Args: dict1 (dict): dictionary 1 dict2 (dict): dictionary 2 (ignore_case) (str): if 'yes', ignore case of letters (space_as_none) (str): if 'yes', consider "" as None (keys_to_ignore) (list): list of keys to ignore (can be wildcards) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 equal (str); if 'yes' then dictionaries are equal """ d1=i.get('dict1',{}) d2=i.get('dict2',{}) equal='yes' ic=False x=i.get('ignore_case','') if x=='yes': ic=True san=None x=i.get('space_as_none','') if x=='yes': san='' # Create common set of keys keys=list(d1.keys()) for q in d2: if q not in keys: keys.append(q) # If keys to ignore kti=i.get('keys_to_ignore',[]) if len(kti)>0: import fnmatch x=[] for q in keys: skip=False for k in kti: if fnmatch.fnmatch(q,k): skip=True if not skip: x.append(q) keys=x # Compare all keys for q in keys: v1=d1.get(q, san) v2=d2.get(q, san) if ic and type(v1)!=int and type(v1)!=float and type(v1)!=bool: v1=v1.lower() v2=v2.lower() if v1!=v2: equal='no' break return {'return':0, 'equal':equal}
############################################################################## # Find a string in a dict or list # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def find_string_in_dict_or_list(i): """Find a string in a dict or list Target audience: end users Args: dict (dict or list): dict or list to search (search_string) (str): search string (ignore_case) (str): if 'yes' then ignore case of letters Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 found (str): if 'yes', string found """ d=i.get('dict',{}) found='no' wc=False ss=i.get('search_string','') if ss.find('*')>=0 or ss.find('?')>=0: wc=True import fnmatch bic=False ic=i.get('ignore_case','') if ic=='yes': bic=True ss=ss.lower() for q in d: if type(d)==dict: v=d[q] elif type(d)==list: v=q else: v=str(q) if type(v)==dict or type(v)==list: rx=find_string_in_dict_or_list({'dict':v, 'search_string':ss, 'ignore_case':ic}) if rx['return']>0: return rx found=rx['found'] if found=='yes': break else: try: v=str(v) except Exception as e: pass if bic: v=v.lower() if (wc and fnmatch.fnmatch(v, ss)) or v==ss: found='yes' break return {'return':0, 'found':found}
############################################################################## # Search filter # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def search_string_filter(i): """Search filter Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: repo_uoa (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): CK module UOA data_uoa (str): CK data UOA path (str): path to the current CK entry (search_string) - search with expressions *? Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 skip (str): if 'yes' then skip this entry from search """ # To be fast, load directly p=i['path'] skip='yes' ss=i.get('search_string','') if ss=='': skip='no' else: ic=i.get('ignore_case','') p1=os.path.join(p,cfg['subdir_ck_ext'],cfg['file_meta']) if not os.path.isfile(p1): p1=os.path.join(p,cfg['subdir_ck_ext'],cfg['file_meta_old']) if not os.path.isfile(p1): return {'return':0, 'skip':'yes'} r=load_json_file({'json_file':p1}) if r['return']>0: return r d=r['dict'] # Check directly rx=find_string_in_dict_or_list({'dict':d, 'search_string':ss, 'ignore_case':ic}) if rx['return']>0: return rx found=rx['found'] if found=='yes': skip='no' return {'return':0, 'skip':skip}
############################################################################## # Access index server (usually ElasticSearch) # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def access_index_server(i): """Access index server (usually ElasticSearch) Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: request (str): request type ('PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'TEST' | 'GET') (path) (str): ES "path" with indexing info (dict) (dict): send this query as dict (limit_size) (int): limit queries using this number (if 'GET') (start_from) (int): start from a given entry in a query Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 dict (dict): dictionary from ElasticSearch with all entries """ request=i['request'] # Prepare URL host=cfg.get('index_host','') if host=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'index host is not defined in configuration'} url=host port=cfg.get('index_port','') if port!='': url+=':'+port path=i.get('path','') xpath=path.split('/') dd=i.get('dict',{}) ddo={} if cfg.get('index_use_curl','')=='yes': url+=path import tempfile fd1, fn1=tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tmp', prefix='ck-') os.close(fd1) os.remove(fn1) fd2, fn2=tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tmp', prefix='ck-') os.close(fd2) os.remove(fn2) r=save_json_to_file({'json_file':fn1, 'dict':dd}) if r['return']>0: return r cmd='curl -X'+request+' '+url+' -d @'+fn1+' -s -o '+fn2 os.system(cmd) # Read output if not os.path.isfile(fn2): return {'return':1, 'error':'problem accessing indexing server - maybe indexing server is down?'} r=load_json_file({'json_file':fn2}) if os.path.isfile(fn1): os.remove(fn1) if os.path.isfile(fn2): os.remove(fn2) if r['return']>0: return r ddo=r['dict'] elif cfg.get('index_use_web','')=='yes': url+=path try: import urllib.request as urllib2 except: import urllib2 try: from urllib.parse import urlencode except: from urllib import urlencode # Prepare post variables r=dumps_json({'dict':dd, 'skip_indent':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return r s=r['string'].encode('utf8') rq = urllib2.Request(url, s) if request=='DELETE': rq.get_method = lambda: request not_found=False try: f=urllib2.urlopen(rq) except urllib2.URLError as e: se=format(e) if request=='DELETE' and se.find('404')>0: not_found=True else: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem accessing indexing server ('+se+')'} if not not_found: try: f.close() except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t parse output during indexing ('+format(e)+')'} if sys.version_info[0]>2: s=s.decode('utf8') r=convert_json_str_to_dict({'str':s, 'skip_quote_replacement':'yes'}) if r['return']>0: return {'return':1, 'error':'can\'t parse output from index server ('+r['error']+')'} ddo=r['dict'] else: # Check that elastic search client is installed found_elasticsearch=True try: import elasticsearch except Exception as e: found_elasticsearch=False pass if not found_elasticsearch: return {'return':1, 'error':'Python elasticsearch client library was not found; try to install it via "pip install elasticsearch"'} # Init ElasticSearch try: es=elasticsearch.Elasticsearch([url]) except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem initializing ElasticSearch ('+format(e)+')'} es_index='ck' es_doc_type='_doc' # Check commands if request=='TEST': # Normally we already connected fine above ddo['health'] ddo['status']=200 else: es_id='' if len(xpath)>1: es_id+=xpath[1] if len(xpath)>2: es_id+='_'+xpath[2] if request=='GET': lsize=i.get('limit_size','') if lsize!='' and lsize!=None: lsize=int(lsize) else: lsize=1000 start_from=i.get('start_from','') if start_from!='' and start_from!=None: start_from=int(start_from) else: start_from=0 s=i.get('original_string','') try: ddo ="ck", body={"query": { "query_string":{ "query":s, "analyze_wildcard":True } }, "from":start_from, "size":lsize}) except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException as e: se=format(e) return {'return':33, 'error':'problem 33 accessing indexing server ('+se+')'} elif request=='DELETE': if path=='/_all': try: ddo=es.indices.delete(index=es_index, ignore=[400, 404]) except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException as e: se=format(e) return {'return':2, 'error':'problem 2 accessing indexing server ('+se+')'} else: exists=True try: ddo=es.get(index=es_index, doc_type=es_doc_type, id=es_id) except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException as e:'status',0) if es_status==404 or'found')==False: exists=False if exists: try: ddo=es.delete(index=es_index, doc_type=es_doc_type, id=es_id) except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException as e: se=format(e) return {'return':3, 'error':'problem 3 accessing indexing server ('+se+')'} elif request=='PUT': try: ddo=es.index(index=es_index, doc_type=es_doc_type, id=es_id, body=dd) except elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException as e: se=format(e) return {'return':4, 'error':'problem 4 accessing indexing server ('+se+')'} return {'return':0, 'dict':ddo}
############################################################################## # Add a new action to the given CK module # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def add_action(i): """Add a new action to the given CK module Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): must be "module" data_uoa (str): UOA of the module for the new action func (str): action name (desc) (str): action description (for_web) (str): if 'yes', make it compatible with the CK web API, i.e. allow an access to this function in the CK server (skip_appending_dummy_code) (str): if 'yes', do not append code Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Output from the 'update' function for the given CK module """ # Check if global writing is allowed r=check_writing({}) if r['return']>0: return r o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') func=i.get('func','').strip() desc=i.get('desc','') fweb=i.get('for_web','') if muoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'module UOA is not defined'} if duoa!='': muoa=duoa duoa='' # Find path to module ii={'module_uoa':cfg['module_name'], 'data_uoa':muoa} if ruoa!='': ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa r=load(ii) if r['return']>0: return r pp=r['path'] dd=r['dict'] actions=dd.get('actions',{}) actions_redirect=dd.get('actions_redirect',{}) # Check func and desc if o=='con': if func=='': r=inp({'text':'Add action function (or Enter to stop): '}) func=r['string'] if func!='': # if fweb=='': # r1=inp({'text':'Support web (y/N): '}) # fweb=r1['string'].lower() # if fweb=='y' or fweb=='yes': fweb='yes' # else: fweb='' if desc=='': r1=inp({'text':'Add action description: '}) desc=r1['string'] # Check if empty if func=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'action (function) is not defined'} if len(func)>0 and func[0].isdigit(): return {'return':1, 'error':'action name should not start from a number'} if cfg.get('allowed_action_names','')!='': import re anames=cfg.get('allowed_action_names','') if not re.match(anames, func): return {'return':1, 'error':'found disallowed characters in the action name (allowed: "'+anames+'")'} if func=='init': func1='new_'+func if func1 in actions: return {'return':1, 'error':'action (function) "'+func1+'" already exists in the module'} actions_redirect[func]=func1 if func in actions: return {'return':1, 'error':'action (function) already exists in the module'} for x in actions_redirect: if actions_redirect[x]==func: return {'return':1, 'error':'redirected action (function) already exists in the module'} if '-' in func: func1=func.replace('-','_') actions_redirect[func]=func1 # Adding actions actions[func]={} if desc!='': actions[func]['desc']=desc if fweb!='': actions[func]['for_web']=fweb dd['actions']=actions dd['actions_redirect']=actions_redirect if i.get('skip_appending_dummy_code','')!='yes': ii={'module_uoa':cfg['module_name'], 'data_uoa':cfg['module_name']} r=load(ii) if r['return']>0: return r px=r['path'] pd=r['dict'] pma=os.path.join(px, pd['dummy_module_action']) # Load module action dummy r=load_text_file({'text_file':pma}) if r['return']>0: return r spma=r['string'] # Load current module pmx=os.path.join(pp, cfg['module_full_code_name']) r=load_text_file({'text_file':pmx}) if r['return']>0: return r spm=r['string'] # Update if func in actions_redirect: func=actions_redirect[func] spm+='\n'+spma.replace('$#action#$', func).replace('$#desc#$',desc) # Write current module rx=save_text_file({'text_file':pmx, 'string':spm}) if rx['return']>0: return rx # Update data entry if o=='con': out('') ii={'module_uoa':cfg['module_name'], 'data_uoa':muoa, 'dict':dd, 'out':o, 'sort_keys':'yes'} if ruoa!='': ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa r=update(ii) if r['return']>0: return r return r
############################################################################## # Remove an action from the given module # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def remove_action(i): """Remove an action from the given module Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): must be "module" data_uoa (str): UOA of the module for the new action func (str): action name Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Output from the 'update' function for the given CK module """ # Check if global writing is allowed r=check_writing({}) if r['return']>0: return r o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') func=i.get('func','') if muoa=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'module UOA is not defined'} if duoa!='': muoa=duoa duoa='' # Find path to module ii={'module_uoa':cfg['module_name'], 'data_uoa':muoa} if ruoa!='': ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa r=load(ii) if r['return']>0: return r pp=r['path'] dd=r['dict'] actions=dd.get('actions',{}) # Check func and desc if o=='con': if func=='': r=inp({'text':'Enter function to be removed (or Enter to quit) - note that we remove only reference to this function from the module meta: '}) func=r['string'] # Check if empty if func=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'action (function) is not defined'} if func not in actions: return {'return':1, 'error':'action (function) is not found in the module'} del (actions[func]) dd['actions']=actions # Update data entry if o=='con': out('') ii={'module_uoa':cfg['module_name'], 'data_uoa':muoa, 'dict':dd, 'substitute':'yes', 'sort_keys':'yes', 'out':o} if ruoa!='': ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa r=update(ii) if r['return']>0: return r if o=='con': out('') out('Reference to the function "'+func+'" was removed from module meta. Function body was not removed from the python code') return r
############################################################################## # List actions in the given CK module # # TARGET: should use via ck.kernel.access
[docs]def list_actions(i): """List actions in the given CK module Target audience: should use via ck.kernel.access Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): must be "module" data_uoa (str): UOA of the module for the new action Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 actions (dict): dict with actions in the given CK module """ o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if muoa!='': if duoa!='': muoa=duoa duoa='' # Find path to module 'module' to get dummies ii={'action':'load', 'module_uoa':cfg['module_name'], 'data_uoa':muoa, 'common_func':'yes'} if ruoa!='': ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa r=access(ii) if r['return']>0: return r dd=r['dict'] actions=dd.get('actions',{}) else: actions=cfg['actions'] # If console, print actions if o=='con': for q in sorted(actions.keys()): s=q desc=actions[q].get('desc','') if desc!='': s+=' - '+desc out(s) return {'return':0, 'actions':actions}
############################################################################## # Pull CK entries from the CK server # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def pull(i): """Pull CK entries from the CK server Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): must be "module" data_uoa (str): UOA of the module for the new action (filename) (str): filename (with path) (if empty, set archive to 'yes'). If empty, create an archive of the entry or (cid[0]) (str): (archive) (str): if 'yes' pull whole entry as zip archive using filename or (all) (str): if 'yes' and archive, add even special directories (.cm, .svn, .git, etc) (out) (str): if 'json' or 'json_file', encode file and return in r (skip_writing) (str): if 'yes', do not write file (not archive) to current directory (pattern) (str): return only files with this pattern (patterns) (str): multiple patterns (useful to pack mutiple points in experiments) (encode_file) (str): if 'yes', encode file (skip_tmp) (str): if 'yes', skip tmp files and directories Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 actions (dict): dict with actions in the given CK module (file_content_base64) (str): if i['to_json']=='yes', encoded file (filename) (str): filename to record locally """ o=i.get('out','') tj=False if o=='json' or o=='json_file' or i.get('encode_file','')=='yes': tj=True st=i.get('skip_tmp','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') pat=i.get('pattern','') pats=i.get('patterns',[]) if pat!='': pats.append(pat) fn=i.get('filename','') if fn=='': x=i.get('cids',[]) if len(x)>0: fn=x[0] # Attempt to load data (to find path, etc) r=load({'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r p=r['path'] muoa=r['module_uoa'] duoa=r['data_uoa'] dd=r['dict'] # How output sw=i.get('skip_writing','') # Prepare output rr={'return':0} # Check what to pull pfn='' if fn=='': i['archive']='yes' delete_file='' if i.get('archive','')!='yes': # Get file pfn=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p,fn)) # Check that file is not getting outside paths ... if not pfn.startswith(p): return {'return':1, 'error':'path of file is outside entry'} if not os.path.isfile(pfn): return {'return':1, 'error':'file not found'} if not tj and sw!='yes': # Copy file to current directory if os.path.isfile(fn): return {'return':1, 'error':'file already exists in the current directory'} # Copy file import shutil shutil.copyfile(pfn,fn) py=os.path.split(fn) rr['filename']=py[1] else: # Prepare archive name if fn!='': # Check that file is not getting outside paths ... fn=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),fn)) if not pfn.startswith(os.getcwd()): return {'return':1, 'error':'archive filename should not have path'} else: if tj: # Generate tmp file import tempfile fd, fn=tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tmp', prefix='ck-') # suffix is important - CK will delete such file! os.close(fd) os.remove(fn) delete_file=fn else: fn=cfg['default_archive_name'] pfn=fn if os.path.isfile(pfn): return {'return':1, 'error':'archive file already exists in the current directory'} # Prepare archive import zipfile zip_method=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED gaf=i.get('all','') fl={} if len(pats)>0: for q in pats: r=list_all_files({'path':p, 'all':gaf, 'pattern':q}) if r['return']>0: return r flx=r['list'] for k in flx: fl[k]=flx[k] else: r=list_all_files({'path':p, 'all':gaf}) if r['return']>0: return r fl=r['list'] # Write archive try: f=open(pfn, 'wb') z=zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'w', zip_method) for fn in fl: if st!='yes' or not fn.startswith('tmp'): p1=os.path.join(p, fn) z.write(p1, fn, zip_method) z.close() f.close() except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'failed to prepare archive ('+format(e)+')'} # If add to JSON if tj: r=convert_file_to_upload_string({'filename':pfn}) if r['return']>0: return r rr['file_content_base64']=r['file_content_base64'] if delete_file!='': os.remove(delete_file) return rr
############################################################################## # Push CK entry to the CK server # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def push(i): """Push CK entry to the CK server Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA module_uoa (str): must be "module" data_uoa (str): UOA of the module for the new action (filename) (str): filename (with path) (if empty, set archive to 'yes'). If empty, create an archive of the entry or (cid[0]) (str): (extra_path) (str): extra path inside entry (create if doesn't exist) (file_content_base64) (str): if !='', take its content and record into filename (archive) (str): if 'yes' push to entry and unzip ... (overwrite) (str); if 'yes', overwrite files Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ # Check if global writing is allowed r=check_writing({}) if r['return']>0: return r o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') # Check file fn=i.get('filename','') if fn=='': x=i.get('cids',[]) if len(x)>0: fn=x[0] if fn=='': return {'return':1, 'error':'filename is empty'} fcb=False if 'file_content_base64' in i: import base64 bin=base64.urlsafe_b64decode(i['file_content_base64'].encode('utf8')) # convert from unicode to str since base64 works on strings # should be safe in Python 2.x and 3.x fcb=True else: if not os.path.isfile(fn): return {'return':1, 'error':'file '+fn+' not found'} # Attempt to load data (to find path, etc) rx=load({'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if rx['return']>0: return rx p=rx['path'] muoa=rx['module_uoa'] duoa=rx['data_uoa'] dd=rx['dict'] px=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p, cfg['subdir_ck_ext'])) ruoa=rx['repo_uoa'] ruid=rx['repo_uid'] # Check repo/module writing ii={'module_uoa':muoa, 'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'repo_uid':ruid} r=check_writing(ii) if r['return']>0: return r rd=r.get('repo_dict',{}) rshared=rd.get('shared','') rsync=rd.get('sync','') # Prepare path p1=i.get('extra_path','') if p1!='': p2=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p,p1)) if not p2.startswith(p): return {'return':1,'error':'extra path is outside entry'} p=p2 # Create missing dirs if not os.path.isdir(p): os.makedirs(p) overwrite=i.get('overwrite','') # Copy or record file p3=os.path.normpath(os.path.join(p, fn)) if not p3.startswith(p3): return {'return':1,'error':'extra path is outside entry'} if p3.startswith(px): return {'return':1, 'error':'path points to the special directory with meta info'} if os.path.isfile(p3) and overwrite!='yes': return {'return':1,'error':'file already exists in the entry'} if fcb: try: f=open(p3, 'wb') f.write(bin) f.close() except Exception as e: return {'return':1, 'error':'problem writing text file='+p3+' ('+format(e)+')'} else: import shutil shutil.copyfile(fn, p3) # Process if archive y='' if i.get('archive','')=='yes': rx=unzip_file({'archive_file':p3, 'path':p, 'overwrite':overwrite, 'delete_after_unzip':'yes'}) if rx['return']>0: return rx y='and unziped ' if rshared!='': ppp=os.getcwd() pp=os.path.split(p) pp0=pp[0] pp1=pp[1] os.chdir(pp0) ss=cfg['repo_types'][rshared]['add'].replace('$#files#$', pp1) rx=os.system(ss) os.chdir(ppp) if o=='con': out('File was pushed '+y+'successfully!') return {'return':0}
############################################################################## # Unizip archive file to a given path # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def unzip_file(i): """Unizip archive file to a given path Target audience: end users Args: archive_file (str): full path to a zip file (path) (str): path where to unzip (use current path if empty) (overwrite) (str): if 'yes', overwrite existing files (delete_after_unzip) (str); if 'yes', delete original zip file after unzipping Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 skipped (list): list of files that were not overwritten """ import zipfile p=i.get('path','') if p=='': p=os.getcwd() p3=i['archive_file'] overwrite=i.get('overwrite','') dau=i.get('delete_after_unzip','') s=[] f=open(p3,'rb') z=zipfile.ZipFile(f) for d in z.namelist(): if not d.startswith('.') and not d.startswith('/') and not d.startswith('\\'): pp=os.path.join(p,d) if d.endswith('/'): # create directory if not os.path.exists(pp): os.makedirs(pp) else: ppd=os.path.dirname(pp) if not os.path.exists(ppd): os.makedirs(ppd) # extract file if os.path.isfile(pp) and overwrite!='yes': s.append(d) else: fo=open(pp, 'wb') fo.write( fo.close() f.close() if dau=='yes': os.remove(p3) return {'return':0, 'skipped':s}
############################################################################## # List files in a given CK entry # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def list_files(i): """List files in a given CK entry Target audience: end users Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA (data_uoa): CK entry (data) UOA See other keys for the "list_all_files" function Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Output from the "list_al_files" function """ o=i.get('out','') ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') # Get info about entry r=load({'repo_uoa':ruoa, 'module_uoa':muoa, 'data_uoa':duoa}) if r['return']>0: return r p=r['path'] # Get files ii={'path':p} if i.get('limit','')!='': ii['limit']=i['limit'] if i.get('number','')!='': ii['number']=i['number'] if i.get('all','')!='': ii['all']=i['all'] r=list_all_files(ii) if r['return']>0: return r if o=='con': for q in r.get('list',[]): out(q) return r
############################################################################## # Internal function to convert old Collective Mind entries # to the CK entries # # TARGET: internal
[docs]def convert_cm_to_ck(i): # pragma: no cover """List files in a given CK entry Target audience: internal Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA with wild cards (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA with wild cards (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA with wild cards (print_full) (str): if 'yes', show CID (repo_uoa:module_uoa:data_uoa) (print_time) (str): if 'yes'. print elapse time at the end (ignore_update) (str): if 'yes', do not add info about update (time_out) (float): time out in sec. (default -1, i.e. no timeout) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ import sys o=i.get('out','') # Check wildcards lst=[] to=i.get('time_out','') if to=='': to='-1' ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if ruoa=='': ruoa='*' if muoa=='': muoa='*' if duoa=='': duoa='*' pf=i.get('print_full','') if pf=='': pf='yes' ii={} ii['out']=o ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa ii['module_uoa']=muoa ii['data_uoa']=duoa ii['filter_func_addr']=getattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'filter_convert_cm_to_ck') ii['do_not_add_to_lst']='yes' ii['print_time']=i.get('print_time','') ii['print_time']=i.get('print_time','') ii['print_full']=pf ii['time_out']=to ii['ignore_update']=i.get('ignore_update','') return list_data(ii)
############################################################################## # convet cm to ck filter # # TARGET: internal use
[docs]def filter_convert_cm_to_ck(i): # pragma: no cover o=i.get('out','') i['out']='' rx=load(i) i['out']=o if rx['return']>0: return rx ruid=rx['repo_uid'] muid=rx['module_uid'] duid=rx['data_uid'] d=rx['dict'] info=rx.get('info',{}) # Converting if 'cm_access_control' in d: if 'cm_outdated' not in info: info['cm_outdated']={} info['cm_outdated']['cm_access_control']=d['cm_access_control'] del (d['cm_access_control']) if 'cm_display_as_alias' in d: info['data_name']=d['cm_display_as_alias'] del(d['cm_display_as_alias']) if 'powered_by' in d: if 'cm_outdated' not in info: info['cm_outdated']={} info['cm_outdated']['powered_by']=d['powered_by'] del(d['powered_by']) if 'cm_description' in d: info['description']=d['cm_description'] del(d['cm_description']) if 'cm_updated' in d: dcu=d['cm_updated'][0] cidate=dcu.get('cm_iso_datetime','') cuoa=dcu.get('cm_user_uoa','') if 'control' not in info: info['control']={} if cidate!='': info['control']['iso_datetime']=cidate if cuoa!='': info['control']['author_uoa']=cuoa info['control']['engine']='CM' info['control']['version']=[] del(d['cm_updated']) if 'version' in info: del(info['version']) # Saving ii={'action':'update', 'repo_uoa':ruid, 'module_uoa':muid, 'data_uoa':duid, 'substitute':'yes', 'dict':d, 'info':info, 'ignore_update':i.get('ignore_update','') } rx=update(ii) return rx
############################################################################## # Index CK entries using ElasticSearch or similar tools # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def add_index(i): """Index CK entries using ElasticSearch or similar tools Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA with wild cards (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA with wild cards (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA with wild cards (print_full) (str): if 'yes', show CID (repo_uoa:module_uoa:data_uoa) (print_time) (str): if 'yes'. print elapse time at the end (time_out) (float): time out in sec. (default -1, i.e. no timeout) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ import sys o=i.get('out','') # Check wildcards lst=[] to=i.get('time_out','') if to=='': to='-1' ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if ruoa=='': ruoa='*' if muoa=='': muoa='*' if duoa=='': duoa='*' pf=i.get('print_full','') if pf=='': pf='yes' ii={} ii['out']=o ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa ii['module_uoa']=muoa ii['data_uoa']=duoa ii['filter_func_addr']=getattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'filter_add_index') ii['do_not_add_to_lst']='yes' ii['print_time']=i.get('print_time','') ii['print_full']=pf ii['time_out']=to return list_data(ii)
############################################################################## # Zip CK entries # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def zip(i): """Zip CK entries Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA with wild cards (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA with wild cards (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA with wild cards (archive_path) (str): if '' create inside repo path (archive_name) (str): if !='' use it for zip name (auto_name) (str): if 'yes', generate name name from data_uoa: ckr-<repo_uoa>.zip (bittorent) (str): if 'yes', generate zip name for BitTorrent: ckr-<repo_uid> (overwrite) (str): if 'yes', overwrite zip file (store) (str): if 'yes', store files instead of packing Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ if i.get('data_uoa','')!='': del(i['data_uoa']) ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') if ruoa!='': if ruoa.find('*')<0 and ruoa.find('?')<0: i['data_uoa']=ruoa else: del(i['repo_uoa']) i['module_uoa']=cfg['module_repo_name'] i['data']=i.get('cid','') if i.get('cid','')!='': del(i['cid']) return access(i)
############################################################################## # Add index filter # # TARGET: internal
[docs]def filter_add_index(i): o=i.get('out','') i['out']='' rx=load(i) i['out']=o if rx['return']>0: return rx muid=rx['module_uid'] duid=rx['data_uid'] path='/'+muid+'/'+duid+'/1' r=access_index_server({'request':'DELETE', 'path':path}) if r['return']>0: return r r=access_index_server({'request':'PUT', 'path':path, 'dict':rx}) return r
############################################################################## # Delete index for a given CK entry in the ElasticSearch or a similar services # # TARGET: CK kernel and low-level developers
[docs]def delete_index(i): """Delete index for a given CK entry in the ElasticSearch or a similar services Target audience: CK kernel and low-level developers Args: (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA with wild cards (module_uoa) (str): CK module UOA with wild cards (data_uoa) (str): CK entry (data) UOA with wild cards (print_time) (str): if 'yes'. print elapse time at the end (time_out) (float): in sec. (default -1, i.e. no timeout) Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 """ import sys o=i.get('out','') # Check wildcards lst=[] ruoa=i.get('repo_uoa','') muoa=i.get('module_uoa','') duoa=i.get('data_uoa','') if ruoa=='': ruoa='*' if muoa=='': muoa='*' if duoa=='': duoa='*' ii={} ii['out']=o ii['repo_uoa']=ruoa ii['module_uoa']=muoa ii['data_uoa']=duoa ii['filter_func_addr']=getattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'filter_delete_index') ii['do_not_add_to_lst']='yes' return list_data(ii)
############################################################################## # Delete index filter # # TARGET: internal
[docs]def filter_delete_index(i): o=i.get('out','') i['out']='' r=load(i) i['out']=o if r['return']>0: return r muid=r['module_uid'] duid=r['data_uid'] path='/'+muid+'/'+duid+'/1' return access_index_server({'request':'DELETE', 'path':path})
############################################################################## # Remove files and dirs even if read only # # TARGET: internal use
[docs]def rm_read_only(f,p,e): import os import stat import errno ex=e[1] os.chmod(p,stat.S_IRWXU|stat.S_IRWXG|stat.S_IRWXO) f(p) return
############################################################################ # Universal access to all CK actions with unified I/O as dictionaries # # TARGET: end users
[docs]def access(i): """Universal access to all CK actions with unified I/O as dictionaries Target audience: end users NOTE: If input is a string and it will be converted to the dictionary as follows (the same as CK command line): key1=value1 -> converted to {key1:value1} -key10 -> converted to {key10:"yes"} -key11=value11 -> converted to {key11:value11} --key12 -> converted to {key12:"yes"} --key13=value13 -> converted to {key13:value13} @file_json -> JSON from this file will be merged with INPUT @@ -> CK will ask user ot enter manually JSON from console and merge with INPUT @@key -> Enter JSON manually from console and merge with INPUT under this key @@@cmd_json -> convert string to JSON (special format) and merge with INPUT -- xyz -> add everything after -- to "unparsed_cmd" key in INPUT When string is converted to INPUT dictionary, "cmd" variable is set to True Args: Unified input as dictionary or string (converted to dict) action (str): automation action module_uoa (str): CK module UOA for the automation action or (cid1) (str): if doesn't have = and doesn't start from -- or - or @ -> appended to cids[] (cid2) (str): if doesn't have = and doesn't start from -- or - or @ -> appended to cids[] (cid3) (str): if doesn't have = and doesn't start from -- or - or @ -> appended to cids[] (repo_uoa) (str): CK repo UOA if action is applied to some CK entry (data_uoa) (str): CK entry name(s) (out) (str): output for a given action - if '', none - if 'con', console interaction (if from CMD, default) - if 'json', print return dict as json to console - if 'json_with_sep', separation line and return dict as json to console - if 'json_file', save return dict to JSON file (out_file) (str): Name of the file to save return dict if 'out'=='json_file' (con_encoding) (str): force encoding for I/O (ck_profile) (str): if 'yes', profile CK Keys for a given CK automation action Returns: (dict): Unified CK dictionary: return (int): return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) (str): error text if return > 0 Output from the given CK automation action """ global con_encoding # # Set fresh configuration for each access - very costly # if cfg.get('loading_config','') == '': # cfg['loading_config'] = 'yes' # r=access({'action':'load', # 'repo_uoa':cfg['repo_name_default'], # 'module_uoa':cfg['subdir_kernel'], # 'data_uoa':cfg['subdir_kernel_default']}) # if r['return']==0: # cfg.update(r['dict']) # # r=access({'action':'load', # 'repo_uoa':cfg['repo_name_local'], # 'module_uoa':cfg['subdir_kernel'], # 'data_uoa':cfg['subdir_kernel_default']}) # if r['return']==0: # cfg.update(r['dict']) # cfg['loading_config'] = '' rr={'return':0} ii={} cmd=False o='' ### If input is string, split into list and process in the next condition if type(i)==str: cmd=True x=i.split(' ') i=x ### If input is a list if type(i)==list: if len(i)==1 and i[0].strip()=='test_install': return rr # installation test cmd=True rr=convert_ck_list_to_dict(i) if rr['return']==0: i=rr.get('ck_dict',{}) if i.get('out','')=='': i['out']='con' # Default output is console # if called from CMD or with string o='' if rr['return']==0: # Check output mode o=i.get('out','') ### If profile cp=i.get('ck_profile','') if cp=='yes': import time start_time = time.time() ### Process request ###################################### if i.get('con_encoding','')!='': con_encoding=i['con_encoding'] ### Process action ################################### rr=init({}) if rr['return']==0: # Run module with a given action rr=perform_action(i) if rr.get('out','')!='': o=rr['out'] if cp=='yes': elapsed_time=time.time()-start_time rr['ck_profile_time']=elapsed_time if o=='con': out('CK profile time: '+str(elapsed_time)+' sec.') # Finalize call (check output) #################################### if o=='json' or o=='json_with_sep': if o=='json_with_sep': out(cfg['json_sep']) rr1=dumps_json({'dict':rr}) if rr1['return']==0: s=rr1['string'] out(s) elif o=='json_file': fn=i.get('out_file','') if fn=='': rr['return']=1 rr['error']='out==json_file but out_file is not defined in kernel access function' else: rr1=save_json_to_file({'json_file':fn, 'dict':rr}) if rr1['return']>0: rr['return']=1 rr['error']=rr1['error'] # If error and CMD, output error to console if cmd: if rr['return']>0: x='' if type(i)==dict: x=i.get('module_uoa','') if x!='': x='['+x+'] ' #FGG added this to fix temporal error with ElasticSearch indexing when index is empty out(str(cfg['error'])+x+str(rr['error'])+'!') return rr
############################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": r=access(sys.argv[1:]) if 'return' not in r: raise Exception('CK access function should always return key \'return\'!') exit(int(r['return']))